Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 980: Sooner or later, you and I need a war.

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward! And rewards for 'Windless Heaven’, 'Closed Festival Moon’, ‘Timo ╉ Must Die’, ‘Bayunmei', ‘Originator Invincible’, ‘Black Rock Star Feather’, ‘The Song of the End of the World’!

Since coming into the world, Noah has had a lot of trouble for no reason.

Not to mention the problems caused by the male elves, simply because they were found, and in less than a month's time in the world, Noah didn't know how many times she had been found.

At first, because of her curiosity towards Noah, Lestia herself led a group of warcraft to attack the Eresian Pokémon Academy and, according to her, wanted to see Noah's performance.

Noah put up with it that time.

Whatever the purpose, Noah took this opportunity to summon Esther and truly gain the power of the Deed Elf.

With this result, Lestia's little prank, Noah took it as if she hadn't seen it.

Then, Lian's strongest sworddancer, Ji, suddenly came to the door and attacked Noah, with the aim of matching Lestia somewhat, just to see Noah's strength.

That time, Noah put up with it.

After all, because of the relationship of "World Fragment", Lotus's entire life was changed, becoming the strongest sword dancer, not to mention inheriting the power of the Dark Elf King, the whole life is destined to be calm.

Noah must shoulder this responsibility.

Therefore, Noah's willingness to take Lotus's hand was taken for granted, and she did not pursue it.

And today, Gio, a fake elf who doesn't know where he's coming from, finds Noah and comes straight at Noah.

Just because of that ridiculous Queen of Demons heir.

From this point on, Noah really got to the edge of the outbreak.

Noah was a powerful man.

If others are good to Noah, then Noah will certainly be good to others.

If someone is bad to Noah, then Noah will only treat others in a worse way.

In front, Lotus and Lestia searched for nothing. For a reason, Noah put up with it.

But what is this Gio Inzachi?

Why would Noah have to be picked up?

If Gio hadn't been solved by Vercellia by now, then this stupid guy would have had to endure all of Noah's impatience for a while.

Now, however, Violet suddenly took Noah's prey, not to mention trying to find Noah, just like the others?

Reason. Want to see Noah's strength?

“Want to see my strength? ”

Like the calm before the storm, the atmosphere of extreme repression followed Noah's voice and spread around.

“What kind of strength do you think I have?” Noah looked at Verseria and her dark eyes filled with cold splendor.

“It doesn't matter if you want to see it that much. ”

With the passage of such a sentence, a strain close to terror, like an invisible heavy hammer, was born on everyone's mind.

“But this time, I won't let it go. ”

At this moment, a palpitating stress was felt in the words of Noah among all present, including the powerful appearance of Verseria herself.

Feeling that amazing pressure, no one doubted it.

Once Velceria does it, it's going to go to a point where it can't be handled.

“Noah?” Alice and Fiana both looked at Noah with horrible pressure in their eyes.

“You...” Vercellia looked heavily, with unprecedented clotting in her eyes.

The divine power gathered in the hands of Vercellia has suddenly disappeared.

It's not because Violet's scared.

Instead, at this moment alone, Vercellia understood the appalling pressure that had spread from Noah.

In front of you, this male elf makes it absolutely impossible to crush a character that you can easily crush.

The strength of this man, it's just, it's pretty scary.

“Rumors don't seem to be random.” Violet stared dead at Noah and suddenly laughed.

“Fine, if you really have the ability to fight Lotus Ashoubel, then I will crush you completely and prove myself stronger than Lotus Ashoubel! ”

Speaking of which, Vercellia looked around.

Around, a moment of footsteps began to sound in a hurry, approaching in a hurry, even in the dormitory of Mole Squad, in which the room rang a stir and a noise.

The movement ahead was not significant, so not many people had found out about Geo's invasion.

However, the relentless cannon fire from which Verseria appeared bombed almost the entire courtyard.

That big move is unlikely to go unnoticed.

Now, Vercellia looked straight at Noah, and the voice sounded strong and powerful.

“I can't seem to fight today, but you and I need a fight sooner or later! ”

“As long as you and I both attend the Elf Sword Dance Festival, if you take Lotus Ashoubel against you! ”

Leaving this sentence, Vercellia swung the cape, a slippery turn and walked towards the door of the Mole Ben Dormitory.

Noah frowned slightly when she saw that Violet had chosen to back off but left a declaration of battle.

“What a problem. Why don't we just settle this once? ”

I thought so, but Noah wasn't really going to come up with all the power.

Otherwise, this Elysia Pokémon Academy might not really have a way of preserving itself.


Elysia Pokémon College, outside the dean's office, Noah stood here with Fiana.

Soon after, a rush of footsteps sounded, allowing Noah and Fiana to look past.

Claire and Linsley ran over the corner of the corridor.

Also, Claire's hair seemed a little wet and seemed to have just washed up.

Behind Linsley was Carol, who seemed in a very hurry.

“Are you all right? ”

As soon as Claire and Linsley came up, they made a sound almost at the same time, followed by an awkward appearance.

“Oh...” Carol grinned.

“The two ladies seem very worried about Mr. Noah. ”

“Carol!” Claire and Lynn Layton were angry and angry at the same time, confirming what Carol said.

You don't have to think about it. Claire and Linsley must have come because they heard about Noah being attacked.

“Don't worry, I won't be able to run out and get hurt.” Noah shook her head with a smile.

“Now that the attacker has been captured by the Knights of the Wind, Alice is reporting the whole thing to Gravas inside, and we're just waiting here for the outcome of the negotiations. ”

“Is that so?” Claire and Linsley were relieved.

You can see from this that Claire and Linsley are really worried about Noah.

Though she is a troublesome young lady and a problematic person in all respects, Claire and Linsley are very kind young girls.

And it wasn't until then that Claire and Linsley noticed Fiana.

“Hmm?” Linsley twisted her head and sounded confused.

“I haven't seen you. Are you a student at the academy? ”

Fiana, however, ignored Linsley and stared closely at Claire, revealing an unprecedented seriousness in her face.

Claire felt a little uncomfortable being stared at like this by Fiana.

“What are you... what are you looking at me for? ”

Fiana did not answer Claire's question, but said so.

“You're Claire Rouge, right? ”

“Yes... yes...” Claire frowned, staring back as if she didn't want to show weakness.

“Is there a problem? ”

Fiana didn't talk, just stared at Claire and made the scene a little heavy.

At this point, the door to the dean's office was opened and Alice came out of it, attracting everyone's attention.

Noah went straight to the point and asked for a voice.

“What do you say? ”

“The Dean will have someone look into the identity and history of that Gio Inzachi.” Alice glanced at Noah and said to Noah.

“He will be escorted by the Knights to the prison of Didu. ”

“Is that so?” Noah's wrinkled eyebrows soothed.

Gio Inzachi is just a little character.

Better to focus more on that Violet than on a little character like that.