Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1023: What Did You Do to Sorry Your Fiancée?

(Thank you very much for ‘watching you update again silently’, 'with radishes’, 'I am a small arm’, 'Wing Remnants’, ‘The title god... Pokémon reward!

Sitting uneasy.

That's how Noah feels right now.

Noah hasn't tried that in a long time.

But at this moment, if Noah must be described in a state, it is absolutely unsettling.

And that feeling was even stronger when Noah came to the first floor lobby of the FairyTail Guild Building.

“Stare --! ”

Almost in the first place, the whole guild looked at Noah.

Noah has not experienced this impressive feeling for the first time, or even more intensely.

However, even so, Noah still felt extremely embarrassed.

There's no reason for it.

The eyes of our colleagues throughout the guild, some filled with surprise, some filled with confusion, some filled with unbelievable, some filled with unbelievable, some filled with ambiguity, some filled with bliss and joy, the eyes carrying all kinds of emotions are almost everything.

Noah understands when she sees here.

Lisa's cry, "Brother Noah is a big radish," has been heard by the whole guild.

In other words, the status quo is that the whole guild thinks Noah is cheating.

It's that simple.

Lisa, who was in the bar at the moment, didn't know what to say to Mira, and as soon as she saw Noah come down, she snorted, don't turn around.

As a result, the eyes of the people in the guild turned stronger towards Noah.

Noah is like a needle felt.

It's a really, really hard feeling.

And that's when a bunch of Noah's little buddies all came around.

“Do you really think you did something wrong with Mira and Lisa? ”

It's Grey who said that.

Throughout FairyTail, Noah's relationship with Grey is arguably the most brotherly.

I can't help it. Who let Noah come to FairyTail and the first peer player she knew was Grey?

So Noah and Grey are more like brothers than Laxas.

And it's precisely because of Noah that Grey doesn't really believe that Noah would be like that.

Not that Grey thinks Noah's not gonna get along with another girl out there.

After all, in FairyTail, Noah already had two fiancées, didn't she?

Greg doesn't believe it's just that Noah's gonna piss Lisana off because of another girl.

Noah wouldn't be sorry for Mira and Lisana if she fucked another girl outside.

With that in mind, Grey asked such a question and said such a thing.

“Anyway, I don't believe you'll be that kind of person. ”

“Neither do I.” Naz screamed.

“Although I don't know what's going on, Noah can't do anything wrong! ”

Instead, it was Eliza, with a creepy smile on Noah's face.

“Noah, marriage is a wonderful thing. You have an engagement with Mira and Lisa, so don't do anything to tarnish the sacred marriage. ”

Noah felt a little hairy when she saw that smile on Elusia's face.

I don't know why, Elusia seemed so eager to get married.

When Noah was engaged to Mila and Lisa, the fairy queen secretly read the magazine about the wedding dress more than once.

So marriage is really a very sacred thing for Elusia.

Now, Noah seems to be cheating on Lisa when she's engaged.

This is absolutely inexcusable for Elusia.

Though, the thing itself is fucked up.

“Nah.” Even Lucy looked suspiciously at Noah.

“Noah, did you really do anything wrong with Lisa? ”

“If you did, you'd better say it now.” Rabbi said in a drum.

“Otherwise, it's really bad. ”

“Well, even Noah is a man.” Kana looks like a big one.

“It's normal for a man to have two fiancées, which is enough to prove how trendy Noah is? ”

That sentence was totally denied by Alfman, who ran over like a tower.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh! Men!”

Crashing Naz and Grey in the way, Alfman rushed into front of Noah and held Noah's shoulder tightly with a pair of hands the size of a banana, looking angrily at Noah, pressing himself constantly.

“Even men! There's no way to forgive you. I'm sorry, sister and Lisa! Man! ”

Pinch, pinch, pinch.

Alfman continued to focus as if he wanted to crush Noah's shoulders.

If it weren't for Noah's basic ability to be "durable," it would have just been rubbed into an iron cake by this muscle man.

Surrounded by such a small group of friends who grew up together, Noah questioned that Noah really felt all sorts of stress.

At the moment, Noah could only laugh, open her mouth, and when she wanted to say something, one voice was plugged in.

“I said, don't push Noah like that. ”

When Mira came here, she split up a group of friends surrounding Noah, patted Alfmann's hand squeezing Noah's shoulder, gently rubbed Noah, and said to the crowd with a delicate face.

“Noah hasn't explained it yet, you're all like an entertainer. What if you're scared of Noah? ”

“… no… this shouldn't be frightening…” People are getting a little sweaty in the line of Elusia.

“Sister?” Alfman said with some caution.

“Aren't you angry? ”

“How can you be angry if you haven't figured it out yet?” Mira pushed the crowd away in a gentle motion.

“Anyway, don't push Noah like that. Do your thing. ”

Rumor has it that a group of small partners, led by Elusia, can only disperse and do what they have to do.

And all the members of the guild who were watching the show on the sidelines returned to their noise and stopped paying attention to what was happening here.

At first glance, Noah was relieved and looked embarrassed at Mira, even though she felt she had not been doing anything secretly.

“Mira, I...”

“Don't worry, I'm not mad at you.” Mirabeau rubbed Noah's shoulder in a funny way and gently helped Noah tidy up the clothes messed up by the crowd of little friends.

“Lisa's not really mad at you either, she's just blaming you for hiding something from her, hiding your relationship with that kid named Esther. ”

“Is that so?” Noah sighed.

“I didn't mean to hide anything, and I told Lisa last night that my relationship with Esther would give her a chance. ”

“So Lisa's not mad at you.” Mira shook her head with a smile.

“If you really feel a little uneasy, then look for another chance to amuse Lisa later. The kid is very amusing, and you should know that. ”

“Okay...” Noah nodded helplessly.

“Well, I'll just get to work and you figure out how to cheer Lisana up.” Mira said, then one hand naturally rested on the soft flesh between Noah's waist, with a beautiful smile that was gentler and softer than ever.

“And, afterwards, remember to tell me what happened. ”

Looking at Mira's beautiful overhead smile, Noah's heart beat slightly faster, her heart crying bitter.

Sure enough, Mira is angry too...

When Mira left, Noah rubbed her eyebrows and walked into the Guild Hall.

At this point, the voice of the guild's wizards was heard in Noah's ear.

“Recently, crusade-type tasks appear to have increased considerably. ”

“And it's all about the Dark Guild crusade. ”

“Those guys are really unscrupulous. ”

“I can't help it, and I don't see what time it is. ”

Noah rubbed her eyebrows and frowned when she heard clearly what the Wizards around FairyTail were talking about.

Is there a Dark Guild active?

That's not good news.