Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 783: It feels so good to have a backstage feeling...

(Many thanks to ‘XYZ Magic’, ‘Claustrophobic Moon’, ‘Lonely Lactic Acid King’ for their rewards!

By the time Noah opened her eyes again, the scene in front of her was no longer that pure white space, but that room where she lived for less than a few days but was familiar.

Just as Gaia and Alayera used to do, Noah was still sitting in the window, as if everything that had just happened was just a hallucination.

However, what lay in Noah's hands told Noah that what had just happened was true.

Just like replacing that gorgeous sheath of swords, the luxurious, all-over golden shaped sword lay quietly in Noah's hands like a key, dispelling all the darkness around him.

Holding the blade handle of the key shaped sword like a handle tightly, Noah closed her eyes and quickly swept past a message in her head.

All this information is from Noah's GateofBabylon.

As Gaea and Alayer say, Noah's "GateofBabylon" is the same as Gilgamesh's "GateofBabylon," but it is a further layer of treasure that has been modified.

Of course, the next level here refers to function, not power.

The treasure called "GateofBabylon" does not possess any power per se, it is just a simple treasure trove, and how much power depends entirely on the level of weaponry and props in this treasure trove.

After GateofBabylon's transformation, Noah's "GateofBabylon" became not a key to the treasure trove, but a treasure trove inside, so that Noah could not cross the barriers of the world and connect to the treasure troubles after traveling to another world.

So, all of the same objects that Gaia and Alleyer collected were lying in the interior space of that key-shaped sword, not somewhere else.

In addition, the GateofBabylon has three features.

One: Automatic recycling.

Two: Automatic repair.

III: Automatic replenishment.

Automatic recycling, by definition, is the ability to automatically recycle items taken from a treasure trove to functions in the treasure trove.

Gilgamesh's GateofBabylon also has this feature.

That's why it's so convenient for him to vent the treasure in a shooting manner without hesitation and then automatically retrieve the shooting treasure from GateofBabylon.

Automatic repair, again by definition, is the ability to automatically repair damaged items in a treasure trove.

With this feature, even if the treasure used in the battle is damaged, it can return to its complete state after a period of time, which is also a very convenient feature.

Automated replenishment is not only convenient, but very useful.

The items in GateofBabylon are not just treasures, but a wide variety of objects.

Some of these items are consumable, can only be used once or a limited number of times, and are no longer used.

However, with automatic replenishment, even if those items are consumed, the treasure trove will automatically replenish them after a period of time, just like a factory.

Even Gilgamesh's "GateofBabylon" is a luxury feature that cannot be owned.

At the very least, Noah doesn't have to worry about consuming valuable items herself, so she can use them with confidence.

All three functions are very good, but the real treasures are those in GateofBabylon.

After sorting out the information on all kinds of items in GateofBabylon, Noah gradually grew out of it.

What can I say?

If overnight wealthy is an outburst, then Noah is probably the biggest outburst in history?

Gilgamesh's "GateofBabylon" contains prototypes of all treasures and a whole era of technology and treasures.

And in Noah's GateofBabylon, there are not only prototypes of all the treasures, but also all the treasures derived from them.

As long as it exists in the form of weapons and props, it can be found in Nanoa's GateofBabylon.

That is, if Gilgamesh's "GateofBabylon" is the treasure of an era, then Noah's "GateofBabylon" is the treasure of every era up to this era.

Not the most luxurious, only the more luxurious.

Even Noah saw from GateofBabylon a vast array of valuable items such as gold and gems that could be calculated in units like Mountain, almost endlessly stacked.

If it's not rich enough, what's rich enough?

“Am I experiencing the feeling of a rich second generation?” Noah found that her heart was floating a little bit.

“I used to say that the world is on my side, but I have no real feeling. Today, I finally understand the weight of this sentence. It feels good to have a backstage feeling...”

Of course, "GateofBabylon" doesn't really have anything.

Some of Noah's "GateofBabylon" are merely objects that can exist in the form of weapons and props.

Exactly, just items.

For example, Hercules' GodHand, which is not found in Noah's treasure trove.

This treasure is born of the sublimation of Hercules' "Twelve Impossible Tasks", the very essence of Hercules.

Gaia and Alayer can't put Hercules in the treasure trove, can they?

So, similar to this category of treasures that cannot exist in the form of objects, there is none in GateofBabylon.

Even so, Noah's "GateofBabylon" is definitely the most luxurious treasure.

Needless to say, with this treasure trove, Noah can guarantee combat power even if she doesn't use Power.

After all, no matter the power, a must-kill treasure like GaeBolg is scarier than anything else.

Even if it's power, in this treasure trove, there is also a part of the treasure that is no less powerful than the general 'power'.

With this treasure trove, what's not to satisfy?

Now, Noah held the key-shaped sword tight in her hand.

“Buzz ————! ”

The sword of space containing the treasure trove shook and, in a glimmer of light, turned into a starlit spot and blended into Noah's body.

This is also a feature of GateofBabylon that can be integrated into the user's body in the form of conceptual armaments.

Noah can now open the treasure trove in her body at any time, like Gilgamesh, and open the door to the treasure trove outside, freely removing what's inside.

“Let's spell out who's treasure is more... Gilgamesh...”

Noah couldn't help but look forward to something.

At this point, a sound rang out the door of Noah's room.

“Noah, are you there? ”

“Saber?” Noah turned back and looked in the direction of the door.

“I'm here, come in...”

By the way, Noah's room door was opened.

Saber, dressed in a white blue dress, walked in through the door and a pair of gemstone eyes looked at Noah, while the dolly's delicate face, as usual, was filled with rigour and seriousness, giving rise to a sobering thought.

“What's wrong?” Noah sounded strange.

“This time to come to me is not like what you would do. ”

'Cause tonight's the last night, right? ”Saber rarely laughed from the beginning.

“So I want to talk to you, do you have a minute? ”