Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1072: A World Without Magic

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(Thank you very much for the rewards of "Not Cold Wood", "Night is the Song of the End of the World", "Windless Heaven", "Immortal Domain Visitor" and "The Originator is Invincible"!

As early as the first time we met, Mistergang referred to himself as Gerrard when he introduced himself.

Later, Mistergang joined Fairytail and used an alias, something that made Noah more or less concerned.

Now Noah finally understands why Mistergang calls herself Gerrard.

Because Mistergang is another parallel world, Gerrard.

It's easy to guess why you suddenly chose to use an alias.

Probably realizing that there's another self in the world, and if you use the same name, you're most likely to cause unnecessary trouble, which is to use pseudonyms, cover up the looks, so it's easy to move, right?

However, the solve of one puzzle is accompanied by the creation of another.

Since Mistergang came from another world, and for whatever reason it came to Aslant, Mistergang himself didn't seem to have thought of going back to the world of Adras, but traveled all over the world to stop the super-space magic known as Anima.

Why would Mister Post do that?

What's so special about that hyperspace magic called Anima?

What happens if that super magic hits you?

That's what Noah wants to know.

“Tell me, Mister Post.” Noah's line of sight is projected straight onto Mistergang.

“What happens to Fairytail if that super-space magic works in Fairytail? ”

Everyone in the room also turned their eyes to Misterdam, some even to Charlotte, and the divinity became more serious.

“If you get hit by Anima, it becomes magic!” Mistergang glanced at Noah, saying word for word.

“The hyperspace magic called Anima is the hyperspace magic that Adras developed to collect Aslant's magic! ”

“Become magic?” Everyone shouted.

“Become magic?” Noah didn't think it would work like this either, and her eyebrows snapped.

“Why did you do that? ”

“In the world of Aslant, there is magic between the heavens and the earth and everything that is between them, and there is magic in the body of man. By harnessing the magic in his own body, people in this world can use magic.” Mister's post laughed.

“And while Adelas has a lot of similarities to Aslant, the difference is that the magic of that world is mainly stored in the earth, and there is no magic in the human body. ”

“There is no magic in people?” Naz sounded surprised.

“So there's no magic in your world? ”

“Isn't that right?” Gray immediately identified the bloom.

“How do you use magic if there's no magic in that Adelas guy? ”

“I rely on magic weapons to use magic.” Mistergang took down the staff behind him, one by one, and stood on the ground.

“These magic weapons are all embedded with magic crystals that store magic. By driving magic from magic crystals, I can freely use magic to become the world's wizard. ”

The people suddenly heard the rumors.

This is not a curious way.

In this world, a wizard with a magical weapon generally instills his or her magic into a magical weapon, thus driving the magic in the weapon and confronting the enemy.

Like Elusia, all sorts of magical weapons in her dressing space have all sorts of magical effects, but the magic is paid for by Elusia herself.

In this way, it is more advantageous for the wizard to have an accurate grasp of the performance and characteristics of the magic weapon. It is also more convenient if used in combat.

However, it is also possible to insert magic crystals that store magic into magic weapons and use magic weapons by consuming magic from them.

The difference is that in this way, the Wizard relies solely on weapons, and the truly powerful Wizard will not use this method.

Plus, if every time you use a magic weapon you have to use a magic crystal that stores magic, once the magic in the magic crystal is exhausted, you have to refill the new magic crystal again, which is extremely expensive.

Naturally, no one will spend this unjust money on a Magic Advisor who can generate his own magic.

This way you can see why Mistergang wants to join Fairytail.

That's not just because of the need to live, it's also because of the cost of replenishing magic crystals and preserving magic weapons.

At the same time, Noah finally understood why Mistergang said he had no magic at all.

Noah thought the other party was overpowered before she fainted when she met Mister in the forest and suddenly passed out.

Now, if you think about it, that's probably why you fainted because you ran out of energy and energy to stop Anima from starting, right?

As for magic, there is no such thing as Mister's body. No wonder Noah thinks he's out of magic before he faints. No wonder Noah hasn't been able to feel magic from Mister's body so far.

“The people of Adras, like me, have no way to use magic by themselves, but to extract the magic from the earth, use it in weapons and props, use it through weapons and props.” Mister Gang lowered his head.

“However, unlike this world, where the magic stored in Adras' land will gradually drain over time, magic is now in danger of disappearing, believing that one day it will be completely depleted and that the world will lose its magical sanctuary? ”

“So those of you in the world come up with the idea of extracting magic from the world, making sure that you don't lose the power of magic and even use it as magic, right?” Noah laughed and laughed without any emotion.

“What a selfish thought, what a heartless super-space magic, what an 'anima'. ”

If you hear Noah, Mister Gang, Charles Lou or Hobbie have nothing to say.

It wasn't just Noah, even the Wizard in Fairytail got angry.

Had it not been for Noah, just now, that super-space magic had struck down, and the entire Magnolia people and things had been absorbed by Adras into total magic, right?

And naturally, no one who is treated as pure magic can survive, not even know how to die, so that no conscious or perceived loss of life.

“I'm not blaming you, Mister Gang, Hobbie and Charlotte, you're the same. Even if you're Adras' people, it doesn't mean you're responsible for what you haven't done. Mister Gang has been stopping Anima for so many years and has been benevolent. ”

Watching Mister Gang, Charles Lulu and Habie all look like they were right, Noah turned his head.

“All I want to know now is that I destroyed Anima this time, is there going to be another time? ”

Mistergang is silent.

And that, too, is the default.

“Very good." Noah smiled and stood up.

“Looks like I'm gonna have to run to Adelas. ”

Noah's words surprised everyone.

“Without a definitive solution to the problem of 'Anima', it is unclear how many people will be killed in the world, and it is difficult to guarantee that the next time it will not be directed against the Guild.” Noah looked around at everyone.

“Do you understand that? ”

Elusia, Naz, Grey, Lucy, and even Wendy took a step forward, opened their mouths, and when they wanted to say something, they were interrupted directly by Noah.

“If I go alone, if you follow me, who will protect the Guild when that super-space magic starts again? ”

Suddenly, Arusha walked dumb.

Mister looked to Noah.

“Are you really going to go over there? ”

Noah's not talking, just looking at Mistergang.

“I get it!” Mister's post dropped his head.

“Let me take you there! ”