Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 636 became the new Red Dragon Emperor?

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In front of Noah's travellers is a huge conference room.

There is a table in the conference room that looks quite luxurious.

There are only three seats next to each other, and you can tell who they are for at first glance.

And in their seats, the three of them have already taken their seats.

The first is naturally the representative of the devil's side, with Lucifer - Suzex - the demon king with bright red hair like Lias.

Then, the former kimono was changed and the Governor of the Fallen Angel, Assasher, who was dressed in a fairly modest robe, was put on.

The last one was someone Noah had never met.

It was a very handsome man, more handsome than Yudo Kiba, more stylish, more gentle, with a halo hanging over his head.

If the devil is characterized by wings like that of a bat, and the fallen angel is characterized by wings that are pitch-black, then a halo hangs over his head, which is one of the characteristics of an angel.

Then there is no longer any doubt as to who this man is sitting on the same footing as the Demon King and the Governor of the Fallen Angel.

The commander of the heavens, the chief of the angels, the most powerful left and right hand of the former Biblical God, Michal.

Like Assasher, with the highest six to twelve wings, he is the boss of all angels and the highest angel in the entire heavens today.

In addition to the top leaders of the three forces, Sazechs, Assasher and Michal, there were several others present.

One is to dress up as a maid and serve Gullefia next to Suzex.

First, he stood on the corner of the wall and entered as a bystander, carrying only Kana of Zhenluoqi.

The other one, also standing on the corner of the wall, was the closest to Assassin's direction, staring at Noah, with a smile on his face from the heart.

The scene, a silence.

The atmosphere of extreme seriousness pervaded the entire conference room.

Perhaps nervous, Noah felt herself caught tight by Aisha.

Not just Aisha, but Jenova and Irina were all heavy, glancing at Michal from time to time, and then not over again.

As believers in God, now, in the face of the highest ruler of the angel side, the highest representative of heaven, the left and right hand of the Biblical God, Aisha, Jenova and Irina all feel very unnatural, don't they?

But Michal didn't care about Aisha, Jenova and Irina's unnatural behavior and gave the girls of the three churches a merciful smile, then turned around and looked at Noah.

“I've been wanting to see you for a long time. You're the rumored God-killer, aren't you? ”

“Let me introduce you.” Suzex greeted Noah for a moment.

“This is Noah Dollar, who also appears to be attending our meeting today as a bystander, whose ambitions were shattered during the previous attack on Kirkbor. ”

“I've heard about this.” Michal bowed his head to Noah.

“Thank you again. ”

“No need to thank me.” Noah took a deep look at Michal and smiled indifferently.

“As a reward, I own the Sacred Sword of Destruction and the Sacred Sword of Idea, and the other three swords taken by Kirkbor, including the Sacred Sword of Sparkling, have been returned to the Church through Lias' hands, which I recall having said. ”

In order to reclaim the stolen sword from Cokebor, the Church sent both Genois and Irina in an attempt to reclaim the sword that fell into the hands of the fallen angel.

Thereafter, Jenova and Irina were expelled from the Church because they knew that God was dead, and Naturally, the Sword of Destruction and the Sword of Simulation were still in the hands of these two young girls.

So, under the pretext of helping to shatter Kirkbor's ambitions, Noah handed over the "Sword of Sparks" from Fred and the other two swords that Jenova and Irina had found afterwards to Lias to convey Noah's thoughts.

As a result, the Sacred Sword of Destruction and the Sacred Sword of Idea remained in the hands of Jenova and Irina and did not attract any more people from the Church to retrieve them.

As a human being who does not belong to any force, Noah has every right to make such a condition.

“That being said, allow me to thank you.” Michal's smile is still so peaceful.

“Thanks to you, things didn't go to the worst. ”

“No, no, no. Aren't we trying to clean up the mess?” Assashel was a blushing voice.

“I sent out the White Dragon King. ”

Assassin said, let the atmosphere in the entire conference room drop to the ice again.

This man, don't you know that today's tripartite talks are primarily about holding the fallen angel side accountable?

“As I have said before, Cockborne's actions are entirely his own and do not represent the Fallen Angel side.” Assassin stretched out his hand like he was helpless.

“Now that we've given Kirkborough the punishment he deserves, can we stop talking about that nonnutritious thing? ”

“Nothing nutritious?” Suzex asked.

“Does the Governor feel that the Fallen Angel side is totally exempt from any responsibility for the actions of Cockborne? ”

“Well, it's all a mess caused by our people, and naturally I won't push the blame away completely.” Assasher waved impatiently.

“If you're not sure, why don't we just conclude a peace treaty here? ”

In a nutshell, everyone in the place, except Noah, was amazed.

Noah didn't feel surprised because she knew that Assassin had such an intention.

For others, however, it is surprising that the Governor of Assassir, the fallen angel, simply the head of the bad guys, would make such a suggestion.

Besides, peace?

From time immemorial to present, the Tripartite Powers have been at war.

Even now, in a state of armistice, small-scale conflicts have continued, even to the point where God and the Demon King are dead and the three forces have fallen to the point where they can only thrive on humanity.

Who wouldn't be surprised if peace were suddenly proposed today, or if the heads of the bad fallen angels were?

But after being surprised, Suzex and Michal looked at each other and smiled.

“What a surprise.” Michal said his thoughts directly.

“Though I and His Highness Suzex had intended to make peace with the Fallen Angel, I had no idea that you had brought it up first. ”

“However, if this situation continues, it will not be necessary.” Suzex sighed.

“God and the Demon King are dead, and all three of our forces have come to a point where war cannot continue to drain them, and in order for race to continue, war should not erupt again. ”

“Exactly.” Assassin's expression got serious.

“If war breaks out again, this time, the three forces will fall together! ”

Speaking of which, Asashel suddenly smiled and looked in Noah's direction.

“Therefore, I have also invited the famous' God-fearing 'to this meeting in order for him to witness the conclusion of a peace treaty between our three forces. If anyone deliberately breaks the treaty in the future, I hope you will consider whether you can cope with the' God-fearing 'crusade! ”

The whole place, quietly.

Suzex and Michal looked at Noah and laughed at the same time.

“Now that we have all witnessed the God-fearing, we are relieved. ”

At this point, Wally suddenly spoke.

“Until then, can I ask that God-killer over there a question? ”

Everyone turned their attention to Noah when they heard Wally.

Noah frowned.

Because Wally looked at Noah with an unprecedented amount of intense fighting and excitement that could not have been matched before.

Then Wally said something like that.

“Noah Dollar, are you the new Red Dragon Emperor? ”

This time, all of us, including Sazechs, Asashel and Michal, looked at Noah with surprise.

Let's not say it was the rest of us, but Noah had an accident herself.

Does this Wally know that Noah is the host of BoostedGear?

Looks like the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor are deeper than Noah imagined.