Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1085: The annihilation of mankind? Are you looking for me? (Moon ticket)

(Double monthly ticket period! Moon ticket!

(Thank you very much for 'no wind', 'inky as night’? Infiltrate Jiangshan ’,‘ Empty City_Solo ’,' Thunder Ring ’,' Dance With Maple ’,‘ Dragon Pity Sunny Snow ’rewards!

In fact, Alusha had long known that Noah would definitely come to Wangdu, and that this, together with the three Lili, Hughes and Hughboyi, with nearly a third of the soldiers of the Magic Warfare Corps, would guard the necessary passage to Wangdu.

As for how Elusia knew Noah would definitely go to Wangdu, the reason is simple.

Elusia didn't know Noah was from Aslant.

However, in Adrasli, as long as they were not residents of Wang Du, they were hardly affected and tormented by the tyranny of Faust.

And now that Noah has the power to easily defeat even the captain of the Second Demon Warfare Unit of the Royal Adras Army, he will surely rise up to resist and go to Wangdu.

That's what Elusia thinks.

Of course, Noah, who had not endured Faust's tyranny, could not have wanted to rise up to rebel and go to Wangdu for that reason.

But even if it wasn't for that reason, Noah had his own reasons to go to Wangdu.

So, Alusha's speculation, though quite wrong, turned out to be a mistake.

That's why Arusha waited for Noah.

And now that the four captains of the Royal Adras Army's Magic Warfare Force have been deployed, the King's guard cannot fail.

With this in mind, when the Magic Drive with Noah, Lucy, and Naz finally arrived in front of Wangdu, what the three saw was a scene of a group of Royal Army troops patrolling the gates and walls of the entire Wangdu.

But Noah doesn't give a shit about the Royal Army.

Down from the Magic Drive, Noah projected her gaze straight over Wangdu almost in the first place.

There, there is a huge island, suspended directly above the king's capital, as if it were a sun without heat and bright light, giving a feeling of inner awe.

Noah didn't feel much awe.

But looking at that huge island, thinking of the queen with the transcendent who calls herself God, Noah's eyes grew dark and dark.

Mistgang said that in order to obtain eternal magic, the transcendental queen, who calls herself God, put forward to the king of the Kingdom of Adras the idea of absorbing the magic of the Aslant world with the super-asian magic of space, Anima.

Even this time Anima is a proposition for Magnolia, for Aslant's Fairytail, the Queen of the Transcendents.

In other words, the queens of the transcendents who thought they were angels were responsible for what caused the Adelas world to plunder the Aslant world.

As for King Adras, he was a complete accomplice.

Voluntary accomplices to the Queen of the Transcendent exist in order to gain eternal magic.

For Noah, a king of the kingdom of Adras, a queen of the transcendent clan, was his goal.

When I think of a bad one, Aslant's Fairytail will ruin in the hands of both of them, and Noah's heart can't help but rise to a blast.

“to come and go without being rude, so I came. ”

Looking at Noah with her back to herself, the Magic Drive, Lucy and Naz fell into silence for a while.

Because the next thing, they can't get involved anymore.

So Noah slowly walked in the direction of Wang Du under the eyes of Naz and Lucy.

Meanwhile, at Noah's feet, Hermes' boots were vibrating, causing Noah's figure to float gently.

In such a case, Noah walked step by step towards the sky of the king's capital, as if he had stepped on an invisible step.


Unlike the rest of Adelas, the king of Adelas is like a big entertainment venue, with amusement parks everywhere and many entertainment facilities on the side of the avenue.

Here, people laugh and say, as if they were having a celebration somewhere, with a smile on their faces.

However, this smile was exchanged at the expense of others' smiles.

The inhabitants of Wang Du Li know that only here in Adras can use magic as usual, even luxuriously, but they still bear it frankly.

Few people would think that what they are enjoying right now comes at the expense of how many other people's happiness.

It's not because the whole kingdom is a piece of shit to kill.

It's just the inferiority of humankind.

How many people who live in cities with plenty of water can truly cherish water, even if they know how much water is scarce far from the desert border?

By the same token, how many of the inhabitants of Wangdu know how extravagant people elsewhere expect the bounty of magic, and how many of them can truly cherish it?

It is always difficult to understand the suffering of others without being in a position to do so.

So, for the residents of Wangdu, what happens next is like hell.


At first, it was just because one person accidentally saw something, pointing at the sky in surprise.

“What is that?! ”

In that surprise, a lot of people raised their heads and looked at the sky, one after the other.

On that vast island, suspended over Wangdu, a group of dark shadows swept down abruptly, passing halfway through the sky and rushing in the direction of the palace.

That's a bunch of cats.

A group of cats with white wings, standing like humans.

Seeing such a flock of cats fly in, the streets, the residents are shocked, one by one.

“The transcendent! ”

“is the transcendent! ”

“It's angels! ”

Without any hesitation, all the inhabitants of Wang Tu fell on their knees on the ground and worshipped.

And the regiment of transcenders came to the square of the palace, looking down.

Headed by a transcendent like a Garfield cat.

If Noah was here, she'd be surprised to find out.

This transcender's face looks exactly like a night.

And this transcender does have a name that makes people puke.

Two nights.

“O king of mankind!” Two nights to the palace below.

“Come out and visit! ”

When the voice fell, Faust, dressed in the royal palace, immediately walked out of the royal palace, with the support of a large number of soldiers, looking at the army of the higher transcendents, could not but bow his head.

“The great transcendent, the king of mankind, is here to see you. ”

“Huh!” Two nights I coughed up and said seriously.

“I have come to announce the Queen's message! ”

“The word of God?” Fauston was shocked.

“Listen, king of mankind.” Two nights full of stern voices.

“I have waited for the supreme queen to foresee the destruction of mankind! ”

In a word, everyone, led by Faust, was annoyed.

What did you say two nights ago?

The annihilation of mankind?

“The annihilation of mankind?” Faust looked uncertain for two nights.

“Exactly!” Two nights he drew his sword from his waist, pointing down to Faust.

“Adelas' humanity will perish because of an outsider from Aslant, as Her Majesty told us! ”

“What... what?” Once again, Faust was shocked.

“Are you saying that someone from Aslant came to Adelas? ”

“This is the message of Her Majesty the Queen, and there can be no mistake!” Two nights stared closely at Faust.

“For the sake of Adelas' people, I await Her Majesty's command that you must kill the intruder from Aslant! ”

“Kill the man named Noah Dollar! ”

Faust's hand, holding the scepter, tightened slowly, and his eyes sparkled with fierce light.

In fact, as King of Adras, Faust has long been unjust to the transcendental clan that dominates the entire human race.

But it cannot be denied that, to date, every message of the Queen of the transcendent, like prophecy, has never been true.

Thus, Faust, although not entirely convinced of what was brought about by the second night, could at least hear it.

With the thought of killing the wrong person, Faust looked up and looked at it for two nights.

“Where the hell is Noah Dollar? ”

When this phrase fell from Faust's mouth and echoed around, a laughing, non-laughing voice suddenly sounded.

“Are you looking for me? ”