Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 938: Girl Made by Pokémon in Final Showdown with the Demon King (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Cool’, ‘Morning Wind ’, 'Pickled Ai’, ‘Emotional Displacement’, ‘ASSASSINTER’, ‘lord’, ‘Lonely Palms Difficult'!

“ ———— ”

This is a shout-out of utter seriousness that cannot be expressed in words.

It is a battlefield that echoes such a wave of extremely serious shouts and murders.

A battlefield situated in a fortress.

On a battlefield like this, people shouted out the last glow of life, and the sound of killing sounded all over the sky, creating an atmosphere of sadness and smoke in space, and tightening the heart.

And on this battlefield, there are two camps.

One is a camp wearing a Pokémon costume converted from a Pokémon and constantly attacking toward the castle.

One is a camp that uses the City Plug as a base to fight back against the Pokémon, using the Pokémon Costume's camp to relegate the Servant Pokémon relentlessly, allowing Pokémon of all shapes, attributes, abilities and even levels to fight back.

Focusing on the elf wearing a different elf costume and the elf serving in a different shape, the warriors of the two camps were brutally slaughtered on this battlefield.

For a while, the space was filled with swords and shadows of light, and the air was filled with a array of divine shocks. Even the sound of the blade's interaction was constantly vibrating in the ears, and the scene was unusually shocking.

However, the Pokémon and Pokémon killed on the battlefield were nothing more than small soldiers in two camps.

The battle to truly lay victory and defeat is not taking place on the battlefield, but is entering its final phase in that magnificent fortress.

It was a corridor stained with blood from a large group of fallen soldiers.

On the corridor, a young girl with beautiful golden hair and long waist, filled with a sense of majesty and holiness, swung forward like a storm, waving a steel sword shining with a dazzling light, provoking a sword, flashing in all directions.

Even in such a corridor stained with blood, even a drop of blood remains uncontaminated on the young girl, as if it were silt and undyed lotus blossoms, very holy.

And the girl's frequently dancing silver glittering steel sword is as beautiful as she is dancing.

It's a gorgeous combat technique called sword dance.

The young girl, who performs this battle skill closely related to the Pokémon, will then cut off her waist at one of the Pokémon she attacked and, during the flashes of her sword and figure, make a Pokémon who serves these Pokémon kill the scene in a splash of blood.

Even so, the girl still hasn't stopped herself, hasn't even slowed down, constantly advancing, raiding, re-raiding.

This process, I don't know how long it lasted.

In the meantime, it is also unknown how many jinns cause the jinn to die in the hands of young girls.

However, the historic war that brought the war to a close was inevitable.

With a glittering steel sword in her hand, the young girl killed the last elf and crossed the corridor to reach the deepest part of the castle.

In front of the girl, far away, is a throne.

A flame surrounded by darkness, and a bear burning like a throne used by the ghost king of hell.

On the throne, a man sat on it.

Because of the dark flames that the bear was burning, the whole person on the throne seemed a little blurred and swayed.

Even so, it can be judged from the contours of the other person's body.

The other side, it's a man.

A man who couldn't see his face at all sat so calmly on the throne, burning a dark flame on his body, and the space around him began to distort, drilling out an elf in all its forms with only horrible pressure.

A male elf capable of serving elves.

The identity of the other party has been called out.


The Demon King, who brought devastating calamity to the entire continent.

Legend has it that this Demon King is powerful, even allowing him to rule 72 columns of elves.

Originally, a covenant with two Pokémon at the same time would have allowed the Pokémon and Pokémon to interfere with each other, negatively affecting the Pokémon.

In such circumstances, the Demon King named Solomon could make a painstaking covenant with a seventy-two pillar Pokémon and control the seventy-two Pokémon perfectly.

That is a divine ability.

It is precisely for this reason that the Demon King, known as Solomon, is capable of bringing disaster to the entire continent and of terrorizing him abnormally.

However, there is no fear in the hearts of a young girl with a silver glittering steel sword who faces a demon king capable of serving as a 72-pillar elf.

The momentum is even stronger than that of the Demon King, who served as a 72-pillar elf.

Immediately afterwards, the girl with the silver glittering steel sword, like an arrow off the string, rose vertically and burst out.

In its hands, the bright light shines on the sword of the covered gorgeous steel sword, with an inscription in the ancient Elf language.

If translated, the meaning of the elf text is this:

--Protector God? Tiluminus? TerminusEst '.


“ ———— ”

Noah opened her eyes violently, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare, with some palpitations in her eyes.

However, it is not a cruel battlefield, but rather a bird-language floral environment, that enters Noah's palpitating eyes.

Surrounded by a huge courtyard.

In the distance is a luxurious building.

Side by side, the horse that had awakened with the arrival of the morning bowed its head and chewed the grass in a barrel full of grass in front, making everything seem so peaceful.

And Noah, nature is like sleeping past, sitting on a thick branch, leaning against a trunk, waking up on a tree.

The sky, it's already bright.

A Ji witch in a pure white uniform came from afar, laughing and laughing, but when Noah was discovered, her face immediately shocked and she made a whispering scream and said something in the direction of Noah.

Noah laughed bitterly and raised her hand when she realized that there was a young girl gathered in the courtyard not far away with a curious look in fear of herself.

The back of this hand is branded with a mysterious, yet powerful sealing elf imprint left behind by the signing of a contract.

Look at the elf imprint on the back of his hand and Noah mumbles.

“Is that the dream of the Sword Elf? ”

In the moon world, Master, who made a pact with the spirits of the world in the form of Servant through the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City, can see in his dreams the memories and life of Servant's past.

And in this world, the like-minded Pokémon and Pokémon allow dreams to be shared at rare times.

Especially when the elves or elves cause problems that prevent the "door" connecting the two from opening, this phenomenon becomes more frequent.

Noah is in this situation today.

“Does the elf of the final duel with the Demon King make the girl...?” Noah's eyes flashed.

“Is that the Virgin of Salvation? ”

Why would you dream of the final battle between the Saviour's Virgin and the Devil's King of Disaster when you share your dream with the Elves?

“Is it true that the Sword Elf is the Virgin Elf, the famous DemonSlayer? ”

Noah recalls the sword in the hand of the young girl she saw in her dreams, the elf inscribed on her sword.

--Protector God? Tiluminus? TerminusEst '.

“Isn't that the real name of DemonSlayer? ”

Before Noah could come up with one, a familiar voice sounded beneath the tree.

“How long are you going to stay up there like this? ”

With this phrase, Alice, who appeared under the tree, raised her head, stared at Noah and spoke out loud.

“Come on down! ”

Noah woke up from her world, shook her head, and put all the content of this extraordinary dream deep inside her.

No matter how big the elves are, it won't help if they can't summon them.

It's still important to think about how to summon the elves.