Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 779: Becoming Saber's Master Together

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Closed Festival Moon’, 'Windless Heaven’, 'Lonely Lactic Acid King’, ‘Hidden Day and Night’!

It has to be said that Gilgamesh is indeed like a mountain, crushing the hearts and minds of all, leaving a line of people in this room all trapped in unspeakable silence and unable to speak.

Only Noah, not a single blind glance in her heart, asked Elia.

“Nah, Elijah, if Gilgamesh wanted to open the Grail, where would he have let it come? ”

“If the Grail is to come, in addition to the need for enough Servant souls, it needs to be on a more special spiritual ground.” Elia did not hesitate to answer any questions.

“There are only three spiritual sites in Winterwood that can satisfy the arrival of the Holy Grail. ”

“Here at the Far Slope family as the mountain manager of Fuyuki City, the church run by Rituals and the temple of Willow Cave in Round Tibetan Mountain.” Rin Akasaka took Elia's words.

“Now, we are here in the Far Slope family, and the church under Rider's command was destroyed directly, and the rest can only be carried out at the temple of Yoo Dong. ”

“So Gilgamesh is probably right over at Yoo Dong Temple right now?” Noah closed her eyes and nodded.

“I see. Let's finish tonight! ”

Noah had no confused words, as if to disperse the yin in the hearts of a line of teenage girls, and to a greater or lesser extent to revitalize a line of teenage girls.

“Have you thought about it? The opponent is the hero king!” Saber spoke solemnly to Noah.

“Even if you have Avalon, but Avalon is at best to keep you safe, that sheath doesn't have any attack performance to help you defeat Gilgamish directly. ”


Even if Noah had Avalon, none of those present felt that Noah could easily defeat Gilgamesh.

The other party even the highest level of Ying Ling will feel out of sight.

Even if Avalon can protect itself, it's just self-preservation.

It would be naive to beat Gilgamish with this.

In response, Noah had not had time to say anything, and Rider, who remained quiet, said so with a steady and firm voice.

“I won't let Gilgamesh hurt Master. ”

Rumor has it that the crowd was first flashed, and their faces slowed down one by one.

“Exactly.” Rin Akasaka smiled like he was excited.

“The other side is only one man, so many people on our side, and with Noah, Saber and Rider, there's got to be a way! ”

However, that sentence had just been made, and Ilya threw a basin of cold water directly into it.

“With the ability of my brother and Rider, I can really fight that hero king, but what can Saber do now? ”

Just breathed up like a frosted eggplant, right away.

“Elias Phil.” Saber looked sharply at Elia.

“Are you questioning my abilities? ”

“I'm just saying the truth.” Elijah had a naive, cute smile on her face, but her words were merciless.

“Now Saber is too weak to guarantee even a magical supply, I don't think that would defeat that stinking hero king. ”

“This...” Saber seemed eager to rebut, but couldn't find a rebuttal.

After all, as Elijah is saying now, Saber's abilities have dropped by several levels, not to mention that he can no longer draw magic from his master, and he's in a really bad state.

You're welcome to say that if Saber were to go to war today, he wouldn't be dragging his legs, but he wouldn't be doing much good either.

Without a supply of magic, you can only use that part of the magic that remains in your body. Saber can't even use the sword.

In fact, the values shown in the Gear column of Saber Capability Values did change from A + + at the beginning to C only.

So, in Saber's current state, using InvisibleAir may be fine, but if you use Excalibur, it's estimated that once you're done, Saber will disappear because of a lack of magic?

Sakura Mahatma is equally aware of this, and can't help but ask Ilya.

“Well... isn't there any way? ”

“Way?” Elia blinked.

“It's not without it. As long as you use the last" curse ", cut off the contract with Saber, and let Saber and Rin contract, then Rin's ability will definitely increase Saber's strength to match her strength. ”

Rumor has it that Mitsumura tightened her hand with the last "curse" at the moment.

When Saber's reign was transferred to Makoto Makoto, Makoto Sakura had used a "curse" to obtain Makoto Makoto Makoto's "Book of Pseudo-Subjects".

In case of danger, the sword sheath in Mitsubishi's body touched the "curse" and used one of the "curses" to summon Saber to Mitsubishi's side.

As a result, Kiryu Mahatma only has the last "curse" left.

Using this "curse", Kiryu can cut off the contract with Saber and make Rin Far without Master's contract with Rin Far and become Rin Far and Far.

Just like Elijah said.

With Rin Akasaka's ability, once contracted with Saber, Saber's power will never be too far apart, even if it does not recover to the extent it was provided with magic by the sheath.

With that in mind, Saber opened his mouth one step ahead when Makoto Sakura just wanted to say something.

“Sakura, when you summon me, I swear I will be your sword. Do you want me to break my oath? ”

Sakura Muromatsu became mute.

“It is true that this approach has allowed me to respond to a number of strengths, but I would like to oppose it.” Saber looked at Elia.

“So, Elias Phil, please provide another way! ”

“Ah, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull.” It doesn't matter what Ilya said.

“In that case, it is only possible to separate the Master's reliance from the ability to provide magic, while guaranteeing the identity of Kiryuki Mastery, that someone else will provide Saber with magic. ”

When I heard that, everyone in the room was stunned.

“Separate Master's reliance from the capabilities provided by magic?” Noah sounded confused.

“Can such a thing be done? ”

“Anyway, the Grail War is just a magical ritual, and a change to the Grail War system would not be impossible.” Elijah talked.

“In the last 'Grail War', a magician, by virtue of his abilities, made changes to the 'Grail' summoning system so that he could obtain the 'Curse', while at the same time transferring the functions supplied to Servant's magic to his own companions so that he could retain sufficient magic to deal with other combatants. I am the head of the Einsberen family, and Einsberen is the founder of the 'Grail War' system, and it is not difficult to do the same with my abilities. ”

Iliana's confident speech made everyone here realize once again how brilliant this seemingly naive young girl is as a magician.

“In that case, it's up to me to give Saber magic!” Rin Akasaka took a step forward and smiled at Saber.

“How can I say that Saber and I are also forming a common front, a nominal Master, and without a little contribution, that's never been the case. ”

“Rin...” Saber laughed.

There are only cherry blossoms, and the words stop.

“Is that okay? ”

“There's nothing wrong with that.” Rin Akasaka spoke resolutely.

“After all, I also need to witness the end of the Grail. ”

There's no way for Mitsuro to say anything now.

See, Ilya laughed.

“Then it's up to you to be Saber's Master! ”