Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 992: The Pursuit of Heavy Artillery

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“Try not having much power in your mouth! ”

When the ruthless voice of Verseriana came out in that dark red composite armor, a flash of light burst into Noah's chilling black gun mouth.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang --! ”

In the midst of a chaotic and bright gunfire, the hot gunfire burst out of the dark cannon mouth, turning into a smudged flash, like a meteorite rubbing against the atmosphere, sweeping in Noah's direction.

It was a stormy shelling of Noah, not some elf magic, but an attack of the elf costume of Vinceria.

Even Noah would not resist such heavy shelling.

Noah's figure was just a slight tremor when she saw the gun shooting rapidly and continuously.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The rain-fenced shelling landed directly on Noah's original ground, not hitting Noah, but hitting the ground, giving the ground a live bombardment and setting off an intense fire.

Fortunately, before that, Claire, Linsley and Alice finally reacted, hurrying back, or else the girls who would have been behind Noah would have been just as inevitably hit by the cannon.

In other words, Violet Celia didn't even take care of Claire and Linsley, not even her sister-in-law Alice, and didn't relentlessly launch a full-fledged shell.

At this moment, there is no such thing as Claire, Lindsay and Alice in Violet's eyes.

Just like three years ago, when he fought Lotus in the primaries of the Pokémon Sword Dance Festival, Lotus' eyes were completely devoid of Violet Celia.

“Evade my shelling? ”

In a fortress covered by a dark red composite armor, Vercellia spoke indifferently.

“Then try the inescapable shelling! ”

A dark gunshot door equipped on the composite armor suddenly turned against Noah, who was retreating in a mechanical voice, and the gunshot flashed again, like fireworks.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang --! ”

With the sound of the shelling, this time, as if it were a real missile, the cannon fired up against the whirring atmosphere, heading straight in the direction of Noah, who was retreating.

The field of view in front of us has long been covered by the cannon fire.

However, Noah's footsteps were not disturbed at all, and her figure flashed and she avoided.

“Shh...! ”

However, missile-like shelling was a direct spin in a direction halfway through the air, continuing to chase Noah in a sharp cracking sound.

At first glance, Noah had some accidents, but his footsteps were still as steady as those of a spiritual monkey, and he moved a little on the ground, each time under that fierce artillery attack, risky avoidance.

Back to Claire, Linsley and Alice, three teenage girls in a row, and look at Noah playing in pursuit of missile-like shelling, one by one.

“No!” Alice said anxiously.

“If we continue like this, Noah will be hit by my sister's shelling! ”

And when Alice was so anxious, instead, she was acquainted with Noah's team consciousness and teamwork, and Claire and Linsley were suddenly moving forward in this period of time to realize what was happening.

“No, Noah didn't mean to!” Claire was the first to realize Noah's intentions.

“He wants to take this opportunity to explore Violet Celia and find traces of the use of a spell imprint on Violet Celia! ”

“No, not only that!” Linsley was aware of another attempt by Noah.

“Noah is deliberately stalling, let's take care of the wounded around us! ”

By Linsley, Alice remembered the members of the Knights of the Wind who were shaken by the magic of the Pokémon of Vinceria.

Meanwhile, Noah, who was being pursued by trackable shelling, also flashed directly out of the headquarters of the Knights of the Wind and backed out, confirming Linsley's story.

“Wanna run?” Violet's cold voice sounded again.

“I won't let you escape! ”

Behind the fortress, which was covered by a dark red composite armor, a burst of jet light rose, causing the fortress, like a mechanical giant, to float halfway up into the sky, a thrust, in the broken sound of a thorn ear, to fly outside the headquarters of the Knights of the Wind King.

Alice was almost conditional and wanted to catch up.

But before she could leave, Claire and Lindsay grabbed Alice's hand alone.

“Stop chasing.” Claire stared closely at Alice.

“Instead of catching up with those two, we might as well hand over Violet to Noah. ”

“Our mission is to take care of the wounded here and inform the college by the way.” Even Linslay is rare to calmly analyze.

“Don't forget, you're still the leader of the Knights of the Wind. ”

Alice's face grew gloomy and she nodded her head unwillingly after half a bang.


“Shh...! ”

A missile-like shell suddenly flashed through the air, circling around the sky, swirling toward Noah, who had retreated underneath.

“I'll see what you can do next! ”

Halfway through the air, the mechanical fortress, like a dark red mechanical giant, revealed a chilling sip to the covered Violet Celia, one shelf facing down Noah, shaking a circle of flash, in the noise of the messy shelling, allowing heavy gunfire like pouring rain to fall from the sky, leaking down Noah.

There are countless missiles chasing around.

Above his head there were heavy shelling pouring down like rain.

There is no escape in this scene, no matter how you look at it.

But Noah's face was still so calm that she didn't even look at the raging gunfire around her, but looked around her.

When Noah arrived in a very large courtyard.

After leaving the headquarters of the Knights of the Wind, Noah led Violet here all the way.

There are no students around.

Here, Noah can come up with a few things without worrying about the consequences.

Looking up at the dark red fortress suspended in the middle of the sky, Noah's eyes flashed with a fine light and a short sword suddenly appeared in her hand.

“Please, Esther. ”

As if in response to Noah's voice, Esther's naive and clear voice sounded in Noah's heart.

“I am your sword and everything is as you wish. ”

The constant divine power suddenly poured from Noah's hand into that tiny steel sword.

“Psst! ”

The gorgeous white light rises from Esther's incarnate sword and gradually pulls into place, eventually turning into a silver-shinkling silver sword.

“Shh...! ”

The missiles pursued and the falling artillery burst into flames, coming from all sides of the siege, relentlessly landing on Noah.

However, just as the fierce fire fell on Noah, the glorious light on Noah's sword suddenly soared to the extreme.

“Swordsmanship! Type 3 - Moon Dance! ”

The holy sword, with its gorgeous white light, swept into a moonlight, as if it were a sudden round of full moons, centered on Noah, crossing a perfect curve in space.

“Choke ————! ”

In the high sword chanting, the fierce shelling from all sides was cut in neat half and exploded like a full moon.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Hot flames shook up.

“What?!” Seeing Noah's sword crushing all the shelling, Vercellia sounded stunned.

It's just that, at this moment, the fire beneath spreads.

A dark shadow bursts out of the fire and rushes into the sky, like a lightning bolt, into a dark red fortress suspended in the middle of the sky.

“That's...” Violet's pupils shrunk.

Vincellia is familiar with this trick.

Because three years ago, in the primaries of the Pokémon Sword Festival, Violet Celia was directly defeated by the sword of the strongest sword dancer.

This sword, it's called...

“Swordsmanship! Preliminary - violet! ”

There was a bolt of lightning blasting directly into the sky, so that even Violet Celia could not escape at the terrible speed and instantly rushed into front of that dark red armor.