Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 901: Why don't you go on a date with me?

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“Underground city mutation? ”

In the home camp of the "Hestian Family", Noah immediately told Hestia about the 17th floor, and Hestia immediately stumbled and became suspicious.

“Why do the underground cities mutate? ”

“I just didn't know to come back and ask you.” Noah smiled bitterly.

“I had just solved that Goliath floor owner, and suddenly there was a vibration on the 17th floor, and then another Goliath appeared, and even the potential absolutely surpassed Goliath of Lv.4 to Lv.5. ”

“Lv.5?” Hestia shouted.

“No way? I've never heard of anything like that. ”

“Really?” asked Noah.

“In other words, there has never been a sudden escalation of Lv.4 to Lv.5? ”

“Not only is it Goliath, who has never heard of a floor owner who would suddenly escalate, but after the floor owner was defeated, a higher level floor owner was born again.” Hestia said with some uncertainty.

“Is that a mistake? ”

“Do you think I could be wrong about something this big?” Noah turned a white eye.

“Whether it's Goliath of Lv.4 or Goliath of Lv.5, I solved it myself. Can't I see the difference? ”

“That's true...” Hestia frowned.

“What the hell is going on? ”

Seeing Hestiana frowning, Noah, who felt the time was approaching, asked the question she cared most about.

“Is it possible that the underground city has changed due to external factors? ”

“External factors?” Hestia looked at Noah.

“What do you mean? ”

“For example, if a condition is met, the underground city immediately creates the possibility of having a same type of floor owner that is stronger than the previous floor owner.” Noah chose words appropriately.

“Is it possible that when conditions like one hit solves the floor owner, the underground city is triggered and a new, stronger floor owner is born? ”

“This...” Hestia twisted her head and looked distressed.

“Maybe, but I haven't heard of it either. ”

“What if that's not the condition?” Noah's eyes flashed.

“It's also possible that there's something in the dungeons that isn't supposed to exist or power, like the divine power you gods use! ”

Heard that Hestia's expression suddenly stifled and her wrinkled eyebrows became tighter and tighter. Finally, she lowered her head and whispered.

“In that case, that's a real possibility. ”

“Possible?” Noah took a clear note of the change in Hestia's attitude and rushed to ask.

“What can I say? ”

“Just like you said.” Hestia looked at Noah a little more seriously.

“It is possible, indeed, that this mutation took place because some god broke into the dungeon. ”

“Really?” Noah's heart moves, but he's still so confused.

“But why would God break into a dungeon and cause a mutation? ”

“Because the Dungeons will not allow us to enter God.” Hestia sighed.

“You may not know that the Guild is actually banning us from entering the Underground City. ”

“To forbid God from entering the Underground City?” Noah also frowned.


“Didn't I tell you? The Dungeons will not allow us to enter!” Heartfelt in Hestian.

“It's like a rejection reaction, the dungeons are rejecting us gods, rejecting us gods, and if we go into the dungeons, it's bound to cause anger in the dungeons. ”

“The wrath of the dungeons?” Noah was curious.

“Will the Underground still be angry? ”

“Don't underestimate the underground, Noah.” Hestia spoke solemnly to Noah.

“The Underground City is alive, and it gives birth to species known as monsters, and it gives birth to resources that are not available on all kinds of earth, and so it excludes us gods, so what's so strange if we gods enter the Underground City and cause its anger? ”

“In other words, the underground city has not only life, but also consciousness?” Noah was stunned.

“No way? ”

“Is it conscious? Or is that just a basement instinct?” Hestia seemed to have a bit of a twist and didn't know how to explain it to Noah, so she shrugged her shoulders and said something like that.

“It is precisely because there is so much unknown in the Underground City that it attracts adventurers from all over the world to explore whether the Dungeon's rejection of God is a consciousness of the Underground City itself or just a simple instinct that you must discover, that God is at best watching you children move forward. ”

Nod Noah nodded thoughtfully.

“Perhaps, like you said, I don't know which idiot god broke into the dungeon and was found in the dungeon, so that caused the mutation?” Hestia had nothing to do with waving like a tall, hung hand, but then got angry again.

“Fortunately, my Noah is big enough, and the owner of the LV.5 floor in the district is nothing, otherwise, if it hurts my Noah, I must unload the fool who broke into the underground city! ”

When he heard Hestiana's angry words, Noah could only laugh.

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Because of Noah's use of divine power in the Underground City, the Underground City may have given Noah the wrong idea of a god in the world, and that would suddenly mutate and give birth to an Lv.5 Goliath, right?

It seems that in the underground, if you want to use divine power, you have to think about it.

But if we put this to good use, maybe Noah can always paint Goliath's weird name LV.5 on the 17th floor?

Noah was so happy to think about it.

At this point, Hestia's eyeballs turned and suddenly pounced on Noah, hugging him and saying with some anticipation.

“I said, Noah, since you're all out of town, why don't you go on a date with me? ”

Noah's joy suddenly turned into a cry.

Noah also recently discovered it.

The goddess Hestia, in fact, is quite exclusive.

Hestia also worked hard to make Noah happy that she didn't choose to leave herself.


After getting rid of Hestia's entanglement, Noah stepped out of the main camp of the "Hestia Family" amid Hestia's grievances.

Although a goddess, Hestia's appearance is simply a fourteen or five-year-old child (without looking at a particularly prominent part).

If you go out with a goddess like this, maybe those gods who are not in turmoil in the world will be very excited to promote some of them or not.

Like, what's Noah's special habit?

In that case, Noah is truly groundless.

So, while it might upset Hestia, Noah feels like dating or something, just hang out at home and don't go out and shake it.

In short, Noah doesn't really hate dating Hestia.

Noah couldn't help but laugh when she remembered the grudges of the goddess at home.

“Bring some presents to Hestia when you get back...”

In self-talk, Noah broke into a side alley.

This time, Noah wasn't going to go underground, she was going to find a place to fill her stomach.

Hestia didn't seem to expect Noah to come back so quickly, so she didn't buy Noah's lunch, so Noah had to come out looking for food herself.

“Let's go to The Lady of Forgiveness! ”

After that, Noah just tried to cut the shortcut, deep in an alley next to her, and a somewhat panicked footstep rang.

No, not one, two.

And those two footsteps are constantly closing in on Noah.

With curiosity, Noah walked into a footsteps alley approaching this way.

Then a little girl running with a big sword in her arms imprinted Noah's curtain.

Noah couldn't help but look at the little girl.

Would it be such a coincidence?