Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 770.

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Few Friends’, 'Big Dream N Autumn'! And the rewards of "Ten Gifts to the Emperor", "Wake Up", "Pokémon", "The Origin is Invincible"!

“Boo-hoo! ”

The magic beam that fell on Gilgamesh sparked violent shocks and intense fires, like a wind, sweeping in all directions.

Looking at the sudden big explosion ahead, Noah held one hand up, facing there, with a sophisticated array of magic spinning in her hand, with no emotions in her dark eyes, but a complete cold.

Shortly thereafter, the blasting wind and intense fire began to dissipate.

In there, a huge shield, not knowing when it was there, disappeared into the air and Gilgamesh's figure was exposed as the impulsive wind and intense fire gradually dissipated.

Looking up at Noah in front, the look on Gilgamesh's face disappeared.

“Looks like you're in a hurry to disappear, kid. ”

Noah just gently drooped her raised hand down and looked at Gilgamesh as if looking at a dead man, laughing and laughing without a hint of emotion.

“Do you think I'll watch you walk away when I say that? ”

“So are you going to stop me, to save humanity?” Gilgamesh closed his eyes and, as if the volcano were about to erupt, there was pressure all over his body.

“Don't be silly, son, that so-called salvation should be based on value, that there is a need for salvation, that the world is filled with too many worthless boring bastards, that all evil in this world is born because of these bastards' evil ideas, then, human beings are wiped out by the" evil "born of themselves, isn't that a matter of scripture and earth? ”

Gilgamesh, speaking as if he really wanted to vomit, spoke his tongue.

“In my time, although the population was not as dense as it is now, everyone had their own value, even slaves had a place to put it to use, and the loss of one was a waste, but in this day and age, too many bored people, like insects, mosquitoes, flies, once more, it would only be disgusting," more "itself is a sin, can saving such a bastard embody your greatness? Kid!”

Gilgamesh suddenly opened his eyes and let the pressure spread around him begin to burst.

“I thought you were a smart man who could fight that great hero as a human being, but at least it was worth it, so I would give you a chance to succumb to me and be at my disposal, but, bastard, I don't need this guy to attack the king! ”

With the passage of this sentence, an astonishing sense of oppression spreads from Gilgamesh.

However, in the face of this sense of oppression, Noah performed remarkably calmly.

“Are we done? Then it's my turn, isn't it?” Noah lifted the curtain and looked straight at Gilgamesh.

“Since the Little Holy Grail, which was transformed by Mitsurugi, has fallen into your hands, it is up to you to collect Servant's soul. Either you stole this result from Mitsurugi, or Mitsurugi gave it to you. Am I right? ”

“Indeed, Shinji was given to me by that bug.” Gilgamesh's mouth goes up.

“I also have the Holy Grail on my side. Shall we open the gates of Hell together - because the worm said so to me and aroused my interest, I drew Shinji from his hands. ”

“So you're in this together, right?” Noah laughed suddenly.

“Then that reason is enough. ”

After that, Noah raised one of her hands and a sophisticated array of geometric magic suddenly spinned out of the space surrounding her, all over Noah's body.

“I will not give a damn about the survival of all mankind, nor will I agree with your assertion that a worthless human being has no meaning for survival. ”

“But, Hero King, our values are still different. In my eyes, the blind eye has the value of salvation, and the disgusting garbage should disappear sooner rather than later, and killing without even knowing it is the most annoying thing to me.” Noah's face was calm.

“Not to mention that you're mixing with what I think is the worst, crappiest guy in the world, and that's enough reason for me to stop you, trying to refute my words, despite your treasure, hero king. ”

Noah's words directly made Gilgamish laugh, creepy.

“Don't get too proud of yourself, motherfucker. ”

Gilgamesh also raised his hand and immediately fluctuated one gold ripple after another in the surrounding space, like Noah across the street, filled the surrounding space.

Looking at the strongest Master and strongest Servant in The Grail War about to detonate the tension in the air, far away, a white comet flashed through the sky, over Noah's head, and fell.

Noah and Gilgamesh looked up at the sky almost simultaneously.

Immediately thereafter, riding the holy Heavenly Horse, Rider slowly descended from the sky with the Heavenly Horse beating its wings into the curtains of Noah and Gilgamesh.

“Humph.” Gilgamesh snorted, turning her eyes back on Noah.

Then Gilgamesh said something like that.

“Boy, you're gonna stop me, right? ”

Noah did not answer, but silently expressed her thoughts in the eyes of Gilgamesh.

“In that case, let's play a game!” Gilgamesh smiled.

“Listen, kid, I'm going to meet that rare, equally demigod hero, and give his soul to the body that received the Grail, and use five Servant souls to open the holes in the Grail and release all the evil in it, if you want to stop me, then try it! ”

“But you have to remember, kid.” Gilgamesh reached out one hand in the direction of Noah, like what he was going to show.

“Once the game starts, you can't stop shouting. I'll leave you with Saber and Rider on your side, so please please me! ”

That was just the end of the sentence, and the enormous beam of magic came out of Noah's direction and fell on Gilgamesh.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Heavy impact, explosion.

Noah slowly drowned her hand as she looked at the shock and the fire in front of her.

Meanwhile, Rider steered the horse and landed on the ground, softly calling to Noah.

“Master, do you want to catch up? ”

Rider's questions tell everyone.

Gilgamesh, has escaped.

Rider did not ask who the other person was, nor what was going on, just a question requiring instructions, and the rest, not at all.

But how?

The smell of Gilgamesh has long disappeared and cannot be caught up.

Noah stared at Nagil Gamesh in front of him for a second, ignoring the wind waves and the fire from the shock, turning her head and looking in the other direction.

There, the dying Yan Feng Qili began to move his body and was about to climb in the other direction of the woods.

In response, Noah simply lifted the hand that had just drifted up again, pointing it in the direction of Yan Feng Qili.

The next moment, that familiar precision geometry once again spins out of front of Noah's palm, with a strong glow that gathers the flowing magic.

Then, the magic of the beam passed straight through the space, rubbed past the atmosphere, and in a shock, fell on the dying Yan Feng Qili.

“Ahhhhhhh ————! ”

Yan Feng Qili made a final scream. In the huge beam of magic, his body was directly extinguished and the smoke dissipated.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The ground was directly blown up by that undiminished beam of magic, which shook violent storms and fires, causing a piece of rubble to spill all over the place.

By this time, Noah's magic beam hit the ground several times directly, completely disintegrated, along with the surrounding woods that were still burning, as if hit by meteorites, and turned into an incomplete purgatory.

Looking up at the still deep night sky, Noah's voice echoed.

“There are more and more guys to solve...”