Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1077: Same Physical Characteristics, Right?

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In Adelas, although magic is used differently from Aslant's, since magic exists, so does a magical mentor capable of using magic.

And since there is a Magic Monk, there is no shortage of Magic Monk Guild.

However, since Adras' magic began to run out, and the kingdom began to seize it, these guilds of magicians gathered together to master magic were unlucky.

The Kingdom strictly forbids anyone to possess magic in private, which is even more exclusive. It imposes the dissolution of the world's guild of magicians in an attempt to make all magicians capable of using magic disappear.

Initially, this act of bullying naturally elicited resistance from many of the Order of Mages.

Yet the kingdom dominates the world.

Moreover, the existence of monopoly magic and magic can be quite unreasonable.

Those well-dissolved guilds of magicians have been eliminated, but the guilds of magicians who intend to resist have been annihilated one by one. Even their members will be unable to escape. Dead, wounded or even publicly executed by the kingdom, and the next will be miserable.

Today, there is only one Fairytail left in the Order of the Wizard that still exists.

“Naturally, 'Fairytail', which resists the kingdom, becomes the Dark Guild that can only live in darkness, and the people of the Royal Army are eager to annihilate us. ”

Lucy explained to Noah with no hesitation, in front of everyone on the floor.

“In such circumstances, we must fight hard to survive, let alone strange and suspicious people come to our doors. ”

Noah led the Royal Army to the siege in town because Fairytail was the only remaining Demon Herald Guild relationship.

Naturally, in defiance of the kingdom's orders, the magical Fairytail missionaries who continue to use the magic are also wanted by the kingdom, so that Fairytail can only become the Dark Guild.

“Dark Guild?” Noah couldn't help but be complex and bitter.

“I didn't expect Fairytail to have a day to become the Dark Guild...”

Noah's complexity and bitterness made the same mood in the mind of the Wizard throughout Fairytail to see Noah's eyes still indelible to suspicion and vigilance.

“Hey, you idiot Lucy, did you bring this guy back?” Rabbi was extremely unhappy and said to Lucy.

“Is this how you bring a stranger to our guild without fear of being notified to the Royal Army? ”

“That's what I'm saying, but this guy seems kind of interesting.” Nor did Lucy contradict Rabbi in this matter, pointing to the Guild Seal on Noah's back, making an interesting noise.

“You see, he has our Guild crest on him, and he claims to be our Guild's wizard, but I rescued this guy from the Royal Army before I realized he wasn't even someone we knew. Isn't that funny? ”

“Interesting?” Wendy asked with some uncertainty.

“Did you bring him back for fun? ”

“Sort of.” Lucy went straight up to the folks at Fairytail and turned around, facing Noah with an indescribable smile on her face.

“Clearly someone we don't know who calls himself Fairytail, clearly proves that this guy is supposed to be fake, but this guy's words make me feel compelled to believe it, so I brought him back. ”

For Lucy, the Wizards of Adras' Fairytail 'could not help but hear.

But there is one thing that people understand.

That is, Lucy chose to believe Noah.

Otherwise, Lucy would never risk finding Fairytail to bring Noah back.

With that in mind, Noah looked at Lucy silently.

Lucy grinned as Noah watched.

“I've come to this level, and you're about to say something that doesn't fail my trust in you? ”

Noah only laughed when she heard it.

Unlike the world of Aslantry, how could Lucy be so determined and autonomous in the world of Adelas?

But, for sure, in whatever world Noah had nothing to do with Fairytail, that's right.


Fifteen minutes later, the whole interior of Fairytail became silent.

All of Adras' Fairytail's wizards looked at Noah sitting in a seat with incredible and uncertain eyes, but more suspicious.

“So you're not from this world, but from another world called Aslant, Fairytail, right? ”

Don't say it was someone else, just choose to believe that Lucy Noah was looking at Noah with suspicion and just throwing that sentence.

“Do you have anything to prove that what you just said is true? ”

“Has it turned out like this?” Noah seemed to have expected it to be like this, sighing on her forehead, and then finally, getting out.

“Mira over there. ”

“Alas?” Mira seemed surprised that Noah would suddenly call herself, looking at her left and right sides and pointing at herself.

“Call me? ”

“Exactly.” Noah asked such a well-known question.

“You don't know me, do you? ”

“Yes... yeah.” Miramo replied nicely.

“I really don't know you. ”

“You're not saying that you don't know Mila here, but you know Mila in another world, so you can tell Mila some secrets and prove that you're from another world, right?” Rabbi looked at Noah in contempt.

“But as you just said, the people in this world are the same as the people in the other world, but they are different in character and experience. ”

“That's true.” Noah stalled.

“But at least in my opinion, this Mira over here should have the same physical characteristics as the Mira I know, right? ”

“Physical traits?” Everyone was stunned.

See, Noah silently apologized to Mira, even pointing to the past.

“An inch below your navel eye is a mole! ”

Mira's face suddenly froze.

“And...” said Noah.

“You have a mole on your ass, too! ”

Mira opened her mouth slowly.

“Also...” Noah gave a somewhat evil smile.

“Your three circles are 86—57—84. ”

Mira's delicate, beautiful face suddenly turned red.

Looking at Noah, she seemed to want to say something else, and Mira, red-hearted, rushed forward and covered Noah's mouth.

“Stop... stop it! ”

How could anyone in this room not understand what Noah just said?

“You... you dick...” Lucy had a twitch in the corner of her mouth.

“Why do you know so much about Mira's physical features? ”

At this moment, the eyes of the women's camp partners became cold, and the eyes of the men's camp partners became jealous, as if they were looking at a criminal suspect.

“Where did you come up with that?” Noah hurried out.

“In that world over there, Mira was my fiancée, and that's why I knew. ”

“Un... fiancée?!” The crowd shouted.

It was Mira who looked at Noah in awe, and she was surprised to hear it later.

“In another world... am I your fiancée? ”

Noah couldn't help but smile.

“If the bag is changed. ”

I don't know if Noah saw anything in her eyes and face, but Mira was silent.

And Noah was relieved.

Fortunately, both Mira's physical features are the same.

If it's as big as Wendy's, it's troublesome.