Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1094: Farewell to the Brief World (Moon Ticket)

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“As a result, came to Adelas with outrage, just to teach a bunch of self-righteous royal armies? ”

After leaving Axtania, Noah flew straight to the sky, staying halfway through the air and remembering what had happened to her in Adelas in less than a day or two, she laughed.

Noah let Faust go for Misterdam.

Noah let go of Shaggart for a little empathy.

Plus, Anima's problem is about to be solved, and Noah was quite valuable this time around.

And of course, it's because Fairytail didn't really happen.

If "Fairytail" really happens because of "Anima," then Noah won't let either of them get away with Mistergang having another relationship with Noah or Shaggat breaking his head.

“Although, it's just a theory of results. ”

Anyway, Noah's fundamental purpose in coming to Adras was accomplished.

Next, we're just waiting for the end.

So Noah raised her head and looked at the sky.

“Buzz ————! ”

I don't know if it's a good idea, but the sky, which turned extremely dark, suddenly bursts like boiled boiling water.

“Did you start? ”

In Noah's murmur, the dark clouds spin like a giant swirl.

Soon after, a huge void was at the very center of the whirlpool clouds.

“Beep, beep, beep! ”

The glowing thunder began to shine out of that huge void.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

The whistling wind became violent all over the sky, just like the wind.

In this case, in the earth below, a thick gas stream, as if it were essentially like no precursor, emerged as if it were steam. It was carried by a fiercely curly wind, and it rose as if it were a stream of water, flowing into that huge void in the sky.

And with those substantial, thick airflows being absorbed by that huge void, the whole of Adelaston has changed dramatically.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

Led by Axtania, a buoyant island suspended in the middle of the sky suddenly lost its origins, turning into a massive meteorite slowly descending, falling to the ground in a shock.

Those floating islands can be suspended in the middle of the sky because of the magic in the formation of the floating islands.

At this moment, both the magic in the formation of the floating island and the magic in the vast land of the Adelas continent, all reversed by Anima, turned into a thick airflow through that vast void into the world of Aslant.

Of course, not only the magic contained in the earth, but also those extracted from the earth by humans, made magic crystals, magic weapons and magic props, and the magic stored in these objects began to become an airflow, flowing out and rising into the sky.

In this way, beneath, kings like Paradise would have been plunged into unprecedented chaos, supported by abundant magical powers.

The Light Demon Crystal, which acts as a street lamp, has all lost its light.

The Fire Demon Crystal, which acts as a furnace fire, has all lost its light.

The Windsystem Demon Crystal, which acts as the vehicle's drive system, has all been rendered ineffective.

The water system demon crystals that serve as a source of water are no longer spraying.

The civilization of the whole kingdom was instantly restored to a level no different from that of ancient times, leaving the inhabitants, immersed in enjoyment and convenience by the presence of magic and magic, panicked, as if they had met the end of the world, with a face of despair.

This scene Noah had foreseen.

So Noah didn't have a single accident.

But the next second changes really surprised Noah.

“Buzz ————! ”

Noah's whole body was softly lit up, illuminating Noah's incredible face.

“Boo-hoo! ”

But the next second, the light that covered Noah's entire body was dispersed, and in a muffled noise, it exploded.

“What's going on? ”

Just as Noah fell into surprise, slowly falling to the ground on Axtania, along the same path as Noah, the shadows covered in light began to flow into the sky.

Well, Heran is a transcendent.

“What... what's going on?! ”

“What happened?! ”

“My body... my body is out of control! ”

In the sound of panic, a group of transcendents, led by Shaggat, were forced to float to the sky, driven by the light that surrounded them.

Not long ago, the transcender was in between panic and panic, all sucked in by Anima's hollow hole.

Seeing here, Noarton understood.

Because of the reversal of Anima, the whole of Adrasli's sparse magic will be absorbed and flowed to Aslant.

And neither Noah nor the transcendent family have magic in them.

The magic that belongs to the individual, the hyperspace magic Anima, naturally has no way of pulling it out of the human body, but absorbs it with magic.

Including Noah.

Unfortunately, Noana's defiant spell resistance bounced off "Anima".

This creates a situation where only Noah can remain in Adelas alone.

“Well, in the beginning, I went back through the" Anima "void. ”

After figuring out his changes, Noah let go of her heart, lowered her head and looked into the chaotic king.

At the center of Wangdu, at the top of the tallest palace, a figure with a staff stood against the wind, against Noah's eyes, his lips slightly creeping a few times, seemingly trying to convey something.

Noah naturally couldn't see Mistergang's mouth shape from this distance.

But Noah had an incredible understanding of what Mistgang was going to say.

“Thank you... and goodbye...”

In Anima's magic workshop, Mistergang ended up saying exactly what he said to Noah.

So Noah laughed.

Seven years ago, Noah accidentally saved Mister's post, which had been stunned by stopping Anima, thereby creating a connection with Mister's post.

Seven years later, Noah and Mistergang welcomed each other.

As the prince of Adras, Mistergang, who has been working for Aslant for many years, has finally returned to his hometown.

But then again, in Misterdam's character, Adras must be in chaos to lose his magic.

At least Noah believed it.

Mistergang, absolutely capable of changing the world called Adelas.

As a result, there was a great deal of gratitude for the separation of the two, but more hope for the future.

With Mistergand's eyes, Noahu's spiritual vision turned in a different direction.

There, a group of people waved desperately at Noah in the middle of the sky.

There was a flag in the hands of those people.

A flag tattooed like a flying bird and patterned like a fairy.

Noah's smile grew stronger and stronger, but he didn't intend to fly down, but waved in the same direction as the flag, and then looked at Mister's post at the top of the palace, and then, turning around, he turned into a meteor and flew into a giant black hole in the sky.

So, Noah's brief trip to the world called Adras, that's it, that's it.


Through the huge void of Anima, Noah swept towards the other end of the tunnel at an extremely fast pace.

I don't know how long it took for Noah to feel the light in front of her, and then, right out of the hole, through the clouds, back into the familiar world.

“Noah (Noah Brother) -! ”

Noah just flew out of the hole and heard a cheer.

At first glance, only to see, in Magnolia, the magicians of Fairytail shouted and shouted at Noah.

However, when a single transcender was also exposed from the void, all the little ones stayed put.

After half a noise, a shocking scream broke out.

“Cat ————?! ”