Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1107: Then let's do it with total luck! (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 10,000 reward of 'Meiqin Sister'! And the rewards of 'Nightless City’, 'Hibiscus used to miss you’, ‘Bayunmei', ‘Empty City_Solo’, ‘Windless Heaven’, ‘Sourceless’!

On the light screen and in front of everyone present is a diagram that looks like a map.

The bottom end of the schematic is marked with an entrance.

That entrance is probably where the smoke is rising on Sirius Island.

The entrance is connected by seven channels.

Those seven lanes, at the end of the journey, can all go in the direction of the exit.

In the middle of the seven channels, however, there are extremely complex structures.

In the middle of each of the four channels, a person's profile photo is printed.

Exactly the avatar of four active S-Class Wizards in the line of Elusia, Mira, Kildas and Laxas.

The remaining three corridors converge in the middle and become a corridor.

That is, there are only five paths leading to the exit.

Seeing this diagram, Noah became somewhat more or less aware of the manner in which the first phase of the S-level Wizard Upgrade Exam was conducted.

“As you can see, four of the seven lanes to the finish line already have an active S-level Monk Monk Monk stationed in each of them. If these four lanes are selected and four S-level Monk Monks are encountered, they must be defeated or approved in order to make it to the finish line. ”

In the eyes of everyone, Makarov first refers to the four channels on the diagram with the heads of the four S-class wizards, and then points to the other three channels that will eventually converge.

“And those who choose the other three paths that will eventually converge will meet on their way to the finish line, and when you do, that's when the trial begins. ”

“So that's it.” Grey seems to understand a little too.

“In other words, the teams that have chosen the three lanes that will meet must have a mixed battle between the three groups, right? ”

“Exactly.” Makarov nodded sharply.

“There is only one group that can pass through this corridor, so the three groups that meet can go to the finish line, no matter how they are used, as long as the other two teams are eliminated. ”

“As long as it reaches the finish line, it is counted as passing the first phase of the S-level Mage Escalation Exam.” Makarov glanced at seven teams on the deck.

“Only through the first phase of the experiment can the team continue to participate in the later experiment, eventually passing the S-level Demon Supervisor Upgrade Exam, qualifying for promotion to S-level Demon Supervisor, become S-level Demon Supervisor, understand? ”

In a nutshell, the seven teams in attendance were called to bitterness.

Do you understand me?

How can such a clear explanation not understand?

But it is precisely because we understand how difficult it is to pass the first phase of the S-Class Wizard trial.

Four of the seven teams will encounter active S-level Demon Mentors.

Only defeating or obtaining the approval of an active S-Class Monk will pass the first phase of the trial.

Down with the S-class Wizard?

How can it be easy to talk about even if we can work together in pairs?

Not to mention, almost all of those four active S-level wizards are stronger than the average S-level wizards, and Kildas and Laxas have the ability to call themselves Makarovs of the Holy Ten.

Down with them?

With the exception of Noah, there is almost no hope.

As for the remaining three groups, even if you don't encounter an active S-level Wizard, fierce competition will make it harder than challenging an S-level Wizard.

After all, that was a big three.

As a result, the difficulty of passing through the seven corridors is almost identical.

Of course, if an active S-level Wizard is selected for stationing, it is not necessarily necessary to defeat the other party, as long as it can be approved by the other party, it can pass as well.

So, if you're lucky, then finally, there are four teams that have passed the approval of the four S-level Wizards, plus the one that won the Mixed Wars, and a total of five teams have passed the first phase of the trial.

But if you're unlucky and all four S-level Wizards are blocked, it's likely that only one team left to pass the first phase of the trial.

“Finally, if only one team remains to pass the first phase of the trial, then the group's S-level Mage Escalation Exam entrants can pass the exam directly.” Makarov coughed dry.

“In other words, in addition to the ingredients that test your strength, there are ingredients in the first phase of the experiment that test your luck. ”

“War power and luck?” Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Of course, more people are trapped in deep powerlessness.

“Is the so-called S-level Wizard Upgrade Exam that difficult?” Lucy said to Kana somewhat helplessly.

“Not to mention the remaining four paths with S-level Wizards stationed, even if the other three paths are selected, if Noah is met, there is no chance of winning at all? ”

“Don't... don't say that, Lucy.” Kana's smile also seemed somewhat reluctant.

“Didn't the chairman say that? Besides fighting power, there's luck, isn't there? There's got to be a way, right? Must be...”

“You really don't have the will.” Gajiru said with some stiffness.

“Whoever I meet, as long as I join forces with Lili, I will be able to get through. ”

“Humph.” Lili held his arm and smiled slightly.

“Let me see just how powerful this guild's S-class Demon Mentor is. ”

“Jubien only hopes not to meet Lord Noah.” Jubien almost wept.

“Otherwise, Jubien would simply abstain. ”

“You can't just give up, Jubien.” Rabbi was angry for Jubien.

“Even if we meet Noah, there must be a way. ”

“Fight an active S-Class Wizard?” Gray glanced at Fried as he glanced at the passage marked with the heads of the four S-Class Wizards.

“If you meet Laxas, you can't release water. ”

“Of course.” There is no change in Fred's colour.

“Let Laxas see me grow, and will Laxas be happy? ”

“Man!” Elfman shouted, but a big drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead.

“It's the man who's lucky! ”

“I don't know what that means.” Lisa sighed and was happy immediately after.

“Looks like Noah is the most likely winner of this year's S-level Wizard Upgrade Exam. ”

“Mm-hmm!” Wendy nodded happily to Noah.

“Brother Noah won't lose if he meets an active S-Class Monster! ”

Noah smiled and looked in the direction of Sirius Island. Douzhi also burned in his eyes.

At first glance, Makarov suddenly revealed a strange smile.

“So, the S-level Magic Instructor Upgrade Exam Phase 1 trial, now! ”

“Starting now?” Everyone stood still.

Right now?

Still at sea?

Noah laughed bitterly while the rest of us were still stunned.

“So that's what this is all about? ”

In the end, Noah suddenly turned around, hugging Wendy overwhelmed, and the boots beneath her suddenly spread a pair of wings.

In other words, Noah's figure was directly transformed into a stream of light that flew in the direction of Sirius Island.

Seeing this scene, the talents reacted, a face blended together.

“Stop right there! ”

The whole deck is a mess.


As a result of Hermes' boots, Noah landed in a smoky spot in the direction of Sirius Island, which was generally swept away by streaming light.

At this point, the seven roads are completely in front of Noah.

“Wendy.” Noah dropped Wendy in her arms and asked.

“Can you smell the four S-level Wizards in which passage? ”

Wendy gently shrugged her nose and shook her head.

“No, there are a lot of strange smells in the air, and I don't even know which smell is Miss Elusia's and Miss Milla's. ”

“Wasn't it that easy?” Noah nodded unexpectedly, looking around at seven channels, and the next second was set on one of them.

“Since you can't play tricks, you're totally lucky! ”

“Mmm!” Wendy nodded heavily, squeezing her little fist, looking lovely.

“Brother Noah won't lose no matter who he meets! ”

Noah rubbed Wendy's little head, and then, with Wendy, walked into one of the lanes.