Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1075 does not exist? Wouldn't it be nice to stop?

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I don't know how long it's been since the frequent cluttered footsteps on the streets slowed away.

In the alley, Lucy looked out and carefully looked around, until she was sure that no Royal Army existed nearby before taking a dark breath and releasing her head in her arms.

“Well, it should be all right for now. ”

Released Noah was almost unconscious and immediately distanced from Lucy before taking a deep breath.

Noah was bored to death just now.

Lucy, on the other hand, seemed as if she didn't care about giving Noah a lot of benefits, forked her waist, frowned, measured Noah's glance, and a little roughly snapped up her mouth.

“Good boy, aren't those who dare impersonate Fairytail afraid to be captured by the Royal Army? ”

Noah finally saw the whole of Lucy in front of him after a sigh of relief.

Whether it's the looks, the body, the long hair on the waist, it's exactly like Lucy Noah knew.

However, Lucy in front of her not only possesses a strong temperament, but she is wearing something completely different than Lucy in Noah's impression.

Instead of being exposed, it seems to be a well-designed skinny leather coat that focuses on ease of movement.

In Noah's impression, Lucy was also a girl, or more or less focused on her own outfit.

But in front of Lucy, a strong temperament, Noah couldn't see how much she cared about her girl's upbringing, and she was a strong woman.

Watching each other gaze blatantly and boldly, Noah is basically certain as she creates a little bit of maladaptation.

This Lucy, she's not the Lucy Noah knew.

If it's no surprise, it should be Lucy in the world of Adras.

“Why don't you talk? ”

Seeing Noah's silent appearance, Lucy's eyebrows picked, and she reached out and grabbed Noah's collar, holding her forehead over Noah's forehead, grinning furiously.

“You think it's okay not to say anything? I won't stop pretending to be Fairytail! ”

Noah finally came back to God and looked at Lucy with a fierce smile on her face. Her emotions gradually returned to calm.

“The man posing as Fairytail?” Noah reached out and grabbed Lucina's hand on her collar, pulling it slightly hard and breaking it apart alive.

“Don't be ridiculous, I'm the Wizard of Fairytail! ”

Looking directly at Lucy with a slightly changed complexion, Noah issued a declaration with an unprecedented strong and powerful voice.

“Used to be! Not now, not ever! ”

Luceton was silent.

Their hands were so tightly dragged together, and their gaze did not show any suspicion against each other, but they remained silent, as if they wanted to see something from each other's eyes, so that the atmosphere became depressed.

Lucy didn't skip her mouth until after the half-round.

“Doesn't look like a lie... do you think I would say that? ”

“As you wish, I don't need anybody to approve.” Noah slowly loosened Lucy's hand and turned around.

“But thank you for helping me out. ”

Though there is no need to.

Leaving this sentence, Noah just wanted to get out of the alley, and Lucy moved and grabbed Noah's hand again and said.

“Are you crazy? There are Royal Army men out there! ”

“And then what?” Noah glanced at Lucy.

“Has he been hiding here? ”

“Of course not. If you stay here forever, you'll be found by reinforced Royal Army.” Lucy held up her arm and looked at Noah, with an intriguing smile on her face.

“I'm kind of interested in you anyway, so do you want to come to our club? ”

“Your guild?” Noah snapped.

“Is it...”

“Exactly.” Lucy smiled with a very confident look.

“Fairytail." ”


Like Aslant, magic was once part of people's lives in Adrasli, playing an indispensable role in human civilization.

It was not until Adelas' magic began to drain and the kingdom forbade ordinary people to possess magic in order to monopolize the world's magic that it began to change.

But how can magic, once part of civilization, be said to be unnecessary?

Thus, in the darkness of the world, many people are still smuggling magic and magic for the use of some who are unwilling to yield to the kingdom.

Of course, since it's smuggling, that's something you can't see.

Lucy had that whip that seemed to be made up of fluorescent light, which was, in fact, Adras' magic.

Now that you have magic, it proves that Lucy does a lot of sneaking around in the dark.

With this in mind, even though the entire town was patrolled by Royal Army personnel, Lucy still led Noah around the town alley, not knowing when it was going outside the town.

“In that case, we'll be safe for now.” Lucy clapped her hands, as if she were greeting her little brother's big sister, ticking her fingers at Noah.

“Come with me, I'll take you to our guild, and of course I have something to ask you. ”

With such a phrase, Lucy seemed not to worry that Noah would not follow her, but rather walked forward on her own.

Noah shrugged her shoulders and did not refuse, following directly.

After all, Noah also has a lot to ask Lucy.

“By the way, forget to introduce yourself.” Lucy made a sudden noise.

“My name is Lucy, and I thought you might have guessed, I'm the Wizard of Fairytail. ”

“I know." Noah certainly guessed long ago that Lucy was the Wizard of Fairytail in the world, and there was no surprise in answering.

“Just call me Noah. ”

“Noah, is it?” Lucy tilted her eyes towards the Guild crest on Noah's back.

“And then it's almost time for you to tell your story, too? ”

“What?” Noah said with a smile.

“Do you still doubt my words? ”

“What else can I say?” Lucy's got a tongue.

“I am the Wizard of Fairytail, but I have never seen you in Fairytail. You call yourself the Wizard of Fairytail. Do you think I would believe you? ”

“Really?” Noah murmured.

“Is there no such thing as a Fairytail in this world? ”

And Noah already guessed that.

Although Adelas is a parallel world in Aslant, it's not to say that there must be exactly the same two people in two parallel worlds.

Sometimes, in another parallel world, there are people who are not in another parallel world, and naturally, there is a likelihood that there will be no other parallel world that already exists.

So, in this world, it's not impossible without Noah.

Of course, that's not what makes Noah so sure that he doesn't exist in the world.

Although it has not been explained directly, from Gaia's attitude and some of the clues in the underworld, Noah knows that she is not originally from all over the world, including Aslant and Adras.

In other words, Noah should not have existed in Aslantry.

And so, naturally, in Adelas, there will be no Noah.

Noah sighed when she thought about it.

“It's a little troublesome to explain now, let's wait till we get to the guild. ”

Luceton looked at Noah with suspicious eyes, but he didn't keep asking, taking Noah into a forest far away.

It was almost two hours down the road.

It wasn't until two hours later that Noah saw it.

At the corner of the forest, in front, a very peculiar building was printed with curtains.