Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1021: The Day I Bring Back a Girl

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Windless Heaven', 'Source Invincible’, 'Big Fat in Fat’, ‘Thunder’, ‘Pi Ai’, ‘Empty City_Solo’!

On the top floor of FairyTail, in a room, Noah lay on the bed, feeling the familiar temperature and touch of the nest, stretching out a lazy waist.

“Sure enough, I'm still comfortable in my own bed...”

Quite frankly, in the FairyTail room, the beds are not really luxurious furniture, almost as good as the beds in the average house.

But somehow, Noah just had her own bed to make her feel the most comfortable.

Perhaps it's also because Noah had a sense of belonging and peace of mind sneaking around when she got home that she felt that her bed was the most comfortable?

But who wouldn't?

Noah was lying in bed feeling like she wanted to go straight to sleep.

However, thinking about what had just happened, Noah cheered herself up, stood up straight and held the sword in her hand in front of herself, and her expression was somewhat funny.

“Esther, stop hiding. There's no one else here. ”

When the voice dropped, Noah's short sword immediately vibrated slightly, revealing a soft white light.

Spinning, Esther slowly emerged from the soft white light and fell into Noah's arms.

Raising his head, Esther looked at Noah silently, that is, not talking, not moving, making Noah feel funny again.

Esther seemed really unable to withstand the enthusiasm of many of the partners in FairyTail, and eventually, surrounded by the regiment and unable to escape, she simply reshaped into the form of a short sword, returned to Noah, and then refused to come out.

If it wasn't for Esther's lovely face that she was loved and somewhat used to at Elysia Pokémon College, Noah thought Esther was likely to have a psychological shadow.

Now, watched silently by Esther, Noah touched Esther's head funny as if she could see her heart protesting against herself.

“You're the one who wants to come back with me. ”

In a word, Esther couldn't find a reason to complain.

Noah couldn't help laughing at Esther this time.

Now Esther doesn't want to.

“Master is such a bad person. ”

“Who said that?” Noah was positively colored.

“I'm glad to see Esther so popular. ”

“Liar.” Esther is rarely aggressive.

“The master just didn't even want to save me. ”

“That's not dangerous, is it?” Noah couldn't help but laugh.

“Aren't you used to being loved at Elysia Pokémon College? ”

“Respect for humanity is indeed a good thing.” Esther frowned.

“But the people here seem to have no respect for me, more like treating me like a pet. ”

Noah couldn't help but whisper in her heart.

(The students at Elysia Pokémon College are also treating you like a pet, just that you didn't find out for yourself.

Of course, Noah didn't just say it, she continued to touch Esther's head and the smile became gentle.

“So, Esther hates it? ”

Esther shrugged for a moment, then shook her head.

“I don't hate it, but neither do I. ”

“Really?” Noah asked.

“So, what does Esther think of FairyTail? ”

“Very noisy.” Esther said so, but quickly turned again.

“But it's also warm. ”

“Yeah.” Noah's expression became more gentle.

“That's what I thought. ”

Seeing the gentle look on Noah's face that couldn't hide anything, Esther looked straight at Noah and said so.

“The master seems happy. ”

“Oh?” Noah frowned.

“From where? ”

“Feel." Esther looked straight at Noah, even to the point where she couldn't see.

“The current owner has a different feeling than when he was in college. ”

“Feel that?” Noah touched his nose.

“What exactly does it feel like? ”

Esther doesn't seem to know how to describe it, and ultimately, she can only say one thing like that.

“It feels very relaxed. ”

“Relax?” Noah blinked and smiled.

“Perhaps, after all, they're all back home. ”

Hearing Noah's words, Esther opened her little mouth and seemed to want to say something else, but suddenly she stopped, and all flashed a little light, reshaped into the form of a short sword, and fell on the bed.

At first Noah noticed and then noticed.

Outside the door, a footstep is slowly approaching.

Less than a moment later, the door to Noah's room was opened.

Outside the door, a white head came in and looked at Noah with a lovely smile on her face.

“Brother Noah, I'm coming in. ”

“Lisa?” Noah smiled helplessly.

“You don't have to work? ”

Like Mila, Lisa is no longer on a mission as a Wizard, but serves as a waiter in FairyTail and occasionally organizes the affairs of the Guild for Makarov, who is sort of a presidential assistant.

At this point in time, Lisana, like Mira, should be busy down there.

It was with that in mind that Noah came up alone, without Mila and Lisana.

Who knows, Lisa snuck up.

“There's Sister Mira down there, it doesn't matter if I don't have one. ”

With that in her mouth, Lisa felt quite sneaky, sneaking in and closing the door immediately.

Without any hesitation, Lisa squeezed directly into Noah's bed, held Noah's hand and pillowed her head on Noah's shoulder, looking in a good mood.

From Lisana, Noah smelled really good.

With Noah in the rain for so long, Lisana couldn't have gone without a bath.

So, this smells like shower gel or shampoo, right?

“What?” Noah touched Lisa's head.

“Can I help you? ”

“Hmm...” Lisa's smile on her face turned into a fussy expression.

“Can't I call you if I'm okay? ”

“Looks like it's really okay.” Noah laughed.

“Where's Grandpa? Why aren't you here? ”

“The chairman went to the regular meeting.” Lisa answered nicely.

“I hear it's a regular meeting that many big guilds have to attend, and all the other guild presidents have gone, as have the presidents. ”

“Regular meeting...” Noah sighed.

“That's a real coincidence...”

“As the chairman said, it won't be long.” Lisa hastily said.

“Should be back in no time. ”

“That's good.” Noah's face slowed down.

“I was wondering why Grandpa wasn't in the guild. ”

“We were wondering why Brother Noah suddenly brought back such a lovely girl.” Lisa raised the mumps.

“Isn't that kid Esther? ”

“It's a little complicated with the full name, so you can just call Esther.” Noah scratched her cheek.

“And instead of bringing it back, why don't you come back with me? ”

“Really?” Lisa looked at Noah suspiciously.

“It always feels like it's not that simple. ”

“Well, what do I have to do with Esther, so I'll see you later.” Noah shrugged her shoulders, reaching out and squeezing Lisana's little nose.

“Are you jealous? ”

“No, it's not.” Lisa wrinkled her little Joan nose, patted Noah's hand off and looked at Noah with some resentment.

“I just didn't expect Brother Noah to come back with a girl. ”

“Not jealous, then?” Noah rubbed Lisa's head with some love.

“That's jealousy. ”

“I told you not to mess up my hair.” Lisa protested and opened her little tiger's teeth and bit Noah directly in the face.

However, Noah did not retreat, directly as Lisa bit herself, her head clasped forward, blocking Lisa's lips.


Lisa sounded bored, squeezed a pink fist, tapped Noah's chest before reaching out and hugging Noah tightly, kissing Noah.

Although not jealous, Krishna is lonely.

In a time when Noah wasn't in the guild.