Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1111: Sisters, Sisters, Who Love More (Request a Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 4364 reward of 'cka2006’! And rewards for 'Bent Book Friends’, ‘Pokémon’, ‘Yu Library’, ‘Snow Fox Rain Abandoned’!

When Noah came out of the tunnel, there were three teams there.

Alfman and Lisana's team.

Jubien and Rabbi's team.

And Kana and Lucy's team.

The three teams, all of them smiled at Noah coming out of the aisle.

“Surely Noah's words cannot be missed.” Lucy smiled and said to Noah.

“I thought Noah met Miss Mila and deliberately admitted to losing. ”

“Yo, Noah.” Rabbi waved at Noah, too, smiling.

“We passed, too. ”

“Man!” Alfman thumbs up against Noah.

“Men should pass the first phase of the experiment! ”

As for Jubien and Kana, although they did not say hello to Noah, they were obviously very happy about passing the first phase of the experiment, and the joy on their faces could not be hidden.

“Everybody?” Wendy exclaimed.

“Has everyone passed? ”

Not to mention Wendy, but Noah was somewhat surprised.

Regardless of which team was the ultimate winner of the three teams that came together to engage in mixed warfare, there must have been two of the three teams present to pass the first phase of the experiment that met the active S-level Wizard.

And now that we're all here, that means that two of these three teams passed the first phase of the trial by breaking through the obstacles of the S-level Wizard.

Which two teams have the ability to break through the S-level Wizard's presence?

Noah, who was extremely curious, spoke directly.

“What channel have you all chosen? What kind of opponent have you met? ”

Rumor has it that the clearance officers looked at each other and smiled.

Then, the next debrief startled Noah again.

“We chose the path of mixed warfare.” Lucy made a victory gesture against Noaby.

“With us are Gajiru and Lilly, as well as Gray and Fried. ”

“Alas?” Wendy couldn't help but cover her lips.

“In other words, did Lucy and Kana beat those two teams before clearing? ”

“Rather than knock it down, pick up a cheap one.” Kana smiled bitterly.

“Because we arrived on Sirius Island at the end, the other tunnels had been chosen, and when we walked into the only remaining tunnel and arrived at the mixed battlefield, we waited impatiently for Grey and Gagiru to fight first. ”

“As a result, Gray, Ghaziru, Fried and Lilly all hit a scalp and even ran out of magic.” Lucy smiled dry.

“So we just picked up a little cheap...”

“… so it turns out…” Noah smiled dumbly and then turned to Lisana and Alfman.

“So you've met an active S-Class Warlock stationer? ”

“Did you not just encounter the presence of an active S-Class Warlock?” Lisana said somewhat helplessly.

“We met Mira! ”

“Mira?” Noah stood still and was surprised.

“So you beat Mira before you came here? ”

Looking at Noah's surprised expression, Lisana exchanged her eyes with Alfman.


Time, back 30 minutes ago.

As Noah flew directly to Sirius Island with Wendy, choosing the road, the rest arrived on Sirius Island after a riot and started choosing the road.

With the exception of Noah and Wendy, Naz and Gajiru, who worked with Hubby and Lilly respectively, took up the convenience of mobility and took the lead on Sirius Island.

Following Nazi and Ghaziru's ranks, Jubien and Leippi's ranks joined Grey and Fried's ranks on the island.

Lisa and Alfman were one step ahead of Lucy and Kana, reaching Sirius Island in the penultimate position and choosing one of the two remaining routes.

It's just that waiting for the enemy in front of our brothers and sisters gives Lisana and Alfman a sense of what it means to be stunned in the first place.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

A squalid tail, like the tail of a crocodile, carries a slight whirring wind, swinging in the air.

“I had no idea you were the ones who chose my route, Lisana, Alfman. ”

The owner of the squamous tail made the same crisp and pleasant sound as ever.

That voice, for Lisa and Alfman, was already familiar enough to be unfamiliar.

But it's also because of familiarity that Lisa and Alfman can hear the difference between this voice and the past.

What's the difference?

The difference is that in the past, this was always such a sweet and gentle voice, but now it carries with it a fierce and fierce atmosphere like a fierce beast.

In this fierce voice, even Lisana and Alfmann took a step backwards.

Almost a step back from Lisa and Alfmanzizizi, the fierce voice sounded again.

“You can't go back here, or I won't let you keep going. ”

Along with the sounding of such a sentence, the master who swayed the shaky scaly tail followed a step forward, exposing his entire body to the sun.

What kind of figure is that?

If you have to use one word, it's only two words.


Mighty Man's delicate body is covered only by a tight suit like a swimsuit.

A hair that used to fall like silver wire and a long waist seemed like an angry punch and rose.

A pair of arms have been transformed into devil's wrists like fishfins.

Mila's tender, sophisticated face, at this moment, not only is it full of fierce looks, but her ears are also like bats, long back pull.

Plus the squamous tail swinging behind Mira's back, how can it not be described as a "nightmare"?

And for the enemy, Mira's figure is a real nightmare.

Because that's the power of the demon Mira learned from her self-awakening "Receiving Magic" as a child.

It is called "The Soul of Satan".

It is only in this form that Mira is as true as the legend says.

Mirajane Strauss, the Demon Man who can be named after The Fairy Queen.

“Even my younger brothers and sisters, I won't be merciful. ”

Walking slowly forward, Mira, who received the "Soul of Satan" and became the "Demon Man", stared a pair of sharp eyes at Lisana and Alfman, and her voice was as low as it had come from hell.

“So, show all your strength! ”

At this moment, on Mira's body, a dark, deathly magic rose like fog, leaving the air as if it were rotten and lifeless.

Lisana and Alfman were almost suffocated at the same time.

Because both Lisa and Alfman can tell.

Mira, absolutely serious.

“Sister...” Alfman held his fist and stared dead at Mira, sweating on her forehead.

Obviously, Alfman can't afford to rebel.

Instead, Lisa took a deep breath and suddenly took a step forward.

Lisa's move slowed Mira's footsteps slightly, watching the past, and her mouth lifted.

“Really, Lisa, do you think you can beat me? ”

In the form of "The Soul of Satan," Mira's smile was just creepy.

But in the face of Mira's horrible smile, Lisa smiled, without hesitation.

“Yes, Sister Mira, I will defeat you! ”

“Oh?” Mira chuckled.

“Do you think you can do that? ”

“If it were my own strength, it would not be possible.” Lisa smiled confidently.

“But, Sister Mila, unfortunately, I have a very, very spoiled fiancé. ”

In that sentence, Mira's eyebrows were slightly picked.

“Ah, pull? Didn't Mira know?” Lisa blinked at Mira.

“In order not to put me in danger, Brother Noah did a lot of insurance for me. Sister Mira didn't seem to know about this. It seems that Brother Noah did love me a little more. ”

The smile on Mira's face became twitchy.

The next thing comes to a logical conclusion.

Always in case Lisa used unknown means to ignore Mira of Alfman, who was struck by the man's anger and lost his mind in Jingzhou.