Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1073: How Dare You Shake It Out?

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(Many thanks to 'Morning Wind ’, 'Mo Yu ə’, ‘Jiang & Bird’, ‘Bayun Pastoral’, ‘By. A reward for the’ Closed Festival Moon '!

This is a very strange world.

There are islands floating in the sky.

The river crosses through space like a ribbon.

Strange plants all over the earth.

The air is filled with an indescribable freshness.

In a world like this, at the top of the sky, Noah, equipped with hermes boots, floats here, looking at this incredibly strange environment, somewhat astonished.

“Is this Adelas? ”

Immediately after planning to travel to Adras, Noah was assisted by Misterdam to learn how to enter the world.

There are actually many ways to get into Adelas.

Either way, it's not that simple.

So Mister Gang proposes to Noah to simply take the material in situ and fly directly into the world through the empty hole of Anima, which has not yet been completely closed.

Super subspace magic - "Anima".

This magic, by opening a void between Aslant and Adras, draws the magic of Aslant into Adras with the principle of the crystal of magic and transmits it to the king's capital of Adras.

Although "Anima" was cut in half by Noah's full-fledged "DemonSlayer" after it was launched, the void was not completely closed.

Noah then flew straight into the "Anima" void, on the advice of Mistergang, against Hermes' boots.

After passing the void of Anima, this is the scene in front of Noah.

“Indeed, as Mistergang said, there is no magic in the air of the world. ”

Noah extended her sensing abilities to a place where almost every inch of magic existed, somewhat different from Aslant, where a trace of magic could be felt in everything in heaven and earth.

“The magic of this world is stored in the earth, but I don't even feel a trace of it in the earth.” Noah thought about it.

“Looks like Mister Gang is right. The magic of the world is gathered in the King's Landing, isn't it? ”

Speaking of which, it is important to mention the context of the world.

Unlike the intricacies of Aslantry, there are two forces in the world of Adelas.

One is dominating the entire continent, dominating the kingdom of all humanity in the world - the Kingdom of Adras.

One is a huge island floating over the continent of Adelas, an island called Axtania, dominating the people of Adelas and managing one of humanity's self-proclaimed angelic races, the transcendent.

The transcendent is a race that has magic within the only group in the world that can use the magic of wings.

It is precisely because the transcendent is the only race in the world capable of storing magic that this race is able to live by angels and speak out in a way that manages the people of Adelas.

As for the origin of this race, Noah had more or less speculated when he heard that people of this race could use the magic of flight called "Wings".

Not to mention, when it comes to the transcendent, Mistergang frequently casts his gaze on Hobbie and Charlotte, making Noah determine what this race called the transcendent really is.

Of course, Noah has no interest in what the transcendent is.

However, Noah's goal was to initiate the culprits of Anima.

And it was the Queen of the Transcendents who devised a plan to use Anima to absorb Aslant's magic and even turn Aslant's human race into pure magic.

That is to say, dominates mankind and also the angels, and is called the existence of God by people of both races.

“But the guy from Mistergang, he promised to bring me here, and where did he go? ”

Noah was with Mister Gang when she passed through Anima.

However, when he arrived in Adras, Noah realized that Mistergang was not at all around him, leaving him alone.

“Is it possible that the transmission of 'Anima' is random, that only magic is a fixed transmission to Wangdu, or that my spell resistance is sneaking around? ”

There is no way, after all, the super-space magic called "Anima" is magic. Although it is much more powerful than ordinary magic, it is not certain that it will work for Noah.

If Noah had any effect on the transmission of Anima as she passed through the "Anima" void, it would not have been possible for this to happen.

There is also a problem.

Thinking of one thing Mister Gang solemnly told herself before entering Adras, Noah raised her hand and mobilized a tiny trace of the horrible magic in her body's source of magic.

“Buzz ————! ”

The next moment, a magnificent magic formation spins from Noah's hand.

See, Noah smiled slightly.

“Isn't it possible to use magic? ”

According to Mistergang, magic cannot be used in Adrasli by the Wizards from Aslant.

But Noah obviously does not.

After all, first, Noah's "magic cannon" is technically magic, not magic, and second, Noah's physique will not allow this to happen.

As Makarov said before, Noah has three general qualities.

One: Immune to all negative forces.

Two: Ability to hegemonically absorb the power into one's body.

Three: Ability to recover the power consumed by oneself without relying on external forces.

The first body proves that Noah's body is extremely xenophobic.

The second body demonstrates Noah's great inclusiveness.

The third body demonstrates Noah's great independence.

With the first body and the third body, it's really hard for Noah to influence the fighting power because of outside influences.

Not to mention, even Adelas, as long as it's the world, it doesn't exclude Noah.

Can't you see that even Noah's "power" world is struggling to adapt proactively, so that Noah can use the power of God in a month's time without fear?

So Noah wasn't really worried about it.

“The little things that Mistergang has carefully prepared to allow Aslant's Wizard to use his magic properly do not seem to be working. ”

Noah threw a little red pill at him and looked around.

“Anyway, let's fly to someone's city and wait until we know where Wang Du is! ”

After that, Noah took control of Hermes' boots, shaped like a stream of light and flew in one direction.


Although it was not known how vast Adelas' continent was, Noah flew for about an hour in the air, stunned to find a place where no one was present.

By the time there's a town that looks a little better, that's three hours from now.

Noah's eyebrows wrinkled deeply as she walked down the streets where human smoke was slightly sparse.

Just because, around Noah, an individual is pointing and lighting in Noah's direction.

“Hey, look at that guy's back...”

“Isn't that the Fairytail Guild crest? ”

“Could it be the Fairytail Wizard? ”

“Liar, how dare someone in the Guild show off their Guild Seal? ”

“Is that right? Did you mean to die? ”

“Forget it, even if it wasn't for Fairytail, who branded the Guild crest on his body, the guy was dead. ”

“That's right...”

As this dialogue unfolded, the surrounding residents first cast their eyes of mercy on Noah and then walked away as if they were unwilling to be affected.

“So that's it.” Noah squinted her eyes.

“Looks like Fairytail is invisible in this world. ”

This was quickly confirmed.

“Over there! ”

A bright, cluttered footsteps burst from afar.

Suddenly, a convoy of soldiers, fully equipped and holding a long-gun, suddenly rushed in Noah's direction, surrounding the regiment.