Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 954 Reasons for Failure to Respond to Summons (Moon Tickets)

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(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Pickled Ai’, ‘Thunder Buzz’, 'Tsim ’, 'Ming Wang’, ‘^ O ^ Flower Coriander’!

Though I don't know what Esther is hiding, Noah can be sure that it's definitely not something you can just hang around talking about.

So Noah didn't go any further to find out why.

But Esther's ability made Noah more certain that the girl who called herself the most powerful sword elf was the legendary DemonSlayer.

Until now, there has been a legend on the mainland that "The Saviour's sword penetrated the heart of the Demon King, destroying the imprint of the Pokémon branded on the body of the Demon King, and thus liberating the 72 columns of Pokémon called by the Demon King".

If Esther really had that level of spell resistance, breaking someone else's elf imprint wasn't something she couldn't do.

And as Esther said, Noah has the same level of spell resistance.

The difference is that Esther's resistance to spells tends to be more proactive than passive.

Noah's spell resistance, however, can only act on itself and cannot be proactively released.

For example, when someone uses elf magic, it will not be nullified unless it falls on Noah's body.

But Esther is a Deed Pokémon who can proactively remove elf magic from others, even break the curse on others, destroy all imprints of elves, and liberate the elves to serve.

The difference is that one is active and the other is passive.

Of course, it's just Esther's ability.

When Esther turns into a Pokémon costume, that's what Noah does when she plays her true power as a Pokémon.

Noah suddenly woke up.

Esther can even remove someone else's Pokémon imprint because of her relationship with the highest level of spell resistance.

So, also having the highest level of spell resistance, whether good or bad, Noah, who bounced off the way he acted on his body, couldn't also brand the elves and make a pact with them?

“Looks like the master has figured out why I can't answer your call. ”

Esther said it as if she saw through Noah's mind.

“The kind of spell resistance my master possesses is decidedly different from my inability to proactively release, only to act as a physique, and to eject any physical form of action, whether beneficial or unhelpful, including contracts with elves. ”

Noah couldn't help but blame herself for forgetting about it.

But that's not Noah's fault either.

In the moon world, when Noah participated in the Grail War, she successfully made a pact with Servant to become a Master.

But it was because of the power of the Grail that Noana's defiant body of spell-resistance was engraved and successfully contracted with Rider.

Without the power of the Holy Grail to assist, pure magic crystals like "The Curse" simply cannot be branded on Noah, allowing Noah to successfully conclude a contract with Servant.

Not so lucky this time, there's a Grail that can get in the way.

Consequently, the contract concluded with the elves will naturally also be ejected by Noana's defiant body of spell resistance, which cannot take effect.

“Fortunately, I have almost exactly the same ability as my master to resist this spell, allowing me to conclude a contract with him.” Esther explained.

“However, in order to succeed in engraving the Master with a Pokémon, my power was almost completely depleted, resulting in the loss of even the strength to maintain my shape, and I fell asleep, unable to respond to the Master's call, which resulted in the Master not being able to use me. ”

This time, Noah finally figured out what was going on.

“That's exactly what you said, for my own reasons.” Noah sighed and glanced at Esther.

“So, have you recovered your power now? ”

“Yes, yesterday's words were somewhat elusive, but by the time my master summoned me to become an elf demon costume and instilled a great deal of divine power in me, I had regained all my strength by drawing enough divine power.” Esther nodded.

“In general, my power is depleted to such an extent that it will take me a year or two to restore the power that sustains my body, and I do not know how much time it will take to restore all my power, but my master's divine power is so abundant, I have only learned a part of it, and almost all my power will be restored. Today, it is restored to full strength. ”

“Oh?” Noah moved.

“So yesterday, when I used you, wasn't that all you had? ”

Esther nodded silently, making Noah smile.

“Good, Esther.” Noah held Esther's hand.

“Then let me feel how much power you have! ”

“I am the master's sword.” Esther held Noah's hand backwards and had a faint, albeit resolute, tone.

“Everything is as you wish. ”


In a bush at Elysia Pokémon College, Noah grabbed Esther's hand and walked in here, onto a lawn covered in grass, looking around.

This is typically where students who like to be quiet spend their after-school time at Elysia Pokémon College.

Because it's still morning, the students are basically in the classroom, and naturally there's no one here.

“Well, here it is.” Noah turned around and looked at Esther.

“Please, Esther. ”

“Yes." Esther held Noah's hand and closed her eyes.

Meanwhile, Noah closed her eyes and immediately poured an energy into Esther's body through her arms.

“--The queen of ruthless steel, the sword of demonization, here turned into the sword of steel, give me divine power...”

When the Deed Pokémon spell sounds from Noah's mouth, Noah's hands holding Esther's little hand, like a complex staggered Pokémon imprint, shine bright.

Esther began to shine bright silver and gradually turned into a bunch of light particles, converging in Noah's hands.

Soon after, the shining silver sword appeared in Noah's hand, held tight by Noah.


Highest level Pokémon Costume by the strongest Sword Pokémon.

Its power can even liberate the 72-pillar elves that Solomon's Demon King serves.

Today, after the Savior Virgin, this power falls entirely into Noah's hands.

Instead of opening her eyes, Noah maintained a slow infusion of divine power into DemonSlayer, communicating with Esther in her heart.

“Esther, how are you feeling? ”

“Good condition.” Esther's unique low and cold indifference sounded in Noah's heart.

“However, the master is now using the elf magic costume for the second time, and is not yet fully proficient in using me. The infusion of the divine power is only a one-sided output, and does not cooperate with my divine power, leading to a slight instability in the use of power. ”

“Really?” Noah nodded herself.

“Cooperate with your divine power...”

Thus, Noah began to try to adjust the output frequency of the Divine Power Power, to communicate at the deepest level with the pulsating DemonSlayer, and gradually became familiar with the flow of the Divine Power energy in DemonSlayer, and then instilled his Divine Power energy into the past at a certain frequency to fit with it.

Under these circumstances, the light on DemonSlayer becomes more and more bright.

“That's it, master.” Esther's voice sounded just right.

“Feel my inner self slowly, not just divine power, but even my heart blends with me, so that we can use our strongest strength. ”

The elves make the strength of the Deed elf here.

Usually, as a purely servant animal, the Pokémon are summoned to attack only at the service of the Pokémon.

However, once the Pokémon have been made into the Pokémon Costume, the Pokémon can match the Deed Pokémon to each other, blending each other's divine powers and exerting a power of one plus one greater than two.