Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 912, That's Why You Live So Hard.

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Heaven ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~’, 'Windless Heaven’, 'Immortal Domain Visitor’, ‘Closed Festival Moon’!

“Boo-hoo! ”

Lily's delicate body trembled when that heartbeating muffled sound shook across the empty alley, but she didn't wait for the pain she imagined, and Lily opened her eyes in surprise.

And then Lily saw it.

That was supposed to be squatting in front of himself, and the whole Orc who was waving his fist at him flew out and hit the wall hard.

Instead of the Orc, it's a shadow.

One is not a strange backdrop for Lily.

Look at that shadow, Lily stays out loud.

“Noah... my lord? … ”

Heran, that's Noah.

Glimpsed paralyzed on the ground behind her, staring at Lily, Noah lifted her curtains and looked forward.

“Psst! ”

With Noah's eyes swept away, several adventurers who squeezed Lily's "Sumo Family" with the Orc cried out, and the footsteps began to retreat, and her face was filled with horror. Even that flied out, hitting the wall, and the beasts all over her spasmed. After seeing Noah, her face turned blue.

“Tyranny... tyrant?! ”

Noah's face began to get cold when she saw the look of fear and fear that the adventurer of the "Sumo Family" had shown herself.

“It seems wrong to let you go yesterday because you didn't do anything...”

Noah spotted these guys when they showed up, chased behind Lily, and walked into the alley.

It was because of the discovery that these guys were chasing Lily that Noah moved, not immediately catching Lily, but hanging behind Lily's back and quietly following her.

As a result, the scene where these guys bullied Lily was completely taken away by Noah.

How could Noah not have guessed what was going on when she saw such a scene and associated herself with the situation of the "Sumo Family"?

And now Noah understands perfectly well why Lily is trying to steal it, raise money, and then quit the Sumo Family.

If all the people in the "Summer Families" were crazy enough to squeeze and bully even a "Families" companion, who would want to stay in the "Families"?

By this moment, Noah truly understood what "Sumo Family" was like.

It was just a madness group that was distorted by the Lord's poor management.

So, in this moment, Noah's heart does not derive from his aversion to the spirits being captured in front of him, which leads to a mad adventurer, but from his aversion to Summer, the god of spirits.

Rocky said that there was nothing in Summer's god's head but his interest in brewing wine.

From the beginning, Summer didn't want to manage the Families, she just wanted to figure out how to make the wine and how to get the money to make it.

Rocky even said funny, "Maybe that nerd god doesn't even know what his family is like right now?" ♪ Such a sentence. ♪

This is enough to prove who caused the madness of the 'Samoans'.

As long as Sumo, the Lord God of the Families, puts his mind on his Families, he will not make the Sumo Families such a group even if he distributes the wine as a prize to members inside the Families.

For the word of the Lord God is of the greatest weight in any family.

Summer just needs to throw down the phrase "If you want to drink spirits, you must earn money by regular means" and the adventurers in "Summer Families" will not become unreasonable beasts even if they are captured by spirits.

Even such a phrase is unwilling to give, let the members of his "family" become this virtue, cast a twisted "family", Sumo's irresponsibility is the culprit.

With this in mind, Noah's aversion to Sumo has also risen to the extreme, and the words that come out of her mouth have become dangerous.

“I'm in a very bad mood right now, if you don't want to die, just get out of here now! ”

Rumor has it, including the beast, that every adventurer of the "Sumo Family" in the room has changed his face sharply, and there is a god of fear in his eyes and face.

No one would doubt Noah's words.

Because the silk dangers that Noah carries make people's hearts tremble.

No one would doubt Noah had that ability.

Because Noah broke down the whole Apollo family thing with his own hands, and that was known to the whole of Aurary.

“Ahhhhhhhh ————! ”

Now, the adventurers of the still intact 'Sumo Family' screamed and fled in the opposite direction of Noah, one by one.

“Wait... wait for me! ”

The Orc, who was kicked off by Noah's foot, climbed with a rolling band on the ground, and fled a shadow in the blink of an eye by landing on his limbs.

The whole alley became silent.

Noah turned around and looked at Lily, paralyzed on the ground, still staring at her, silently.

Knowing Lily's condition, Noah realized that the girl in front of her was probably worse than she thought.

Her self-righteous help to Lily not only did not make the girl feel better, but let her be targeted by those who were ill intentioned, which led to all this.

Just as Noah fell into silence for her own improper consideration, Lily bowed her head and squeezed out a hard sentence.


The sound was very mild.

It can be found in empty alleys, but it looks so clear.

Noah can only laugh.

“You seem to be asking why…”

“Why did Lord Noah come?” Lily ignored Noah's bitter smile, trembled on her thin, poor shoulder, and sand dull asked.

“Lily obviously doesn't need Lord Noah's help...”

“Really?” Noah spoke directly, interrupting Lily's words.

“Don't you really need help? ”

“What else can I say?” Lily's laughing voice is worse than crying.

“Lily never needed anyone's help, and even without it, Lily was able to survive, and Lily lived in this way. ”

“Yes, you survived on your own.” Noah's indifferent voice penetrated Lily's heart.

“That's why you live so hard. ”

Lily opened her mouth, seemingly trying to refute it, but couldn't squeeze out a single word. She could only keep sitting there paralyzed, looked up, looked at the dim sky, and her eyes looked unusually empty.

“Sure, would it be better if Lily died? ”

“What, you want to die?” Noah's eyes turned calm on Lily.

“I won't stop you if that's really your wish. ”

After that, Noah lifted her footsteps, rubbed Lily's side, and walked behind Lily.

“But until then, tell me, where is the home camp of the Samoans? ”

“Home camp...” Lily's empty eyes fluttered a little color, turning her head and looking at Noah standing behind herself.

“What do you... what do you want? ”

“Nothing." Noah looked away, grinning as if she could see something.

“Just wanted to see how much of Rocky's nerd god stayed. ”


In one corner of O'Larry, there is a towering building.

The structure of the building is somewhat similar to that of the main camp of the "Rocky Family".

But on a scale far less magnificent than the Rockies, but also quite significant.

Led by Lily, Noah came to the door of the building, raised her head, looked at the top of the building, and her head didn't echo.

“Is this it? ”

“Yes...” Lily's voice seemed a little confused.

“What exactly is Lord Noah going to do? ”

“Wanna know?” Noah chuckled.

“Then open your eyes and take a good look! ”

Speaking of which, Noah pointed at the front door and extended her hand.

“Buzz ————! ”

A magnificent magic formation swung out in front of Noah's palm and lit up suddenly.

The next moment, a beam of magic burst out of that magnificent array of magic, staring into Lily's shocked eyes and falling on the front door.

“Boom --! ”

Along with the sound of an explosion, the gates of the towering building were directly bombarded by a magical beam, sparking fire and rising to the sky.