Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 752: Don't Treat People Like Idiots

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Pokémon’, 'Voice of the Spirit’, ‘Fantasy ts’, ‘Pi Ai’!

“You win, King Arthur...”

Saber felt it when it came back out of the air and into Saber's ear.

Behind me, the breath that belonged to Assassin disappeared little by little until, finally, it disappeared completely.

Open your eyes and stare at the holy sword in your hand, Saber muttering like he was speaking to a swordsman who was no longer present.

“As a Servant with low abilities and no treasures, you can be proud enough to let me free InvisibleAir with swordsmanship, Sasaki Kojiro. ”

Saber's InvisibleAir is primarily used to hide Excalibur from revealing real names and true treasures.

So, while InvisibleAir has the effect of concealing weapons and works wonderfully if it works well, Saber's magic is always consumed and cannot be fully applied in order to maintain the effect of this treasure.

Once InvisibleAir has been liberated, Saber, who no longer needs to maintain InvisibleAir, will be able to exert all his magic and power to his true strength.

So, while it's just a simple, simple, tangible sword from invisible to tangible, that means that Saber really did his best.

If you have to compare it with a numerical value, if you need to maintain InvisibleAir, then Saber's strength is about eight or ninety percent of what it was during the peak period, right?

Only by freeing InvisibleAir and removing its own sword will Saber be able to concentrate all the magic used to maintain InvisibleAir and do 10% of its best.

A Servant with low abilities and no treasures can really take pride in driving Saber to this point.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Just as Saber separated from Assassin, a heavy muffled sound echoed in the air from the other side of the stone ladder.

“Shh...! ”

A shadow sounded like an arrow off a string, carrying a sharp cracking sound, flying backwards, and heavily smashing the columns of the mountain gate.

“Pfft! ”

Then, a bite of blood sprayed out of each other's mouth, like a broken figure, slowly softening down.

Saber just reacted, looking up at the hill gate.

“Lord Soichiro! ”

Caster made a mournful sound and looked at a figure beneath the mountain gate with a grudgingly resentful eye, sounding almost hysterical.

“You--! How dare you--?! ”

The pillar that fell heavily on the mountain gate, Heran, was Soichiro Gemu.

Beneath the mountain gate, Noah flanked her body and looked straight at Soichiro Gegi, who hit the pillar, with a calm opening.

“See? It's not like you're gonna win long hours of exercise, is it? ”

In all serenity, Soichiro Gomu's boxing skills are indeed quite subtle.

It's just that the punch is too focused on the word "weird".

Although very delicate and weird, if used for surprise attacks, as long as the opponent is slightly careless, it can cause the opponent to die, even if the opponent is stronger than Soichiro Gegi.

But because of this, if the enemy discovers the punch method, or is alert in advance, the punch method that lacks the effect of "strange" is of little use.

At the very least, it is true for Noah, who has the same sensory abilities and the same skill in combat.

So, as soon as I saw through Goki Soichiro's boxing routine, Goki Soichiro couldn't get involved with Noah anymore and was directly defeated by Noah.

After all, even without the use of Power, Noah is capable of competing with the highest level of Servant.

Servant is also strong and weak.

Soichiro Grimwood, reinforced by Caster's magic, can indeed compete with Servant.

However, with the strength of Soichiro Gegi, there is no way to compete with Servant, the highest-ranking spirit such as Berserker.

So the result is doomed.

Soichiro Gemu cannot fail to understand this.

So Caster's support became a top priority.

“Unfortunately, magic doesn't work for me at all, and Caster, who only knows magic, can only become an audience.” Noah glanced at Caster and said this with a smile.

“Besides, do you think I don't know you've been waiting for me to make the Magic Cannon? Caster?”

Caster's face suddenly changed.

“Even the Great Ceremony of the Grail War, the Divine Magician, you must have a plan for my Magic Cannon?” Noah grinned.

“Although the magic is greatly enhanced by my magic relationship, after all, its predecessor is" Magic Bullet ". For magic, you can't be a god magician without the means to deal with it. If it wasn't for my" Enhanced Magic ", it would be used against yourself. Afraid, you would even devise a strategy for this magic? ”

“It has to be said that your head is really good, that is, you have prepared the Assassin card and pulled Lancer into your own camp, even with Soichiro Gegi, a master who can match Servant.” Noah sighed.

“But you're not the only one in the world who's smart. You're smart. The problem is that you don't make people look like idiots. You can imagine, people can imagine, you have hidden cards, people can naturally have them. It's your biggest mistake not to see through that I have the ability to make magic ineffective. ”

After that, Noah looked at Caster.

“General, Caster. ”

Caster was completely thrilled by that sentence.

“No, I've prepared so much! Never lose here! ”

Caster raised his hand over his head.

“Buzz ————! ”

Suddenly, the entire mountain where Liu Dong Temple is situated began to tremble, and a tremendous amount of magic poured into Caster's body.

Caster's magical breath became more violent as a stream of magic swept into Caster's body.

All of that magic was drawn from the residents of Fuyuki City, wasn't it?

“I don't believe that even magic that can burn down the temple of Yoo Dong can completely nullify you! ”

In that sharp voice, Caster suddenly had a staff in his hand.

“Shh...! ”

However, just as Caster was preparing for the magic of burning down the temple of Willow Cave, an arrow of flame-like magic flashed through space, like a meteor, piercing the long sky and shooting at Caster.

“Pfft! ”

The meteor-like arrows penetrate Caster's body straight through the back of Caster's heart.

Caster's expression, his movements, and the enormous magic on him are all stuck.

Turning stiff, Caster looked in the direction of the arrow.

There, Archer, kneeling on one knee, had a bloody corner of his mouth, a bow in his hand, a pale face and a grin.

“This is a gift for you, witch...”

With Caster's calculations being sniped by Lancer, Archer, who almost died, was avenged by an arrow at this most critical moment.


In a very unhappy cry, Caster's body gradually dissipated and eventually took the back path of Assassin.

As Caster's figure gradually disappeared, Goki Soichiro, who fell against a pillar at the mountain gate, closed his eyes.

Caster, exit.