Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 776: The Game Coming Into Its Final Stage

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Lonely Lactic Acid King', 'The End of the World’, ‘Pickle Aid’ and ‘Unforever!’

“Bang --! ”

Like a tower, Berserker burst through his body with all kinds of treasures, kneeling on the ground and even drooling his head.

“Psst! ”

On Berserker's body, like burnt iron, the reddish muscles slowly faded away in a single sound, and the colors of red gradually dimmed.

Noah didn't know what was going on when she saw this scene.

The eleven lives in Berserker's inventory have been depleted.

No, no, no.

Combined with the attack of the luxurious spear that pierced Berserker's heart, Berserker's last life came to an end.

At a time when Noah, Rin Hirosaka, Rider and Archer took a lot of effort to consume a hard-won opponent's life, in the hands of a hero named Gilgamesh, they couldn't even do the slightest damage to the opponent, thus ushering in exit fate.

As Noah had initially predicted, Hercules could never win Gilgamesh, a prototype with all his treasures.

Gilgamesh was right.

Noah was one step too late, even though she was desperate to get here.

“Don't... don't...”

Elia, who had been guarded by Berserker, looked at the sweat in front of herself and shook her head like a helpless child, unacceptably.

“No, it shouldn't be like this. Berserker is the strongest and will never lose to a guy like that...”

As she said, Elijah couldn't help but walk in Berserker's direction and reach out with one hand to touch Berserker, as if to prove that everything was fake.

“In this way, the soul of the fifth Servant is also available.” In response, Gilgamesh smiled indifferently and soon remembered something, squinting her burgundy eyes and looking at Elia next to Berserker.

“Almost forgot that in two cases of the Little Grail, Servant's soul will be absorbed closer to his side when it disappears, and the doll over there won't allow you to touch what I can hardly get. ”

Speaking of such a sentence, Gilgamesh raised her hand again, and a sword-shaped treasure immediately emerged from a ripple beside her, like a loaded bullet, in the direction of Elia.

With Elia's reaction, it is naturally impossible to realize what kind of situation you are in.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

Just as Elijah was about to die under Gilgamesh's treasure, Berserker looked up, yelled, and turned around, blocking Elijah from reacting.

“Pfft! ”

The sharp sword fell directly into Berserker's broad back and once again gave Berserker a live throughput.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

However, Berserker was not even concerned about his condition, ignoring the piece of treasure that had fallen into his body, roaring one last time, hugging Elia and throwing Elia out of the way.

That direction, exactly, is the direction of Noah and Rider riding the horse.

Looking at the petite Elia, who had been thrown hard, half kneeling behind Rider, Noah on the back of Heavenly Horse stood almost unconsciously, reaching out and putting Elia into her arms.

It wasn't until this moment that Noah realized what had happened.

Berserker, who was supposed to lose his mind, go into a state of fanaticism, where there was no room for thought, was the last moment to protect Elias, not to mention to Noah.

Noah couldn't help but look at Berserker on the ground with the pair of Berserker eyes.

In those eyes, there was no more violence and madness when we first met, or only some of them were triumphant after much testing.

Though Berserker didn't say anything, Konoa read a message from that candlestick of eyes.

- This kid's counting on you.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

In the next instant, Berserker's roar sounded all over the space again, and his body was like a chariot, rushing wildly in the direction of Gilgamesh, directly into Gilgamesh's changing face.

Unfortunately, Berserker's last fight, after all, was unsuccessful.

“Buzz ————! ”

A golden ripple suddenly emerged from the perimeter of Berserker, trembling suddenly, detecting a gleam of gold and silver flowing through the body, with a chain of wedges at the front end, wandering around the space for a while, quickly circling over Berserker.

Immediately afterwards, the chain was so tight that it slammed the sweat from the collision into its confines.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

The more Berserker struggles, the tighter the chains wrapped around him.

As a result, Berserker, with a full A + rating, is completely unable to break the chain.

“The higher the divinity of the object of captivity, the harder the treasure will be. There are few treasures for the Divine Soldier -" Enkidu ". For you who are too divine, this treasure is your natural enemy, so don't waste your energy, big hero. ”

Less than a metre away from the struggling Berserker, Gilgamesh looked up slightly and looked at Berserker's stubborn face, sighing and laughing.

“Have you overcome even the fanaticism given to you by your rank in order to protect your master? A hero who can overcome even twelve impossible tasks! ”

After that, Gilgamesh turned around.

“Unfortunately, that's it, Hercules, for a short time, but you did make me happy. ”

As the sentence fell from Gilgamesh's mouth, a ripple emerged from Berserker's face and, like a spring, a giant longgun burst into Berserker's face.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Without a hint of suspension, Berserker's head was bombarded with a splash of blood and crushed flesh.

Berserker's struggling body stagnated and his huge arm slowly drowned.

By spinning, Berserker's body slowly dissipated into the air and disappeared into place.

Berserker, exit.


Ilya, lying in Noah's arms, just saw the scene and cried out.

Except for Elijah's screaming, the whole place was silent and no sound came out.

Only Gilgamesh, as if he had done a trivial thing, looked over his side, riding on the back of a horse, holding Elijah's Noah in mourning, and exhibited an evil smile.

“The last piece of chess is ready, and the game is finally in its final stages, boy. How do you feel about that? ”

Noah held Elia, crying in her arms tightly, closed her eyes and slowly opened them after half a beep. Her eyes looked at Gilgamesh with total calm.

Then Noah's voice echoed around.

“If this is just a game for you, then it's time to get to the final stage, this boring game, even if it ends early...”

With Noana calm to strange gaze and speech, Gilgamesh was stiff and suddenly felt a palpitation in her heart.

This made the smile on Gilgamesh's face disappear little by little.

“Then try to stop me! Kid!”

Leaving this sentence, Gilgamesh turned around, jumped up, jumped into the big hole at the top and disappeared into the castle.

Watching Gilgamesh leave without Noah catching up.

Because there's no need to catch up.

The end of the screen will be pulled down tonight.

Noah, there's a hunch.