Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 789 is not good enough to do that?

(Fully booked friends can claim the light of a great god. Ha ~ ~)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'I can't name it', ‘Pokémon’, 'Blood of War', ‘ywueric’, ‘Immortal Domain Visitor’!

“Hoo-hoo! ”

The whirring mountain wind, with a sharp force, blew hard over the high mountain of Round Tibet, allowing the temple of Willow Cave at the top of Round Tibetan Mountain to add a gloomy atmosphere, enough to scare anyone away from approaching.

However, on the stone staircase of the mountain gate, three people in a row climbed the stone staircase with no hesitation against the whirring mountain wind and came to the front of the mountain gate.

The last time I came to the Temple of Willow Cave in Round Tibet, it was only two or three days ago.

That time, here, Noah walked against two Servants, went through a tough fight, and eventually settled all the enemies.

That's when Gilgamesh first revealed his fangs and completely spoiled the whole Grail War.

This time, Noah came back to the Temple of Willow Cave in Round Tibet to lead everything to the end.

Before crossing the mountain gate and entering the temple of Yoo Dong, Noah, Rin Far Slope and Saber felt a wild, beastly smell.

“Buzz ————! ”

Almost as soon as that breath appeared, Rider flashed in a fog, relieving the spiritualized state, entering the solid state, holding the chain of short swords and guarding behind Noah.

Three in a row, four in a row.

The destination, however, remains unchanged.

Looking away at the temple of Yoo Dong like a horrible beast, Noah's face remained unchanged, with only Rin Far Slope, Saber and Rider performing slightly more heavily.

“Is that the smell of Gilgamesh?” As soon as Saber shakes his hand, he releases the invisible sword and speaks solemnly.

“It's not very strong, but it smells dangerous. ”

“Didn't Noah say that? Gilgamesh himself isn't that strong!” Rin Kawasaka has a tight face, too.

“But the other side has thousands of treasures, and that alone is no match for us. ”

“Master.” Rider was more direct.

“Do you want me to take the lead? ”

“No, Rider.” Noah didn't answer either.

“Gilgamesh, I'll take care of it. ”

A line of young girls all calmed down and silently agreed.

Immediately afterwards, under Noah's leadership, a pedestrian walked into the interior of the temple of Liu Dong.

In front of a pedestrian is a temple.

A temple with some ancient wind and some sun breeze.

In front of this temple, there is a very large open space.

On such an empty space, not far in front of the temple, a man stood there as if from the beginning, like a shadow stretching out of the night, silently printed into a row of people's curtains.

Seeing that person, whether Noah or Rin Far Slope, he stood still for a moment and his eyes turned cold.

That man, not Gilgamesh.

The man, the hunchback, standing on the cane, wearing a kimono, appeared like a skinned skeleton, a pair of eyes deep into the nest, a pair of eyes flashing with a deterrent light.

Without waiting for Noah to make a sound with Rin Akasaka, Saber held the sword in his hand and spoke in silence.

“Mitsurugi Yan...”

Heran, it's a tungsten.

“Haven't seen you in days, Saber.” Meitung Yan, like a kind old man, laughed.

“How's Sakura? ”

“How dare you mention Sakura? Mitsurugi!” Saber suddenly pointed the holy sword in his hand at a dirty yam.

“When Makoto Shinji took me out, he attacked my Master. I'm sure you were ready already? ”

“It's something you can't do, isn't it?” Mitsurugi Yan emitted an infiltrating laugh, like a crying demon.

“Even I'm not sure I can handle a Servant, but Shinji can take you out. ”

After that, Kiryu glanced at Rider behind Noah and held the cane's hand slightly harder.

“Unfortunately, I had no idea there was a second Servant who was secretly protecting Sakura or anything. ”

“Don't keep Sakura so intimate!” Rin Akasaka finally couldn't help but take a step forward, with a pair of eyes carrying an unprecedented amount of anger.

“You don't deserve to be Sakura's grandfather! ”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Mitsurugi Yan gazed at Rin Far Slope with an appreciable gaze, which was surprising.

“If I had known that Sakura's body had that mysterious power to protect, I should have let Shinsen Fukasaka pass you on to me, so that my plan wouldn't have fallen to the point where Shinji could only fill it. ”

“————!" Rin Tosaka had an impulse to do something, while Noah reached out and stopped in front of her.

“Are you Kiryan?” Noah glanced at Kiryan with no emotion.

“I haven't seen you, but I knew it was you when I felt that disgusting bug smell on you. ”

“I haven't seen you either, but I recognized you at first sight, too, Master of Rider.” The infiltrating smile on Mitsurugi's face disappeared for the first time.

“Actually, I've been meaning to ask you, why would you send Rider to protect Sakura in secret? I don't suppose your relationship with Sakura has been so good as to be able to do that? ”

“Why?” Noah laughed, letting the surrounding temperature cool down.

“The disgusting bugs that can turn their grandchildren into monsters without mercy will never understand. ”

In the moment of the fall, a low, broken voice sounds like lightning.

“Psst! ”

In the space in front of Kiryu Yan, where the void broke, a tall figure appeared like a ghost charm, pulling a chain in his hand, in the sound of a "ringing bell", suddenly threw out.

The sudden attack left Kiryan there stunned, unable to react at all.

Spinning, that chain was like a broken head, and it hung hard against the neck of a dirty yam.

“Pfft! ”

The chains that turned into shadows flashed through, bringing up a sound like piercing a leather ball.

In such a voice, a skinned skull-like head flew into the sky.

The man who did it, naturally, was Rider.

The head that flew into the sky was the head of Kiryan, which was strangled directly by Rider's chain.

However, such a head is stuck halfway into the sky.

“Buzz ————! ”

Immediately thereafter, Kiryu Yan's body, which had not fallen, slowly turned into a pile of worms, floated to the sky, surrounding Kiryu Yan's head.

Seeing this scene, Rin Yusaka felt a little creepy.

And more creepy still in the back.

“I didn't die that easy. ”

The head of Kiryu Yan, surrounded by insects, was as if nothing was wrong, and she was still smiling.

“Even famous spirits can't kill me. ”

“Cut...” Fukasaka's angry tongue.

“That's disgusting...”

Rin Yuasaka's statement was endorsed by those present from third parties.

“It's really filthy stuff that people don't want to put in sight, but there's no better person than him to be a witness in the coming hell, well, let's use it together...”

Hearing this voice, the hearts of the people present suddenly tightened and looked up hard to the roof of the temple in front of them.

On the roof of the temple, Gilgamesh sat on the throne, looking down at everyone below, with a cruel and indifferent smile on his face.

“There were a lot of people, and a lot of bastards I hadn't seen. ”

Gilgamesh's words did not provoke anger.

Because I haven't seen Gilgamesh's Rin Akasaka and Saber feel it.

The smell in front of the mountain gate was not strong, but very dangerous.

“Kid, this is the final stage of the game!” Gilgamesh ignored the rest of them, looked at Noah and laughed joyfully.

“Aren't you trying to stop me? Try it! ”

In a word, explode the tense atmosphere that surrounds you.

Rin Akasaka retreated directly to the rear.

Saber silently erected the sword.

Rider stared dead at Gilgamesh.

Noah was the only one with a cold curve at the corner of his mouth.