Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1100 Noah belongs to everyone and cannot be exclusive (Request for Month Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'broken 13146’, 'invincible of the source’, 'claustrophobic moon’, 'passing away is a dream’, ‘Fit stays tonight for 233’, ‘Long live the Orient’, ‘silently watching you renew’, ‘thunderbolt’, ‘I am a small arm’!

With the whole FairyTail in an unprecedented state, or arguably as loud and noisy as ever, over the next few years, including Noah, a number of the Guild's Wizards began to do their job wildly.

For example, first-line members and potential units of Naz, Grey, Alfman, and even Leppy's "FairyTail" have been releasing all their enthusiasm and time to their missions in recent times.

Old people and newcomers like Macau, Vakaba, Wendy, Lucy, etc. who are 'FairyTail' do what they always do, at best complain about the noise between Naz and Grey and others.

As for "FairyTail," a line like Elusia, Mira, and Kildas, the S-level wizards look at themselves as if they were before, watching people go crazy for their missions with a watchful attitude, and sometimes they laugh.

Only Lisa, as if during this time she had really become Noah's housekeeper, every time Noah went out on a mission, she would find Noah a commission with good rank, difficulty and reward in advance, and then wait for Noah to come back and give all those entrustments to Noah, becoming a standard sage.

And it's not just Lisa, even Mira sometimes pays special attention to Noah's mission progress. Like Lisa, she can't wait for Noah to get busy and do more tasks, making Noah wonder if these two delicate fiancées are really going to get paid for the wedding.

Fortunately, Noah has just gained three new magics, and this is the stage of experimentation and exploration, where a lot of tasks have piled up and Noah has had many more opportunities to practice, and this has only succeeded in bringing all three new magics to the fore.

And watching as Leonards, Grey, Alfman, and Rabbi were caught up in the whirlpool of crazy missions, Noah's curiosity about the so-called "that" grew stronger and stronger, and she began to look forward to it.

This kind of life actually lasted a short time.

It's over, too, quite abruptly.

Noah didn't wake up that day and the door to her room was gently opened.

“Sure, haven't you gotten up yet? ”

Mira walked in through the door, watching Noah lay in bed snoring, smiling gently, slowing her footsteps and walking lightly into the room.

Actually, Mira knew that Noah wouldn't wake up even if she didn't mean to.

While not knowing Noah's sensory abilities existed, Mira knew that if someone approached Noah with animosity, malice, or intent to kill, Noah would be woken up instantly.

On the contrary, for Mira and Lisa, who have been in bed many times, have become familiar with the unfamiliar scent, and unless they make a noise deliberately, Noah is relieved to reveal an unprotected appearance.

Coming to the edge of the bed, Mira just wanted to wake Noah up and suddenly remembered something, gently lifting Noah's duvet.

Seeing Noah, a fairy girl with silver white and long waist hair holding Noah's neck, also fell asleep, seemed very quiet.

Mira had already seen something strange about it, but she mumbled a little bit strangely.

“At least Esther should be dressed, right? ”

Almost every morning, Esther would unravel the sword, turn it into a form, go into Noah's duvet, and fall asleep with her.

If it weren't for the mission, in the morning, either Mira came to wake Noah up, or Lisa came to wake Noah up, when Esther woke up, she would have had to wake Noah up, right?

And in a way that would make Mira and Lisana envious.

It's just that recently, Mira and Lisana had this assignment completely wrapped up, and Wendy couldn't even get into it, causing Esther great dissatisfaction.

Plus, Esther is a very prone jealous lord with a wealth of feelings that differ greatly from what appears to be the surface, and she hasn't had a lot of trouble with Noah lately.

Of course, in the eyes of others, Esther is all kinds of cute.

So, let's not say that it was Mila, who was so gentle and kind, that Lisa couldn't even hate Esther, but rather loved Esther so petite and lovely that she didn't even think of Esther as her daughter.

Now, Mila gently touched Esther's head and looked at Noah, shaking his body.

“Noah, it's time to get up. ”

Noah's eyebrows were obviously pounding, but instead of waking up, she slept better.

“Don't sleep, Noah.” Mira can only do more.

“Today is a very important day, I can't sleep anymore. ”

“Hmm..." Noah finally made a fuzzy sound and his eyelids trembled a few times, but eventually, he didn't wake up.

“Really.” Mira said that helplessly.

“If I don't wake up, I'm gonna do something bad. ”

After that, Mira looked at Noah's lips, her eyes fluttered slightly a few times, and some couldn't help but kiss her gently on top.

However, before Mira left Noah's lips, Noah's hand suddenly protruded, holding Mirana's slender waist, and in turn prying Mira's teeth open, capturing Mira's lips and tongue.

“Hmm..." Mira struggled unconsciously and stopped after a while, closing her eyes and passively enduring some hegemonic kisses from Kinoana.

I don't know how long it's been since Noah and Mira's lips slowly split apart.

“Ha...” Mira couldn't help but catch a breath and saw Noana's unhappy eyes and smile.

How could you have slept so confused?

Noah, I woke up a long time ago, intentionally in the whole of Mira.

Aware of this, Mira drummed her cheeks and exhaled.

“Noah, you're broken. ”

“Really?” Seeing Mirana raise her cheeks, Noah couldn't help but reach out and squeeze Mira's nose.

“Do you like it? ”

“I hate it the most.” Mira glanced at Noah and knocked Noah in the chest.

“Let go of me. ”

“Now?” Noah blinked.

“Can't we stay like this for a while? ”

“No ~ OK ~” Mira stretched out her finger and lit Noah's nose. The anger on her face changed back to the gentleness of the past.

“If you don't let go, someone will be angry. ”

In the end, a cold gaze cast on Noah's body, causing Denoir's eyelids to jump and his stiff neck to look beside him.

There, Esther looked at Noah, silent, full of unspeakable courage.

That power, it was all transformed by anger.

Because, to tease Mira, Noah squeezed Sleeping Esther out while holding Mira in her arms.

It made Esther angry while awakening her.

“Master.” Esther stared at Noah with no expression.

“I was squeezed out. ”

“Well...” Noah laughed.

“I didn't mean to...”

“Master.” Esther still stares at Noah with no expression on her face.

“I was squeezed out. ”

“Uh...” Noah whispered.

“So I didn't mean to...”

“Master.” Esther interrupted Noah's explanation and stared dead at Noah.

“I was squeezed out. ”

“… OK…” Noah had no choice but to bow.

“My fault, Esther, forgive me. ”

Esther's cold expression made Mira laugh.

Esther glanced at Mira, then hugged Noah's neck and issued a declaration.

“This is my master. ”

“I won't take Esther's master.” Miragguan, reaching out and gently touching Esther's head.

“However, Noah belongs to all of us and cannot be monopolized. ”

Suddenly, even Esther couldn't reach Mila's gentle halo and had nothing to say at once.

See, Noah couldn't help laughing.

Looks like someone finally managed to cure this slightly random Sword Elf.