Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 814: The Goddess of Hestia?

(Much appreciated '? Voids Autumn Leaf', 'Big Dream N Autumn' 1888 Reward! And the rewards of 'Yan Night Leaf GX’, 'Willow Dust Feather’, 'Mr. D-’, ‘Humph’, ‘Wang Hu Lonely Man'!

In the corner of the city, there is a bookstore.

Noah was in this bookstore at the moment.

Knowing from Hill that the bookstore existed, Noah came here almost continuously after eating and stuck his head in it.

To get some information about the world.

Next to one of the bookshelves in the bookstore, Noah held a book and read it, drawing on the knowledge of the world like a sponge.

In other words, learning from knowledge, in fact, Noah brought out a book that looked like a history book with a rough idea of the situation in the world.

It wasn't until this moment that Noah realized what kind of world she was in.

To be precise, it should be said that you know what kind of place you are in.

Maze City - O'Larry.

That's the name of the city where Noah is now.

This is a huge city built on a maze commonly known as the "Underground City".

In this city, there is an organization called the Guild, which is the manager of this city.

At the heart of the guild that manages the city and the gigantic maze known as the Underground City, there are people from all places and races, including humans, who live here and rejoice in the glorious city.

Well, that's O'Larry.

The so-called underground city, on the other hand, refers to a super maze beneath Aurali.

It is a place where the environment is complex and volatile and creates a violent species called monsters, enemies of humans and poses great dangers.

The guild that manages the city has both the duty to control this dangerous place and to encourage the presence of all races from all over the world to explore in underground cities and defeat monsters that threaten humanity.

The adventurer is commonly known as the adventurer, who explores the great maze known as the Underground City and uses the material obtained from the Underground City as a source of livelihood.

Whether it's a Pokémon, an Orc, a Little Man, or an Amazon, including humans, it's an adventurer if you're exploring the Underground City as an activity.

Of course, in O'Larry, not only do people from all races of the world live together, but there are gods from heaven who live here.

They are the transcendent beings that came from the heavens a thousand years ago, and the source of God's 'grace' to the inhabitants of the lower realm.

These beings that transcend human wisdom, because the life of the heavenly world is so boring that they begin to interfere in the lower realm with a game attitude, descend on this earth, and make their own rules prohibiting the use of divine power, must live in a state no different from that of ordinary people, like the inhabitants of the lower realm.

In other words, these gods are a group that acts with their own entertainment as a priority, experiencing everything in the lower realm, and there is no other purpose than the existence of a group of supernatural beings.

Food, interest, friendship, art and even sickness, the gods enjoy these lives from time to time that only the inhabitants of the lower realm will have, and enjoy them as if they were playing a game.

In order to be able to eat, drink and play, these gods who seal their power will give the power known as "grace" to the inhabitants of the lower realm, who will join them and form factions.

This faction is called the Families.

Simply put, it's a force built around a god.

What these forces called "Families" will do depends on the propensity of God as the center.

They work in the exploration of underground cities, in the opening of shops and businesses, in the cultivation of food, and in the direct establishment of a huge country of varying size and nature.

Whichever race a person belongs to, once they have joined God's "family", they must work for this God.

For God gives His family the power of His grace, so that they can change from ordinary men without any power to heroes and mighty men strong enough to rival monsters.

Therefore, under the "grace" of many gods, people usually join a single "family", meet fellow members of the same faction, and engage in adventure, trade, entertainment, and even struggle.

This is the state of the world.

Not only is it Aurary, but there are "families" of God and God in every part of the world, only less so than Aurary, who has underground cities.

And as Noah knows, the power of the people who receive God's "grace" is strong and weak, often distinguished by rank.

The higher the rank, the stronger it naturally is.

“The gods who came to the world to play?” Noah covered the book in her hand and sighed in a haunted sigh.

“Even so, these gods who descend from the sky have changed the situation in the whole world. ”

Isn't that right?

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Now, the coming of God, coupled with the "grace" it brings, makes the people of all races on this earth join their "families" around a faction of gods and become workers who pay for their food, drink and play.

Of course, the coming of God is not all bad.

At least, people get strength from God's "grace."

It is said that the underground city existed before the coming of God.

At that time, while there were parts of the world that could fight monsters that could be called heroes and fighters, there was absolutely no such thing as popularity.

So the monsters that came out of the dungeons at that time would even invade the ground, and fish would flood the world, causing unimaginable catastrophes all over the world.

Today, the inhabitants of the lower realm who have received God's "grace" are no longer like ancient times, but are left to be slaughtered by monsters.

In this era, the underground city has been "graced" by the gods, controlled by the inhabitants of the lower realm of power, and basically no more monsters invade the ground.

It is precisely because in ancient times there were still some brave men and heroes who could fight monsters that Loki's line of people were surprised that Noah had that kind of fighting power without "grace".

Since the power of "grace," people of all races, when they want power, choose to join the "family" and receive the "grace" of God, rather than being clumsy enough to grind their flesh and mortal selves.

Besides, it's not that simple to grind up the power of someone who wants to be matched by 'grace'.

Existence at the level of Ace, if you get ancient, will definitely be the brightest hero.

No, no, no.

Even in this day and age, the presence of the level of ace is the brightest.

“God's" grace "?” Noah scratched her cheek.

“Well, it's true that there's more or less interest. ”

Shoulder shrugged, Noah shoved the book back onto the shelf and just wanted to keep looking for something else, a voice like this went into his ear.

“Grandpa! Here I go again! ”

It's a very delicate and crisp voice.

Judging by the sound lines, the other party must be underage.

And Grandpa, the owner of this bookstore, right?

The owner of this bookstore was an old grandfather, and when Noah came in, she knew from her mouth which book was most useful to herself, saving her search effort.

Then the old man's voice started to sound.

“Is that you again? Goddess Hestia? Didn't I say I wouldn't join your family? ”

“Why don't you join? ”

“But didn't your family have one? ”

“There will be one soon! ”

“Good, good, good, good, good, good, good."


No, it's one of those goddesses who was seen by herself in the bathroom again, isn't it?

Noah's heart began to drum and looked out from the side of the bookshelf in the direction of the store door.

There, a teenage girl is arguing with a young shopkeeper.

That's a beautiful girl.

A young girl with long, shiny, dark hair tied to the tails of her horses hanging on either side, but even so extended to the waist, with a round face and what can be described as a childish look.

Teenage girls, from the looks of it, are about 14 or 5 years old?

However, such a young girl has a mature part that surprises Noah.