Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1037: Sudden Expansion and Struggle

(Thank you very much 'Lonely Lactic Acid’, 'The End of the World', ‘~. Meow a boob’, ‘Watch you update silently’, 'Source invincible’, ‘Pi Ai' reward!

When Noah came out of the villa room with Wendy and into the lobby on the ground floor, the scene in front of both of them surprised Noah and Wendy directly.

Just because the ground floor lobby of the entire villa is filled with an extremely dangerous atmosphere, a sense of tension that keeps the sword drawn firmly in the hearts of everyone on the premises.


Wendy shook herself and hid behind Noah.

Noah raised her eyes and looked at the situation in the lobby.

Only, in the middle of the hall, four people are looking at each other with heavy colours and bitter and deep feelings in their eyes.

Two of the four are extremely familiar to Noah.

Heron, it's Gray and Lucy.

Looking at Grey was a cold young man with a slender, short-haired, icy blue and white hair.

From that ruthless young man, Noah felt a magic very similar to Grey's that made Noah care somewhat more or less.

And Lucy's staring at each other was a teenage girl.

A young girl with long, slightly curly red hair that favours pink and waist, dressed in a somewhat demonic way.

At this time, the young girl was watching Lucy with her mouth covered, looking like a provocation, leaving Lucy almost pissed off.

You don't have to think about it. Gray had a terrible relationship with Lucy and the other two.

But who are those two?

Just as Noah darkened her eyebrows, so did an angry voice.

“That human male over there! ”

It was Charlotte who said that.

With a pair of wings on his back, he flew halfway into the air and landed in front of Noah, looking furiously at Noah's Charlotte.

“Why did you take Wendy without permission?! ”

“Charlotte?” Wendy stepped out from behind Noah and said with horror.

“I wasn't taken away by Brother Noah, I followed Brother Noah. ”

“How can you leave without permission with another man?” Charlotte was in a hurry.

“Do you know I'm worried about you? ”

“Yes... I'm sorry...” Wendy cried and stressed.

“But... Brother Noah is not another man...”

That makes Charles angry and helpless.

Because only Charlotte knew, no matter what, right or wrong, that little Wendy would apologize honestly if someone reprimanded Wendy.

Only in Noah's case will this little girl show a tough side and, in turn, defend Noah, right or wrong.

So Charlotte knew long ago that arguing with Wendy about Noah was inconclusive and could even cause a big fight between them.

Under helplessness, Charles Lulu flew to Wendy's side, staring at Noah in the dark.

In response, Noah could only share the stall, pointing in the direction of Gray and Lucy.

“What was that all about? ”

“Who knows." Charles didn't speak well, but he chose to answer instead of ignoring Noah.

“Since those two LamiaScale wizards came in, they've suddenly aligned themselves. ”

“Are they, after all," LamiaScale "wizards?” Noah glanced at a man and a woman who fought Gray and Lucy in the Cold War.

“But why would Gray and Lucy strangle them? ”

“Love!” Hubby didn't know what corner he was coming out of, and he was looking at Charlotte secretly, and he was looking at Charlotte with an expression on his face and leaning towards Charlotte.

“Gray and Lucy had a fight with those two! ”

“Been in a fight?” Noah frowned.

“Don't lean on me, pussycat.” Charlotte also frowned.

“I'm not asking you, I'm asking you, I'm leaning on that male. ”

“I'm here to buy you fish.” Hubby pulled a fish out of his backpack and handed it to Charlotte in a festive manner.

“Noah, he doesn't eat fish. ”

Seeing Hubby go to haunt Charlotte, Noah couldn't help but look to the other side and go that way.

“Elusia. ”

“Noah?” Staring at Gray and Lucy and others, Elusia turned her head and looked at Noah.

“You're down? ”

“Just come down.” Noah nudged in the direction of Grey and Lucy and others.

“What was that all about? ”

“Those two?” Elusia looked back at a man and a woman confronting Grey and Lucy and said.

“The two men, Leo and Shirley, who had fought with Grey and Lucy on a previous mission and then disappeared, now appear to have joined LamiaScale. ”

“Ever fought?” Noah looked thoughtfully at the young man named Leo, who was confronted by Grey and had a very similar magical smell to Grey.

“Is it really just a relationship that's been fought for? ”

“Did you see that?” Elusia sighed.

“The guy named Leo is a little special. ”

“Special?” Noah asked.

“What's so special about it? ”

“He and Greg are brothers!” Elusia spoke softly.

“Grey's brother, who studied magic under the guidance of the same teacher and, like Grey, used Ice's" Styling Magic "! ”

“Brother?” Noah's eyebrows got tighter and tighter.

Greg's brother?

That Leo is Greg's brother?

If he's a brother, how come Greg and Leo don't seem surprised to be fighting at any time?

Looks like Grey's relationship with Leo is worse than Naz's relationship with Grey's.

Of course, Noah's focus is not on Leo and Sherry, who are confronting Grey and Lucy, but on the other person standing in front of the door.

It was a tall, tall man dressed quite differently and full of exotic minority influences.

That man, from the beginning, stood there.

And when Noah came down from the stairs, he couldn't help but stare at Noah with a sharp gaze.

From that bald man, Noah felt an extraordinary breath and magic.

That aura and magic, though not as powerful as the old-fashioned Holy Ten Demons of Makarov and Kildas, is no weaker than the Laxas and Gerrard who fought Noah.

This man, Noah, knows.

More precisely, it should be said that you have seen the other person's notes and photographs in the book.

“LamiaScale, a Class S wizard with the title" Rock Iron "and one of the Ten Wizards of the Holy Spirit, LamiaScale.” Noah looked straight at the bald-headed man named Hula.

“I had no idea he was even here. ”

While Noah was measuring the pigeon, the pigeon was measuring Noah as well.

“Is that Lord Makarov's grandson, Joseph, the chairman of PhantomLord, who is one of the Ten Sacred Devils, to the man who killed him?” Noah's eyes grew brighter and brighter.

“What a young man, as young as the same young man who became one of the Ten Commandments of the Holy Spirit, betrayed the House of Judges, a rebel in the Tower of Paradise, just as young as Zikrein with Gerrard's name. ”

Noah and Jura looked at each other a distance apart.

In a moment, a magic flame began to burn slowly on both of us, and it rose.

“ ———— ”

The sudden and astonishing magic shocked everyone in the place, turning his head sharply and looking in the direction of Noah and Pula.

“Noah?” Elusia, Naz, Grey and Lucy looked at Noah with uncertainty.

“Monsieur Pilar?” Leo and Shirley both looked at the pigeon with shock.

“Brother Noah?” Even Wendy had to leave Noah, and a pretty face changed suddenly.

And Hubby and Charlotte even had a cold sweat coming down their faces, dripping down on the ground.

However, in the face of the shock of the crowd, Noah and Torah ignored each other. As in this moment, only the other's eyes were left, and all the clothes were hunting without wind and automatically, and floating wildly.

At the same time, an even more astonishing burst of fierce magic centred on two people suddenly burst out of Noah and Ha La, causing the air to become chaotic.