Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1151: Weapons Flying Out of the Nest

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Unconscious Night’, 'Pokémon’, 'Morning Wind ’, ‘One Comic House', ‘Bayunmei', ‘Empty City_Solo’!

While Gaia and Alayer had the knowledge to instill this piece of game data that was once intercepted into Noah as it descended into the world with the Nazareth underground tomb, it was merely rough knowledge.

Noah knows what kind of beings, what kind of places, what kind of creatures, especially prominent people, are there like the Nazaric tombs.

But the details, Noah doesn't know.

For example, Noah didn't know Yarbert was a crazy girl.

Noah, for example, did not know that Chateau had all sorts of habits.

Noah may not even know the true gender of Yaula and Mare if it is not within the knowledge that is still being instilled, such as gender.

Therefore, Noah is also unaware of the actual operation of the Nazaric catacombs.

Naturally, Noah also knows only one general structure and function of the treasure house of the Nazaric underground tomb.

To the best of Noah's knowledge, what is truly precious is generally categorized and protected by a wide variety of series, including weapons, armor, accessories, props, consumables and even production.

So, as soon as we entered the depths of the treasure house, Noah began to scratch in the real sense.

Noah would not hesitate to put it in her treasure trove as long as it was not in the GateofBabylon.

The only ones left behind are those in GateofBabylon that have similar or similar effects and effects that even Noah can't see.

Even so, at the end of the day, almost 30% of the treasure remains in the palace.

This, again, doesn't count as something of monetary value.

Such things as gold coins and precious stones, which have only a monetary value, have infinite supplies, and Noah, who has only a lot of gold and silver treasures, will not take them.

These things are of little use to Noah, but they have a managerial and operational role in Nazaric's underground tomb, and Noah hasn't even taken them away yet.

At the end of the day, only about 30% of the real valuables left in Nazaric's treasure palace.

Of course, those things that are not very precious and that Noah can't see, that's pretty much all that was left behind and not taken away by Noah.

The most noteworthy of these many items is world-class props.

Even in YGGDRASIL, there are only 200 of them, and twenty of them are the ultimate consumables that can only be used once.

Twelve of these super precious props, once known as Anz Ur Kyung.

One of these twelve world-class props was taken away by the enemies of Anz Ur Kyung, and the other was held by the president of the Guild in his personal name.

So, there are still ten world-class props in today's Nazaric underground tomb.

Some of them are scattered throughout the Nazaric crypt and are used to defend against external enemies.

Others are placed in the deepest depths of the Treasure Palace, protected by the Guardian.

There are six world-class items placed in the Treasure Palace.

Also, two of them are expendable world-class items in the Twenty.

Those two world-class props in the Twenty are also the final ace of the entire Nazaric underground tomb.

As a result, Noah removed the remaining four world-class items placed in the Treasure Palace after taking a photo with the Guardian of the Palace.

The two remaining Ultimate World-Class Props in the Twenty are kept here in case the Nazaric tomb is in a deadly crisis in Noah's absence.

Naturally, the world-class props distributed in Nazaric's underground tomb, used to defend against foreign enemies, were not removed by Noah and remain where they were.

Incidentally, one of these world-class props is in the hands of Yarbert, the guardian's chief.

The satisfied Noah then left the treasure palace with a good harvest and returned to his room in Nazaric's underground tomb with the power of "The Ring of Azur Ulu Kyung".

However, just as Noah returned to her room, a burst of noise shook up.

“Boo-hoo! ”

With the sound of an explosion, the violent shock seemed like a tumbling wave, shaking in all directions.

Noah was not prepared to be surprised by the sudden explosion and shock, but the reaction was not slow, with a little bit of ground on his toes and a violent retreat until he exited for a distance before rushing forward.

Printed in Noah's eye is a mixed war scene.

Chateau, Yaula, Marais, Cosettes and the guardians of Dimiugos, led by Yarbed, gathered together as if they had formed a perimeter, and each one of them had an evil temper of various colors and a full face.

On the sidelines, led by Sebastian, the battle maids of the "Star Cluster" were all heavily armed there, with a serious colour on their faces, and seemed ready to support the Guardians wherever and whenever they were.

Combined with the appalling explosions and shocks that have just taken place, it is clear that the most senior combatants in the Nazaric crypt have met the enemy.

Instead, it is a sword that brings together more than half of Nazaric's underground tomb's highest fighting power against the opposing enemy.

A steel sword that floats in the middle of the sky, constantly wandering, glittering with silver all over it, and glittering with horrible cold flashes of sword.

If it wasn't DemonSlayer, what would it be?

In other words, more than half of Nazaric's underground tomb's high-end fighting power is against the enemy, Heran, Noah's Deed Elf - Esther.

This situation stunned Noah.

“What are you doing? ”

Noah's voice seemed to solidify the whole chaotic battle, causing everyone in the room to stop and cast their eyes at the past.

“Lord Noah!” Yarbert hurried out.

“Please be careful! ”

However, while Yarbeid spoke, DemonSlayer, suspended in the middle of the sky, trembled abruptly and burst out, crossing a perfectly curved arc and plunging in Noah's direction.

This scene has driven Sebastian and the battle maids, led by Yarbed, into madness while the guardians and even the guardians stood by.

“Never! ”

At this point, everyone went crazy and rushed in the direction of Noah.

In this case, Noah frowned and extended her hand toward DemonSlayer, who was blasting at her.

So, as the silver glittering Saint Kenton burst against Noah, a spinning, nesting chick fell into Noah's hand and was held tight by Noah.

The unexpected scene, which caused those crazy directions to swoop past Noah, was like trying to use their bodies to block Noah from the top of a mass of Nazareth underground graves, all stagnating and stopping with dismay.

And the sword, just now shining with a bright silver light, was like a very gentle, gradually converging light.

How come the people who see this place, the mass graves of Nazareth, don't understand what's going on?

Of course, Noah looked at Yarbert with a puzzle.

“What's going on? ”

“No...” Yarbed's evil smell slowly dissipated, pointing to Noah's "DemonSlayer."

“Just now, that strange weapon flew out of the supreme bedroom...”

Seeing that Yarbeid still seemed unresponsive, Dimiugos took a step forward, respectfully speaking.

“Here's the thing, Lord Noah, the maids were just about to clean the superior bedroom, and suddenly there was a weapon flying out of the superior nest, and we feared it was harmful to the superior, so we were going to uniform it. ”

Noah learned more or less about the whole thing when she heard about it.