Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 966: The Gate to the Elemental Elf Realm (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 10,000 reward of "10 incenses of the Night Knife God"! And rewards for 'Tsim ’, 'Empty Water Moon’, ‘Black De Melody’, ‘HysteriaKing’, ‘New Year's Dream Tree’, ‘Three Thousand Lori Hearts’, ‘HKDS2’, ‘A Dead House’, ‘Invisible Observer’!

In the Pokémon Forest, Noah, Claire and Linsley are walking on a sunlit slate road led by Freya.

As a rival of Noah, Claire and Linsley, the other team was at the forefront, wondering if they were talking about tactics, and from time to time looked back at Noah, but only with a cold eye at Claire alone.

That attitude made Noah quite confused.

Why is it targeting Claire alone?

Is there anything special about Claire?

Next to Claire, Linsley followed Claire closely, uncommonly without fighting Claire.

Claire herself kept her mouth shut tight and her usual aggressive wildcat-like attitude disappeared and remained silent.

Only Esther, holding Noah's hand, sometimes takes a giant step forward to keep pace with Noah, and sometimes makes a small jump over some obstacles, like a little animal, very cute.

As for Freya, it was like trying to separate the two teams, walking in the middle, turning around, looking at Noah, Claire and Linsley, and saying,

“If you want to participate in the Elf Sword Dance Festival, you must have a team of five. Why are you only three? ”

“We don't have all the numbers.” Noah shrugged.

“Isn't it true that even if the team isn't ready, they can still compete in the faculty-arranged rivalry? ”

“That's true, but this Elf Sword Dance Festival is a five-man team match. If you get together one day later, you will develop a team awareness and tacit understanding one day later, which is bad for you.” Freya, calm down.

“Moreover, while the Faculty's rivalry does not require a team of five to compete, essentially no one will fight in an uneven number of people. ”

“After all, it's not good to know if you have more opponents than you do.” Freya chattered.

“And once you lose, the college doesn't care if you don't get the numbers together. If you don't get the ranking score, the ranking will go down, so do you think it doesn't matter? ”

“Ah, Teacher, who do you think you're talking to?” Linsley had a confident and proud smile on her face, as she had always said.

“Even if we don't have the numbers, we won't lose without my ice demon Linslay. ”

“Ice Demon?” Noah blinked.

Remember when Noah first arrived in the world, came to the Elf Academy in Alessia, and sneaked into the Academy with a stealth helmet, she inadvertently heard this conversation.


“Nah, you hear that? Crow Ben's Fire Cat and Ice Demon are fighting in class again? ”

“How come it's them again? ”

“They argue like that every day because they dare to call themselves nobles. ”

“That's why I can't stand the good kids in the crow class. ”

“After all, one is an elf who has fallen out of the aristocracy, and one is a young lady of the country aristocracy, and it is only natural that there is no upbringing. ”



Now in retrospect, Claire and Linsley seem to be from Crow Class, right?

And since Linsley is the Ice Demon, then...

“Nah, Claire.” Noah asked Claire in a tentative manner.

“You're not called a firecat, are you? ”

“Weird?” Claire lifted her lips.

“My Scarlett is a firecat elf with inflammatory properties. Isn't it normal for people to call me that? ”

Noah chuckled.

And that's when Freya made a sound.

“Here we are.”

The walkers stopped and looked forward.

Only, in front of the road, there is a vast square.

It's like some kind of arena.

In the middle of the square, there is a boulder circle.

And that circle, it's glowing slightly.

Looking at that circle, Noah murmured.

“Is that the door to the Elemental Elf world? ”

--Elemental Elf Realm.

It is inhabited by elves, completely different from the human world.

There, that's where the students at the academy compete as a team.

Because, in the Elemental Sprite world, the Sprite makes it possible to use the Deed Sprite as pure divine power.

In such a situation, the body boarded by divine power is equivalent to the elf itself, with little physical damage, and will only cause the same level of spiritual damage.

In this way, it's just as good as "Blaze" in the "Absolute Double Blade" world.

So, in order to avoid irreparable damage to students as they race against each other, the Pokémon practice, study, and even confrontation held at the Academy will take place in the Elemental Pokémon world as long as the course is physically damaging.

“You're all coming too. ”

With Freya's greeting, Noah traveled all the way to the boulder circle.

This boulder circle is a transfer array that opens the gates to the Elemental Elf Realm.

“Transmission array?” Noah whispered a little helplessly.

“Hope it works for me. ”

Noah is resistant to unconventional spells.

It's really hard to say if this transmission will work for Noah.

“It's all right, master. ”

Seems to have learned Noah's concerns from Noah's whispering, saying Esther, who has been holding Noah's hand.

“The main function of this boulder circle is to open the door to the Elemental Elf Realm, not to transfer yourself, you are just passing through the door and not to pop the role of the transfer array. ”

Noah just relaxed when she heard about it.

If that's the case, then this boulder circle works somewhat the same way as the Devil's College world does in transferring people to another dimension.

“Is everything ready? ”

Freya glanced around at everyone and nodded.

“Then let's go. ”

Speaking, Freya closed her eyes and began to sing a fairy word.

That's the spell that opened the door.

When Freya's wings fell, the entire boulder circle glowed.

Noah only felt the field of view in front of her completely covered by a white flash, followed by a feeling of floating in the water.

Noah didn't open her eyes until she stepped on the ground again.

What Noah sees is a completely different view.

Around is a tree that is severely distorted and deformed.

In the air, there are light particles like fireflies dancing back and forth, shining a faint light.

“Start the team rivalry now. ”

Freya made the announcement in front of everyone.

“The game will start in half an hour, before you and your team all move in the opposite direction for ten minutes, and the time behind you moves freely until half an hour passes before the game begins. Do you hear me? ”

The so-called group rivalry is not just a mixed war between the two sides.

The official content of the Elf Sword Dance Festival has not yet been published, and no one knows what form the team competition will take.

Therefore, the College will host all possible forms of events once.

Now, in imitating being randomly transferred to different places, it takes a long time to compete in a team match.

“So, two teams apart at the same time! ”

At Freya's command, both teams marched in opposite directions to each other and into the woods beside them.

“Esther. ”

“Yes, master. ”

As soon as he entered the woods, Esther, holding Noah's hand, closed his eyes under Noah's command and turned his whole body into a brilliant particle of light, gathered in Noah's hand, gradually forming a silver sword with a gleam of silver.

Claire cast a curious eye.

“Is this the sword the Virgin once used to destroy the Demon King? ”

“Though we already know about this, it's incredible to think about it.” Linsley was more of a shush.

“It's strange that the Saviour Virgin's Covenant Elf would make a covenant with a male elf like Solomon the Demon King. ”

Linsley's words similarly gave Noah a slight pause and turned her attention to the sword in her hand.

Esther, why are you making a pact with Noah?

Until now, Noah doesn't know why.