Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1116 Kill? For Noah's Ace.

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Me Saint Yuling Snowhead', ‘Closed Festival Moon’, ‘Bayunmei’, ‘Morning Wind ’, ‘Windless Heaven’, ‘Black and White Waste’, ‘Not Cold Wood’!

Just as Sirius began to undergo a slight change due to a small anomaly, far beyond Sirius Island, a magic spacecraft was slowly moving.

If Noah was here, he would have recognized the ship.

Because, just a short time ago, this magic spacecraft came into front of Noah and almost broke into Magnolia.

Inside such a magical spacecraft, there is a vast hall.

In the lobby, seven people are lined up, facing forward.

There, there's a throne.

On the throne, sitting alone.

An elderly man wearing a dark armor with a blindfold on the right eye and extremely fierce faces and eyes.

Heran is Hades, president of the most powerful Dark Guild in the Balaam Alliance, the GrimoireHeart of Demons.

As for the seven men lined up in front of Hades, they are the seven cadres of GrimoireHeart, unknown to all in the dark world.

He has long, fluttering blonde hair with red pupils, but his eyes are like those of a circle that goes round and round - Zancro.

Looks like a goat, with a book in his hand - Caprico.

Wearing a pair of black framed glasses, the hair is all combed back, and it is easy to see that it is Luciros, a young man who focuses on beauty.

Bloated, with a double chin, chubby eyebrows - Cain.

Short in appearance, with winged headphones beside his ears, Melty, a young girl in a cloak.

The whole outfit is like that of a national minority, a man with slightly darker skin - Azuma.

And, with black and long waist hair slightly biased towards purple, with a white hairpin tied between the hairpins and a tight suit to give that near-perfect figure to the perfectly displayed demonic girl, Urudia.

Known as the Seven Families of Purgatory, they were personally raised by Hades, each with seven magical mentors who had learned to lose their magic, and all of them appeared in the lobby of this magical spacecraft.

“Chairman Hades. ”

Urutia was the first to make a sound.

Only then did Urutia raise the crystal ball in her hand over her head, a phrase that was somewhat overwhelming.

“Found Jerf. ”

“Oh?” Haddiston reacted, straightening his body and staring closely at Urutia.

“Did you really find it? ”

“Yes.” Urutia smiled.

“Just now, we did capture the breath that belonged exclusively to Jerf, and that pure darkness, with the exception of Jerf, could not be the power that anyone else could possess. ”

“Really?” Hades held on to the throne, his hands tightened little by little, and his fierce eyes swept past him.

“Finally, Jerf. ”

It's not just Hades.

Many of the "GrimoireHeart" wizards in the room, including Urudia, looked somewhat happy.

“Finally, we found it!” Zancolo smiled wildly.

“The great magic world we've been waiting for has finally come true! ”

“Is it that easy?” Caprico closed the book in his hand and said unchanged.

“Even if we find Jerf, we have to make him accept our ideals and change the world. ”

“Change the world?” Russillos gently pushed his glasses, put them in front of him with one hand, and outstretched them, as if they were performing a musical and dance opera.

“What a wonderful word. ”

“I... I, I, I...” Cain was shaking all over, and his obese body even began to sweat.

“Me too... and so on...”

“That's what I thought.” Melty interrupted Cain's speech with no expression.

“That's what Cain wanted to say. ”

“It doesn't matter to me.” Azumana's face was equally devoid of expression, but her eyes were quite bright.

“As long as there is someone strong enough to satisfy me. ”

“It is precisely because the world is full of useless weak people that we need Jerf and the Great Magic World.” Uruthia said with a lipstick.

“Only a world where there is a wizard capable of using magic and no ordinary man without power can be born that can satisfy your strength, can't there? ”

“Most importantly, in the Great Magic World, there is the abyss of magic that we seek.” Hades closed his eyes.

“That is our purpose. ”

Rumor has it, people nod their heads one after another.

“President Hades, however.” Urudia's tongue suddenly turned.

“As far as we know, Jerf seems a little special where he is now. ”

“It would be strange if the location of the most vicious Dark Monk Master in history were not special.” Hades wasn't surprised.

“Where is Jerf now? ”

“It's also a special place for the chairman.” Urutia opened her mouth.

“Jerf's current location is the holy place of FairyTail, Sirius Island. ”

“Sirius Island?” Hades lifted his curtains slightly.

“It turns out, indeed, it is a rather special place. ”

“I hear FairyTail is now taking the S-level Magic Mentor Upgrade Exam on Sirius Island, where all of the guild's elites are concentrated.” Urutia's voice dropped suddenly and her eyes became cloudy.

“The man, too, was there. ”

That makes the whole airship hall heavier.

Everyone here knows who that person is in Urudia's mouth.

Not long ago, that man tied hands with Hades, the God-fearing Seven Families of Purgatory, and even Hades could not help each other.

Few people here were willing to believe it when they first found out about it.

But when Hades himself acquiesced in this, the whole "Seven Families of Purgatory" was silenced.

Especially Urutia, who witnessed the entire spectacular battle between Noah and Hades, generated a little awe and fear.

“Is that kid on Wolf Island, too?” Hades' indifference.

“Well, I should probably be tired of watching FairyTail, I don't even understand the nature of magic is darkness, and I still want the opposite light guild, let it turn into history with that kid! ”

In the moment of the fall, an incredible and evil magic surged from Hades.

Feeling the appalling magic, the wizards of "The Seven Families of Purgatory" breathed and nitrogen, and then reacted differently.

“Even Chairman Hades can't do anything about it, Wizard?” Zancolo held a fist tight and swept through a tiny black flame.

“I wouldn't believe that! ”

“Noah? Dollar?” Azuma's eyes lit up the bears' wars.

“I wish I could fight him...”

The rest of us also have different ideas.

Most of them are arrogant with the idea of crushing Noah and proving their strength.

Only Melty, head down, silent.

“Cheer up, Melty.” Urutia glanced at Merti and sighed.

“You're the ace we use against that man, and you're the only one who can actually kill him, so don't forget your mission. ”

Melty's eyes fluctuated slightly and spinned back to normal, spewing a sentence.

“I'll kill him...”


“Boo-hoo! ”

With the sound of a heavy muffled bang, a huge warcraft flew directly out like a broken kite. After heavily smashing a cliff, his head twisted and he passed out.


Noah took a sigh of relief, retracted her fist and laughed bitterly.

“This forest, like before, is full of warcraft. Forget it, we're lucky compared to other teams that don't know where we're going. ”

I heard that Wendy looked straight at Noah and didn't look away anymore.

Noah sounded confused.

“What's the matter? ”

“Well...” Wendy hesitated, saying.

“Brother Noah, is there something wrong with you? ”