Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 648: My Family Wants To See You

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Claustrophobic Moon’, ‘archurking’ and ‘Marbled Ai’!

It's almost a week or so away from the Summer Vacation at Khu Wang School.

The entire supernatural research department, headed by Noah and Lias, took time off, took a summer break a week in advance, followed Lias to the nearest station to the Cole Wang School.

“Station?” Keeping his kitten tightly around him, Noah asked Lias with the unusual eyes of the people around her.

“What are you doing at the station? ”

“What else can I say?” Lias answered naturally.

“To the underworld, of course. ”


If you come to the station, can you still ride in the underworld?

So this underworld is really grounded...

Noah was powerless to throw up, but she couldn't say what was going on. She had to hold the kitten and work with Lias.

“meow ~ ~"

The kitten's face was still so red, her eyes were always covered with water vapor, her ears and tails were shaking happily, but instead of licking Noah's cheek and neck, she kept rubbing Noah's chest, which seemed comfortable.

People at the station seemed to think of kittens as naughty children, and they didn't really think that kittens' ears and tails were real, but they were adored by the cute look of kittens.

Noah could even hear a lot of uncles gasping like they couldn't bear to make him jump straight into the corner.

In this case, Lias took Noah's pedestrian directly to the elevator at the station.

“So, Teacher, Kitten, Elsa and Rabel, come with me first, and the rest, Janova and Irina, you can go with Junuh and Yudo. ”

“Got it, Minister.” Junah, Jenova, Irina and Yodo Kiba nodded.

Then Noah hugged the kitten and walked into the elevator with Aisha and Rebel.

Next moment, the elevator door closes directly.

In the elevator, the floor displays only "1" and "2".

Lias took something like a card out of her uniform dress pocket and placed it in front of the elevator's electronic panel.

“Beep --! ”

One sounds the same as scan validation.

Immediately thereafter, the elevator moved straight down.

“Down?” Noah looked at Lias in confusion.

“Is there a floor under the station? ”

It wasn't just Noah, even Aisha couldn't hide her surprise and nervousness pulling Noah's corner, tears in her eyes.

“It feels like it's going to hell. It's horrible. ”

“Though you say so, the underworld is above hell.” Lias laughed bitterly.

“Hell hosting the souls of sinners who have passed away in this world is beneath the underworld, so we go to the underworld, and it's like hell. ”

“Ahhh...” Essarton got even more scared.

“I'm going to the underworld before I die. Will I ever come back? ”

Looking at Aisha's frightened appearance and naive speech, everyone could only smile.

“There's a secret floor underneath this station that only demons know. ”

Side by side, Rabel acted as an interpreter.

“It's a demon-specific route that humans will never be able to access, and places like this, not only this station, but also this town and the rest of the human world, are hidden. ”

Speaking of which, Rabel suddenly smiled and said to Noah.

“By the way, teacher, you should be tired of holding the kitten like this. Why don't you put it down? ”

There was no foreshadow of a whisperer like Rebel, making Noah almost unable to react, which became even more sighing after the reaction.

“I want to, too, but do you think it's possible? ”

“Meow ~ ~" The kitten held Noah tight as if to accommodate Noah's words, constantly rubbing Noah's chest, a comfortable face.

“Oops..." Aisha tears at the same time as Rabel.

“I envy you...”

During this chat, the elevator finally stopped and the door opened gently.

There is a vast space in front of the people of Noah.

It's a big hole in the ground, very much like a platform for a station, but it's somewhat different from a human station, and there's a space for an orbit.

Noah finally confirmed that.

If you want to go to the underworld, you do need a ride, not an elevator.

After a while, Junuh came down with Jenova and Irina with Yudo Kiba.

“This is the underworld? ”

“Doesn't feel like it? ”

Looks like even Jenova and Irina thought they could take the elevator directly to the underworld, and as soon as they came out of the elevator, they saw the vast space in front of them, they were lost.

Ignoring the confusion between Jenova and Irina, Lias clapped.

“Well, now that we're all here, we're ready to get in the car and head off to the Underworld, and I've already informed you that the private train at the Gimonry's should be almost there. ”

That sentence had just fallen, in front of the side track, a line with sharp angles, and a train engraved with demonic lines suddenly appeared in a wave of space, directly out of space, parked on the track.

Do you really need a ride to the Underworld?


“Drop ————! ”

Train whistles echo in space.

Sitting in the middle of the train, Noah held the kitten through the window and looked out, and the result was a space where the water waves swayed.

Obviously, the train is crossing the barriers of the human and demonic worlds and heading towards the underworld.

Because it was the owner of the train, Lias went to the front of the train.

The families of Gimonli, led by Noah, were seated only in the central compartment.

“The train to the underworld...”

“I don't know...”

“It feels like a horrible story...”

Aisha, Jenova and Irina gathered together and sat in the window, watching the view outside and having a great chat.

“In other words, why take the train into the underworld?” Noah turned around and looked at Zhu and Rebel in the same conversation.

“Isn't there a magic array that can be moved to other spaces? Why don't you just use the magic array and go straight into the underworld? ”

“Generally speaking, that can be done.” Zhu explained.

“But first time entering the underworld like a teacher has to go through a formal pipeline to enter the country, or else it will be considered illegal, and Minister Lias should be in the process of formalizing your entry right now, right? ”

“Immigration?” Noah's face was silent.

“So, entering the underworld also needs to go through immigration procedures? ”

What can I say?

What about the underworld where everyone is scared to death? Or is it a foreign country that offers travel to others?

I feel all kinds of slots...

“Well...” Rebel squeezed the twist with no origin. Her pretty face was also slightly red. She looked at Noah and mustered courage.

“Teacher... you can go to Phoenix's if you have time. ”

“The Phoenix family?” Noah is strange.

“What are you doing at Phoenix's? ”

“Nothing...” Rebel lowered her head and her voice became deafening.

“However, my family would like to meet you...”

Rabel's voice was small, but Noah still heard it.

At the moment, Noah can only laugh.


An hour later...

Looking up at the sky like a very clear lake, and looking at the huge building like a castle in front of you, even Noah, once served like a king by people in magic, felt like he had nothing to say.

“This is Gimonli's house. ”

Lias was somewhat proud to say to Elsa, Jenova, Irina and Rabel.

“From today onwards, this is your home. After all, you are all my family, not even Rebel. Please consider this your home in addition to the Phoenix family. ”

“Yes, Lord Lias.” Rebel's response to the rules.

And Elsa, Jenova and Irina had been stunned by the supermassive building in front of them, so far unresponsive, they didn't even know what to say.

“Anyway, why don't you come with me and meet my family?” Lias shook his head with a smile and turned to Noah.

“Teacher, why don't you take the kitten to rest, and then let Gullefia take you to see your brother, who should know how to solve the kitten problem. ”

“Suzex?” Noah's eyes squeezed slightly.

“Is he free now? ”

“There's no free time I don't know.” Lias, this reminds me of Noah's confrontation with Sazechs, and his expression became somewhat more or less serious.

“But my brother should see you. ”

Noah nodded and the corner of her mouth snapped up slowly.

“It's getting more and more exciting, Suzex...”