Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1012: What was your relationship with the Dean?

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“That's not necessarily true. ”

It wasn't until the sound of this voice that the crowd all woke up and turned around and looked aside.

At the entrance to the restaurant, a beautiful, cold woman with long silver grey hair was slowly walking in the direction of Noah's walker, saying the same thing as she walked.

“Perhaps some of them do admire you because you have the same sword dance skills as Lotus, but some of them are captured by your sword dance from the heart, so don't generalize. ”

Noah only reacted when she heard the rumor and was surprised to hear it.

“Gravas? ”

“Dean?” Claire, Linsley, Fiana and Alice all reacted, hurrying to stand up and salute.

“You don't have to be so cautious.” Gravas waved.

“I'm just here to find this little guy. ”

“Don't call me little guy.” Noah frowned.

“You wanted to see me? Isn't there something bothering you? ”

“Oh? I think it should be a good thing for men.” Gravas smiled a bit.

“After all, a man would be happy if a woman came to the door automatically, wouldn't he? ”

When I heard Greywass' remarks, the faces of the thousands of gold ladies all got a little stiff, and my eyes quickly shifted to Noah.

“You... what kind of relationship did you have with the Dean? ”

“No... impure! ”

“How dare you... attack an empire hero or something...”

“You... you cheap bastard! ”

Claire, Linsley, Fiana, and Alice all looked at Noah in anger.

“Where did you come up with that?!” Noah couldn't help shouting.

“Do I look like the kind of guy who would shoot an old lady who's about to turn 40?! ”

“Sure enough, if you get old, you'll still be disgusted by men.” Gravas smiled happily.

“But don't worry, I didn't mean to take the kid away, I just had something to give him. ”

“Something?” a line of girls looked at each other.

“Something?” Noah also looked at Gravas with some confusion.

In the eyes of a line of people, the smile on Gravas' face slowly converged and was replaced by unprecedented seriousness and seriousness.

“It's a little inconvenient here, let's go to the Elf Forest! ”

Noah nodded after a moment of reflection, looking at Gravas with a serious expression he had not seen before.

“I get it. ”

After that, Noah stood up and said to a line of girls.

“I'm sorry, I'm leaving. Enjoy yourselves. I'll pay you back later. ”

Claire, Linsley, Fiana and Alice, among other girls, seemed to have noticed from Gravas' serious expression how important what he intended to give Noah was, and immediately had no objection.

“Don't worry about it. ”

“I'll bring you some more delicious food when I get back to your room. ”

“Perhaps there's a trick to winning the Elf Sword Dance Festival. ”

“Since it is the order of the Dean of the Academy, it can be taken with twelve seriousness. ”

Noah shook her head with a smile when she heard a line of young girls speaking to each other.

“Well, I'll leave for now. ”

“That's right.” Gravas suddenly asked.

“Where's your sword elf? ”

“Resting.” Noah sounded confused.

“What's the matter? ”

“Wake her up.” Gravas said beyond a doubt.

“I'll need her later. ”

Noah's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Need a Deed Pokémon?

I hope it's not a bad thing...


Led by Gravas, Noah walked directly out of the gates of the Elysian Pokémon College and into the Elf Forest.

“Ha ~ ~ ~"

Side by side, Esther, holding hands with Noah, is playing with a lovely look on her face, even though she still looks faceless, but seems a little more frigid than usual.

Actually, Esther's power against a bunch of girls in the academy shouldn't have been so exhausting.

But Noah's contract with Esther is less than a month old, and the pact between them is still grinding.

So, normally, when Noah is free, he turns Esther into a DemonSlayer, where he performs exercises such as fitting and grinding divine powers in an attempt to extract more of Esther's power.

Only a skilled master of Esther can Noah unleash the power of the most powerful Sword Elf, who alone annihilated the Demon King and the 72 Column Elves he served.

With the ability to have the highest level of spell resistance and the ability to engrave elves on Noana's body with the same offensive spell resistance and conclude contracts with Noah, Esther's power is definitely not as simple as it is now.

At least, in Noah's view, Esther is much stronger than many of the so-called highest elves.

After all, Esther is not only the strongest of the Sword Pokémon, but also the curse that will eventually kill her master. The Pokémon with whom she entered into a covenant must pay for her life in exchange for Esther's power.

At such a high price, the power available is naturally proportional.

Therefore, in order to extract more power from Esther, Noah and Esther need more grinding and skill.

Esther would be so tired in such constant practice and grinding.

Even Noah felt a little distressed watching Esterna even beat him, and he couldn't help but speak to Gravas.

“What do you want from me? Need to get to Esther? ”

“Don't worry, when you get to your destination, you'll know.” Neither did Greywass head back to continue walking.

“Speaking of which, I haven't congratulated you on getting first place and qualifying for the Elf Sword Dance Festival. ”

“Thank you so much.” Noah didn't have the guts to say it.

“Though you don't look happy for me at all. ”

“Isn't that obvious?” Gravas said so naturally.

“If you can't even get the first place at this level, how can you win the Elf Sword Dance Festival? ”

During the conversation, Gravas took Noah to an open area in the Elf Forest.

In fact, in the open space, there is a boulder circle like a relic of somewhere.

Looking at that boulder circle, Noah snapped.

“Isn't that the gateway to the Elemental Elf world?” Noah said with some uncertainty.

“Do you want to take me to Elemental Elf World? ”

“That's what happened.” Gravas gave an accurate answer.

“After all, it's a little dangerous here. ”

Leaving behind this somewhat disturbing phrase, Gravas stepped directly into the boulder circle.

“All right, come on in! ”

Noah frowned deeper and deeper, but had no objection, holding Esther's hand and walking into the boulder circle.

“Psst! ”

I don't know if Gravas is ready, but the boulder circle shines brightly over Noah and Gravas.

The next moment, Noah, Esther and Gravas disappeared directly into the air.


Or the forest.

However, the trees in the forest are distorted and seem somewhat different.

The hazy light is in the air, filling the forest with mystery.

Standing on an empty field in the Elemental Elf Forest, Noah glanced around and glanced at Gravas.

“Well, here comes the Elemental Elf Realm. Shall we say what you want? ”

“Even if you hurry, what belongs to you still belongs to you.” Gravas turned around and turned to Noah.

“Have you met Lotus? ”

“Oh?” Noah frowned.

“You knew that already? ”

“I've already felt the smell of that dark elf called Lestia many times in the academy. Since the dark elf is here, why isn't Lotus here?” Gravas smiled.

“I didn't expect your relationship to get any better. ”

That Lestia, she said that Gravas had nothing to be afraid of.

As it turns out, wasn't it discovered?

I wonder what that Dark Pokémon Girl would look like if she heard Gravas here.

“Why?” asked Noah.

“What are you giving me, something to do with Lotus? ”

Gravas' gaze projected straight towards Noah.

“What I'm going to give you is the ultimate in swordsmanship! ”