Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1076: Different Is Too Thorough?

(Thank you very much for the 5888 reward of Swansea! And ‘Windless Heaven’, ‘Bayunmei', ‘Closed Festival Moon’, ‘The End of the World’, ‘~. Meow a boob', ‘thunder' reward!

Sitting in front of Noah is a very strange building.

The building itself appears to be constructed as if it were a vine-like plant, with the exception of some places, all of which are generally green.

Nevertheless, even such a peculiar building, the gates are ordinary gates.

Next to the gate is a plaque patterned with the Guild Seal of Fairytail.

At the center of the building is a flag with the same pattern as the Fairytail.

As for size, there is no such thing as Aslant's Fairytail guild building, like a castle, but like an ordinary dwelling, no surprise.

In such a case, Lucy went straight ahead and Howie pushed the door open.

“I'm back! ”

This cry brings together the eyes of the entire Fairytail.

Noah, standing behind Lucy, clearly saw.

In the interior of the building, it also presents the same scene as an ordinary bar.

It's just that there's a man in the bar.

A very familiar person for Noah, only in terms of her face.

These guys, they're all Wizards in Aslander's Fairytail, right?

And just as Noah had this idea in her heart, the next development made Denoir stare.

“Too -- too slow ——! ”

With such an angry value of Max's scream, a petite fist suddenly appeared in front of Lucy, without hesitation carrying a lot of force, directly to Lucy's face.

“Pfft! ”

In response, Lucy raised only one hand, and in a crisp noise, she suddenly put the bombarded fist into her palm, and the smile on her face gradually darkened and looked forward in anger.

“What are you doing?! Bastard!”

That punch at Lucy was a little girl.

In Noah's memory, the favorite thing to do on a weekday is to hold a book with glasses stuck on her face, like a good intellect, a good learner-loving girl.

At this time, Noah's favorite memory is to come to haunt Noah in her spare time, let Noah teach her all kinds of languages and words, and even treat Noah as one of them, and from time to time, she will be excited to discuss with Noah some of the issues in the book, with a disgraceful look on her face, equally angry at Lucy.

“Didn't I tell you that the repair and transmission of magic machinery is very urgent, if you don't get the materials together quickly, we won't be able to escape this time when" The Fairy Hunt "comes, so why don't you buy the materials back soon? ”

“So?” Lucy laughed furiously, printing a "well" on her forehead.

“Didn't I come back now?! ”

“So?” Rabbi exclaimed, biting his teeth.

“Didn't I say it was too slow?! ”

With such intransigence, Lucy and Rabbi held both hands directly together and held their foreheads together, just as they were going to push each other down.

Looking at Lucy and Rabbi like this, people in the Guild seemed to be talking weird and not blamed.

“Again... again?” Naz, dressed like a racer, shrunk his neck and said timidly.

“Sister Lucy and Sister Rabbi are both horrible...”

“Another fight?” I wrapped my whole body in a down jacket, dressed like a snowball, and as if I was afraid of the cold shaking my body, Grey couldn't stand it.

“Now that we know it's urgent, fix the magic machine and stop arguing, will you? ”

“Really.” With a hat on his head, Kana, like a bright young lady in the sun, held one cheek and spoke with a warm voice.

“But it's also Lucy's good relationship with Rabbi, isn't it? ”

“Is that true?” Alfman, who combed his hair like an honest man, glanced at Lucy and Rabbi in the corner and, like Naz, shrunk his head.

“Actually, like Naz, I think Lucy and Rabbi are both terrible...”

After listening to the words of the cowardly Naz, the frightened Grey, the tender Kana and the honest Alfman, a single-handed fork waist dialed a blue sky with long waist hair, and a girl about twenty years old sighed.

“Whatever. Can one of you stop them? ”

Unfortunately, that phrase made everyone but Kana beat a chill, shook her head desperately, and even a little water vapor appeared in Alfman's eyes, a pathetic look that could cry at any moment.

Obviously, for Lucy and Rabbi, Naz, Gray and Alfman were all terrified.

The corner of Noah's eye was constantly beating outside the door of Fairytail.

Ever since I saw Lucy, Noah has felt that the Fairytail companions in the world should all be a little different than they know each other.

But it's different. Isn't it too thorough?

That playful, lovely Rabbi here is so tough and fierce?

That Nazi who was yelling duel every day was so cowardly and cowardly here?

The one who takes off his clothes when the cost is the same.

The one who treats drinking like drinking water is so smart and gentle here?

It's not a different level, it's a total upside down, right?

Even more disturbing was the conversation between Kana and the mature girl with blue skies and long waist hair.

“If that's what you're saying, why don't you go up and stop it?” Kana looked at each other.

“Wendy. ”

Called Wendy by Kana, but definitely not young, a young girl of good age suffered for a moment and could only nod her head helplessly.

“There's really no way. ”

Noah even smoked the corner of her mouth when she heard about it.


Is this Wendy?

Wendy, the "brother" guy who was around all day?

Fortunately, the next second, a sweeter voice than Kana here finally got Noah out of the mess.

“Okay, Lucy, Rabbi, stop fighting. ”

Only, from the bar, a girl in a princess dress with snowy white, beautiful and long waist came to Lucy and Rabbi, in a gentle motion, separating them, with a gentle smile on her face.

“The most important thing now is to fix the transmission machine. The Royal Army people don't know when to find us again, please. ”

Believe me, no one who is more rude will be able to breathe much fire in front of such a gentle and beautiful person.

Including Lucy and Rabbi.

At the moment, Lucy and Rabbi can only be reluctantly separated.

“If that's what Mira said...”

Well, that's Mila Jenny.

She's as gentle and beautiful as the Mila Jenny Noah knew.


Finally, Noah was relieved to see someone who was able to make herself feel familiar and get rid of that extreme maladaptation.

And that tone finally led the Wizards of Fairytail to discover Noah's existence.

“You...” Mira twisted her head like an innocent voice.

“Who are you? ”

Mira's performance seemed naive, but Noah was acutely caught in the eye.

No, no, no.

It's not just Mira.

With the exception of Lucy, including Rabbi, Kana, and Wendy, the eyes of the Fairytail Wizard showed vigilance, and Naz and Alfman even hid behind the table in tears, shaking like Cerser.

Noah really didn't expect the Fairytail guy to behave like this, and he was stunned.

For Noah, colleagues in the Guild are the closest family members.

Now, how can Noah not stand still when that familiar face shows such vigilance towards herself?

Lucy just snorted and said something about it.

“Can't help it. Who made us the Dark Guild? ”