Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 635: At least a psychological preparation, isn't it?

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Pokémon ◎ *’, ‘Pokémon’, ‘Love on the Rain Way’!

Because of Rebel's intrusion, eventually Noah naturally did nothing.

Afterwards, Noah found out that Rebel had found the classroom that Jenova had "abducted" into the old school building and pulled Irina together, almost making a big deal out of Noah, solely because Rebel had snuck up after seeing Noah leave the Supernatural Research Department.

Not just this once.

Noah has discovered many times that since Rebel became a member of Lias' family and came to the human world, this little girl has been sneaking behind herself all the time, a stalker.

Anyway, thanks to Rebel's blessing, Genova and Irina's "Birth Plan" is totally soup.

Since then, however, Jenova has said this with a serious face to Noah.

“I'm sorry to be disturbed this time. I'll go to the teacher next time I get a chance. Of course, I'll bring Irina with me. If I can, I want to bring Irina with me. After all, we are all believers in giving our lives to the Lord. Irina must be confused now. I need to bring Irina with me to find true happiness as a woman, and then I will ask her to come to the teacher! ”

Leaving behind this sentence, Genois left with a resolute expression, staring at Noah and gradually leaving.

This girl is going to drag Noah to have a baby with her?

What kind of money does Noah make? Or did the Church trio make money?

Anyway, that day, Noah really realized the horror of Jenova.

It is estimated that Noah will have to work hard to preserve her virginity for some time to come.

After all, it's impossible for Noah to really push Aisha, Jenova and Irina because of what Jenova said.

At least have to be prepared, don't you think?


So Noah arrived the next day.

Today is the day of the talks between the three forces.

Now, the family of Gimonli, headed by Lias, are already preparing and meeting with the family of Sidi, headed by Cannes, to discuss arrangements during the talks.

Due to the talks between the three forces, Khu Wang School also took a special day off today.

Of course, it is impossible for students to know that the school holidays are due to the fact that the three forces wanted to have talks here, and that Lias, the true owner of the Kui Wang School, secretly arranged the school holidays all day today.

In this case, Noah closed her eyes on the open space in front of the old school building.

In its heart, the stone tray with ten patterns attached to the contour has already turned, pointing to the incarnation of the Dragon Emperor.

“Psst! ”

The crimson armor appeared on Noah's right hand.

“BOOST (Booster) ————! ”

Immediately thereafter, "BoostedGear of the Red Dragon Emperor" made an immediate voice, and Baoyu on the back of his hand sparkled, letting power flow into Noah's body.

In this way, Noah's incarnation of the Dragon Emperor will be twice as powerful as it was originally.

Ten seconds later...

“BOOST (Booster) ————! ”

Another voice, Noah's power doubled again, and the power from "BoostedGear of the Red Dragon Emperor" hovered around Noah's body.

After about five consecutive strengths, Noah felt her body get heavier.

This is a sign that the power of multiplication has gradually begun to become a burden.

Noah now opened her eyes and raised her hand high, 'BoostedGear'.

“Explosion --! ”

At the next moment, a new voice echoed from the Baoyu of the Red Dragon Emperor's Cage (BoostedGear) and sparkled a brilliant line across the red armor.

This voice means stopping the multiplication of power.

Simply put, it's a braking device.

When this device is activated, Noah's "BoostedGear" will stop upgrading and allow Noah to fight with increased power for a while.

The duration of this period depends on the actions taken during the period.

The more active and attacking Noah is, the shorter it will last.

Also, if Noah is tired, the usage time will be shorter.

So, using this is one of the tricks of BoostedGear.

As for not activating the device, Noah's power will of course increase accordingly during the doubling period.

But the power of "BoostedGear" is more unstable than when you activate the device, stop multiplying, and maintain the power boost state.

If this device is not activated and Noah acts randomly, there is a risk of doubling the force reset and returning to its original state.

Therefore, the ability to stop increasing and then use it is relatively reliable.

And so extraordinary forces began to run around in Noah's body.

If you compare Noah's original power to "one," then after one doubling, Noah's power becomes "two," after two doubling, "two" power becomes "four," and after three doubling, "eight."

By analogy, the four-fold multiplication was "sixteen" and the five-time multiplication was "thirty-two", raising Noah's power to thirty-two times its original strength.

And once Noah's Dragon Emperor is used, Noah gains the power of a rival dragon.

So now, Noah has 32 times more dragon power in her body.

Clearly know how powerful Noah is right now. Mumble.

“If I could still use BalanceBreaker...”

That way, the Dragon Emperor can jump to the top three of Noah's ten incarnations!

“I just don't know if my SacredGear will make it to BalanceBreaker. ”

This is Noah's only concern.

In other words, out of the control of the "system" and completely transformed into pure power upon entering Noah's body, "BoostedGear of the Red Dragon Emperor" is now used only as a power in the form of "SacredGear", and should be counted as an ability of the "Dragon Emperor" incarnation.

So, technically, Noah's "BoostedGear" is no longer a formal "SacredGear."

“Hope it works...”

Just as Noah intends to continue to explore the ability of the "BoostedGear", the doors of the old school building were opened and Lias walked out of the old school building with a group of family members.

Noah, who had a look at Lias, would have liked to cancel the use of the Dragon Emperor.

BoostedGear automatically disappears with the cancellation of the Dragon Emperor incarnation.

Then Noah joined Lias' team and stood side by side with Lias, taking a group of Gimonli family members in the direction of the school building.


The entire school is covered by a crystal thick junction.

Throughout the junction, a small group of demons, angels and fallen angels formed around the Khu Wang Academy patrolled the area, filling the school with a heavy atmosphere.

Walking down a hallway from the school building, Lias was explaining to Noah.

“This meeting was held in the conference room of the school building, where representatives of the tripartite forces present, Lucifer the Great, Michal the Great, Asasher the Governor the Fallen Angel, and I listened to you and our family, as well as Wally the White Dragon King. ”

“Lucifer, Michal and Assasher...” Noah sighed.

“In other words, are all three of the top rulers of the three forces here? ”

“Yes.” Lias nodded heavily.

“Originally, Lord Seraful in charge of diplomacy, the incumbent Leviathan, the sister of Qianna, should have been present, but the adult was in a period of emotional excitement because Cockbor had taken Qianna and was planning to kill Qianna. If she had come, I'm afraid, things would not have been good. ”

Speaking such an ominous phrase, a walker finally arrived in the conference room.

Lias pushed the door directly to expose the scene inside the door.