Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 663: The Head of Everything (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 5888 reward of Big Dream n Autumn! And the reward of 'Heaven Without Wind’, 'God's Purity * Disenchantment’!

“The mysterious power that does not reach the realm of God is completely nullified? ”

The meaning that this message carries, with the exception of those who know it, is really understood by those who know it for the first time in a minute or so.

So, in the silence of the whole field, a single demon looked at each other, and in addition to the shock, there was only shock in his eyes.

Although even God and the Demon King cannot ignore the attack of Diodora if they do not seek refuge or defense, it is entirely in two meanings with the attack that reaches the realm of God.

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In other words, even if Diodora's attacks go beyond the average superior demon, even to the level of the most superior demon, or even to the level of the Demon King, as long as they do not reach the realm of God, let alone give him 10 minutes to attack freely, or 10 days to attack, he will not be able to leave a trace on Noah.

Now, everyone here finally understands why Noah made that kind of concession.

It's not that Noah Pacific is too arrogant, but that body is destined to lead only to this result.

“Such a physique...”

“Is there such a thing? ”

“So this is the Goddess Murderer...”

There is no way for the demonic elites to look at Noah with any more drama and pride, some with nothing but shock and fear.

After all, no matter how high you go, most of these demons are superior demons, and some of them have less power than Diodora.

How can these superior demons do anything about Noah, when none of them can do anything except God and the one who can match him?

With that offensive body, the superior demon executives here finally understood what level of power Noah possessed, all silent.

On the other hand, Rabel, who had just been worried, was extremely pleased.

“Wow, Lord Noah, it's amazing to have such a body! ”

Aside, Aisha nodded, almost crying with joy, and even Lias' travelers smiled.

“I noticed from the beginning that your magic is stronger than the average superior demon, so you must be the type of person who's good at using it to attack, right?” Notwithstanding the fact that Diodora had already lagged behind, Noah walked in the direction of Diodora as slowly as a leisurely walk.

“But even if you are better at using magic to attack, your power will never reach the realm of God, and you are not like Lias, with the properties of destruction in your magic that can cause God harm even if your power is no better than God's. ”

“Strength does not reach the level of God, and there is no special power that even God can cause harm, and from the outset you are doomed that you will never win from me. Otherwise, do you think I would take Aisha as a bet for a boring bet?” Noah smiled.

“If you have the guts to come up and punch me, then there may be a chance, but unfortunately, in the end, you don't have the guts to come near me. Now, you're proud of your magic. You don't even have a place to fight. You must be very happy, right? ”

With this phrase, Noah's voice suddenly turned cold.

“Of course, you still have a chance to win, and as long as you can stand my blow, victory is yours! ”

After all, from Noah, a terrible pressure began to spread slowly.

“So I won't be merciful. ”

Heavy pressure suddenly covered the entire venue.

Of all the people present, all but the four demon kings felt their bodies suddenly as if they had been pressed into something very heavy, their hearts jumping suddenly, their shoulders sinking sharply, even their bodies feeling heavy and difficult to move.

And Diodora, who was deliberately targeted by that diffuse field of pressure, sat directly paralyzed on the ground with a bang, looking at Noah with extreme fear, moving her ass regardless of image, backing away, and yelling out.

“Stay back! Don't come near me! ”

At this moment, not only can Diodora no longer maintain the hypocritical gentle image of the past, but even the dignity of at least a pureblood demon cannot be maintained, making many demon faces hard to see.

Diodora, who had begun to despise her gaze around her, was still screaming.

“You know who I am?! I am the superior demon of pure blood! Or the blood of the incumbent Demon King Bessib! Zone a human! Stay away from me! ”

That expression, that kind of language, is utterly ugly.

Achuca's expression had become moodless, as if the ugly guy down there was just a stranger, rather cold.

As for Lias' gaze, it has become disgusting.

“Guys like you take so long, even I want to laugh at myself.” Noah's eyes were cold.

“Let's get you out of here. It's ugly. ”

“Wait! Wait! Didn't you want the nun? Here you go, here you go!” The fear of transition finally broke Diodora's heart and made him cry out like this.

“It's not just Aisha! My family! I'll give you all the nuns I keep! ”

The phrase not only stunned everyone around him, but also gave Noah a slight pause at his feet and frowned.

“Your family? Circumcised nuns? ”

“Exactly! All of my family are nuns from my church!” Diodora screamed like she was holding the last life-saving straw.

“They were either extremely devout followers or women with close ties to the Church headquarters. They were also famous nuns and holy daughters from all over. I was forced to obtain them before they became my family members. Although I have used them once, they will definitely satisfy you! ”

For a moment, the people present could hardly believe what they heard in their ears.

Elsa, Jenova and Irina all stared into their eyes.

Noah's eyes gradually curled and his eyes began to change towards Diodora.

“So all of your family members are nuns you've been forced to lure? ”

“No... yes!” Diodora seemed to think that Noah had been moved by herself, nodding her head and exploding herself at all costs.

“If you don't think it's enough, I can go and find you some more. I'm the best at this kind of thing. You owe it to me to get Aisha. For this, give me a break! ”

“Thanks to you for getting Aisha?” Noah's heart flashed with amazement.

“Alas?” The client, Aisha, was directly lost.

The next moment, the facts that came out of Diodora's mouth stalled Aisha.

“I let Aisha be expelled!” Diodora's shouts were all over the room.

“My favorite thing is to seduce the nuns of those churches and take them for myself. I also stumbled upon Aisha and listened to another person familiar with" SacredGear "who said that her" SacredGear "had the healing effect of even demons, so I deliberately hurt myself and deliberately let the clergy of the church see her healing my wounded scene, so that she could be expelled from the church! ”

It was like a sunny thunderbolt that hit her head directly, and Aisha felt her head blank with only one blow.

Noah held her fist almost unconsciously and her voice sank a little lower.

“So you're the one who planned all this? ”

“I was going to turn Aisha into my family when Aisha was killed by a fallen angel, but she turned to you so she could come to you!” Diodora was completely unaware of Noah's change, and she was still yelling at herself there.

“So you owe it to me to get Aisha, and you have to thank me! ”

In Theodora's mind, perhaps, there was no idea what Aisha was to Noah at all?

Because, in Theodora's view, it's just a hobby for a moment.

So that's what Theodora said, taken for granted, and taken for granted.

“Bastard! ”

Lias is already furious.

Aisha lowered her head and tears slipped from her face.