Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 669 So I'm Gonna Take You Back (Request a Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'The Witch Horse Here’, 'Wonton Cactus’, ‘aeia’, ‘I'm a Small Arms’!

Noah always believed that if anyone approached herself, unless it was completely harmless to herself, there was no way she could not have sensed someone approaching herself without excellent sensory ability.

However, that fact, today, was finally overthrown.

Little girl suddenly appearing in the middle of the sky.

Noah didn't even notice the little girl coming.

When did they get here?

And when did it show up there?

Was it already there?

None of this, Noah Thornton.

Previously, the unprecedented sensory ability completely failed in front of this little girl, making Noah's face look a little heavier.

Noah really didn't feel any hostility, malice or homicide from the little girl, or even the rest of her emotions as if they were gone, as if they were silence derived from nothing.

Perhaps that's why Noah's sensing power fails?

But Noah didn't think the little girl in front of her was a threat at all.

Though there was no smell, the ambiance that pervaded the teenage girl kept Noah's heart from jumping.

But besides the warning signs, there is another wonderful feeling in Noah's mind.

This keeps Noah watching as the little girl's eyes gradually begin to gather.

After a while, Noah finally realized.

An incomplete piece of debris, with soft white feathers, suspended in the body of a little girl.

Well, that's World Fragment.

Noah had a dark surprise in her heart.

Is the "world debris" in this world present on living beings like the "world debris" that resided in Beo in the world of "Magic Night"?

Is it true that the girl in front of you, like Beo, is a living being derived from the use of World Fragment as the core of life?

At a time when Noah's mind was working for a living, the teenage girl did something completely different than Beo, who was only a spiritual beast because of the impact of World Fragment.

“Long time no see, Drag. ”

The little girl vomited that there was no emotion, but rather short and quiet words.


Is this girl going to say hello to Drag?

However, the gaze of the young girl gave Noah a sense that she was fully measuring her feelings, rather than looking for Dregg, who was hiding deep in Noah's soul, in her sleep.

Now, Noah makes a direct noise.

“Drag says it's asleep and won't reply to you. ”

Rumor has it that the little girl didn't even hesitate and shook her head.

The next moment, the little girl disappeared.

Noah had not even reacted, and that unique voice sounded as silent as the moon and night.

“I am here to see you. ”

“————!” Noah turned around in shock and looked behind her back.

There, the little girl sat on a rock, staring at Noah, and later covered her chest.

“The mysterious feeling in my heart told me that I had to find someone, and when Wally told me about the existence of the Red Dragon Emperor, I knew that you were the one. ”

The first thing Noah thought of when he heard it was the World Fragment, which was lodged in the heart of a teenager.

If the girl is telling the truth, then the feeling that wanders in her heart, letting her look for Noah, presumably, is the effect of 'World Fragment'?

Noah did not know that, in the "Magic Makes the Night", Beo had to find Noah because of the slightest influence in the "World Fragment" underwater, just as he had been prompted by the world, so that he would appear in Asaki Orange, and when using the contract, no resistance was given to the contract by Asaki Orange to succeed.

I'm afraid the teenage girl was also influenced by Noah's will to go back to "Between Worlds" through her hands in the "World Fragment" underworld, so that she could follow this feeling and come to Noah's presence, right?

Noah is naturally very happy to be able to find World Debris.

However, the young girl in front of her was thoughtless, as deep as a silent moon and night, unpredictable, and cautious in Noah's heart.

Noah is also experiencing this completely passive situation for the first time.

So even though "World Fragment" was right in front of her, even though she was terrified by the unpredictability of the teenage girl, Noah didn't move slightly, staring at the little girl and talking quietly.

“Who are you? ”

It's not the little girl who answered Noah's question, it's not the little girl who's been silent since she showed up, holding the kitten's black song quietly, it's Wally.

“Remember what I said before about the number one presence?” That's what Wally said.

“She, that's Orpheus. ”

Noah already has speculations about the identity of the little girl.

After all, the only thing that can get Noah into such a passive situation is the dragon god that Noah knows has infinite power.

And it turns out that the unpredictable little girl in front of her is the infinite dragon god, Orpheus.

I just got word from Suzex that Orpheus might be in the underworld, and now Orpheus is in front of Noah.

I have to say, even Noah had some surprises.

“By the way, if you want to ask me why I acted with Orpheus, I can tell you the answer.” Wally laughed silently.

“Orpheus, the leader of the Legion of Harm. ”

Noah's eyes flashed with complexity in the ensuing situation.

“Whoa..." Noah could only take a deep breath, allowing the constant calm and calm to return to herself once again, to face Orpheus' gaze at herself all the time, to ask for a voice.

“So, what do you want to do when the famous" Infinite Dragon God "and" Guild of Harm "leaders come to me? ”

Orpheus lowered his head, as if he had fallen into contemplation, thinking seriously for a while, then shook his head again.

“I do not know, but I must come before you, this feeling, for the first time since I was born in a world of silence. ”

After that, Orpheus's face gradually overflowed with a naive, romantic, shallow smile.

This smile makes the delicate face of the little girl extremely cute.

But looking at this smile, Noah's heart was jumping to its highest point in an instant.

The next moment, Orpheus said something like that.

“So I will bring you back. ”

When this phrase reverberated throughout space, a foggy light flashed from Orpheus, sweeping around like a wave that swept in all directions, instantly covering everything Noah could see.

Noah's mind flashed when the fog-like light covered everything she could see.

Because Noah can feel that in this fog-like light, he's not only lost his sense of direction, he's lost his sense of connection, he's lost the breath of Orpheus, Wally, Black Song, and even the kitten.

And when that foggy glow touched Noah's body, Noah felt her body eroded and her consciousness faded a lot.

Haven't had a formal confrontation yet, is it the other party that's holding you to this level?

Noah's mind was slightly frizzy, her mind moved, and the vast magic in her body quickly flowed along her body, causing Noah's body to lighten up, and there was a faint glow all around her, like a flame, burning out the light like the fog that had eroded her and blocking her from outside.

But almost simultaneously, Noah's mind suddenly reappeared.

Without hesitation, Noah used the incarnation of the Dragon Emperor.

“--All those who are evil, fear my strength, and now I shall have the strength of ten mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, the strength of a thousand dragons, the strength of a fierce dragon slaughter --”

Gases like scales shook from Noah's body and covered Noah's entire body.


The next second, a slight gust of wind, like a hole through the space, went into Noah's ear.

The snake-like light suddenly appeared in the fog-like light, as big as an arm, but as soft as a snake, twisting, crossing a strange curve in the air and shooting in Noah's direction.