Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1158: A World of Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hundreds

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Life is meaningless’, 'Dragon pity Sunny Snow’, 'Seamless Phantom of Heaven’, ‘15012210’, ‘Preamble’, ‘Loyal Star’, ‘Silver Flash 7’!

“Thank you! Thank you so much! ”

In one of the houses in the village of Kahn, the village chief even bowed his head to Noah, sitting opposite him, and the words and expressions were filled with deep gratitude and admiration.

“Thank you for saving our entire village! Lord Noah! ”

Noah sighed as she watched the mayor of the village bow her head to thank her.

“Well, if you thank me, you've all thanked me so many times, should we stop? ”

“But...” the village chief glanced at the heavily armed Yarbeid and said in disgrace.

“You seem to have wasted a tremendous amount of magic props in order to bring the villagers back to life, which really makes us feel like we don't know how to repay you. We can only offer you our utmost gratitude. ”

That's the truth, too.

While the village chief's thanksgiving also included true and genuine gratitude, Noah was also one reason for fearing that there was no way to compensate for wasting important resurrection items.

Needless to say, the village of Kahn is quite poor, and there is nothing in the village that can be described as a real weapon, some of which are nothing but hoes with extraordinary ties to crops.

In such a situation, let alone a prop with a precious revival effect, is one of the lowest magic props, which cannot be luxuriously equipped in the condition of Kahn village.

In this way, how should the poor and poor village of Kahn repay Noah?

Must be the only way to thank you, right?

With that in mind, Noah was helpless.

“If that's the case, the mayor doesn't mind. It's a rare resurrection prop, but it's not as precious as you think, and I'm not the only one. ”

That's half true and half false.

Perhaps in that game called YGGDRASIL, only magic items with a low-level revival magic effect are less valuable.

But now, and in reality, even magic props with a low-level revival magic effect are quite precious.

However, as Noah said, magic props with a low-level resurrection magic effect, he did reap a lot in the grave beneath Nazaric.

You know, the treasure house of Nazaric's underground tomb is the whole "Anzi" thing. Ul Kyung 'of all the hard work and hard work.

And in YGGDRASIL, it's called Anzi? The Guild of Ulu Kyung is at the top of the list of powerful Guilds.

The treasures accumulated by such an association over the years are unimaginable, and you can see the piles of gold and silver treasures and objects in the treasure hall.

Plus, there's only 200 world-class props for the entire game. The Guild of Uluru Kyung can own more than a dozen of them, and you can imagine exactly how much treasure the rest of the class has accumulated.

Nearly 70% of all treasures in such a treasure house except gold and silver treasures with only monetary value are given to Noah in the bag, and the treasure trove does have a number of magical props with a low level revival magic effect.

After all, in YGGDRASIL, magic props with lower revival magic effects are not precious and can only revive lower-ranking characters.

If it weren't for Anzi? There are people with collecting habits in Ulu Kyung, and this magic prop may not even appear in the treasure trove.

Can you really get into Anzi? The resurrection props of Ul Kyung's eyes, presumably, are the only supreme resurrection props that can be resurrected unconditionally, at no cost, and without loss?

Precious resurrection props like this, Noah now holds them as well.

Compared to those, "Resurrection Cane", which has only a low-level resurrection magic effect, is not precious.

Noah thought it would be worth it to waste that much and change her mind.

“If you really want to thank me, then meet my demands.” Noah said to the village chief like this.

“We're actually from a very far away place, we're not familiar with the situation around here, so we'd appreciate it if we could share some information here. ”

“Of course not.” The village chief hurried to speak.

“Whatever you want to know, I will do everything I can to tell you. ”

Noah nodded and immediately started asking questions.

Over time, Noah began to know what kind of world she was in.

Simply put, this is a world somewhat similar and different from the world of 'Find out if you've got it wrong in the Underground'.

The same thing is that in this world, there are not only human beings, but also other races of all kinds.

In this world, for example, there are dwarves and elves and other races that are classified as races.

In this world, for example, there are ethnic subraces such as Goblins, Orcs, and even Cannibals.

And what surprises Noah is that in this world, there are even aliens of the Nazaric tomb.

Vampires, Slames, Zombies, etc., it's like a world of racist chores.

The difference is that, in this world, relations between races can only be described as bad.

Humans see subraces like Goblins, Orcs and Cannibals as monsters.

Demons will also treat humans like hunters.

The alien species of organisms, moreover, treat both as targets of slaughter, displaying the phrase "they are not my kind, their hearts must be different".

Humanity's position in the world is quite low, and it is the weakest.

Humans are not born with physical abilities advantages like those of subhumans.

Other races also have more or less innate advantages.

If humans say there are advantages, it's probably quite intelligent, isn't it?

So, in this world, human beings are not of a very high status, nor are they powerful enough to belong to a very small race.

According to the village chief, he also had information on only three human countries.

First of all, Lee? Kingdom of Jestije.

The village of Kahn and even the grave of Nazaric underground are within the borders of this kingdom.

The second is the Bahás Empire.

Is that a perennial with Lee? The kingdom of Jestije is a belligerent country.

The remaining nation had an extraordinary faith in the so-called God and advocated the supremacy of humankind, advocating the total elimination of races other than humankind.

It is called the State of the Assyrians.

The Kingdom of Lee Yestiger.

Bahas Empire.

The Sirian Church.

Three countries, the limits of the human kingdom known to village chiefs.

As for the rest of the country and even the rest of the ethnic group, as village chiefs in rural villages, the village chiefs do not know much.

Noah nodded when she understood all this.

“So we are now in the kingdom of the kingdom? ”

“Yes." The mayor answered respectfully, followed by a bite in the teeth, some resentment.

“And the knights who slaughtered villagers in our villages, wearing armor bearing the emblem of the Empire, should be soldiers of the Empire. ”

Noah laughed and didn't say a word about the village chief.

Noah didn't think those knights were soldiers of the Empire.

There's no reason for it.

Before dying, the knights all showed faith in God.

And for a country that has faith in the so-called God, the village chief just said, is the State of Srin.

Armor and national emblems can be disguised.

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So, the knights are not soldiers of any empire at all, but people of the Church.

As to why the other party masqueraded as an empire and massacred the people in the kingdom, more than 80% were for political ends.

“Am I unintentionally interfering in a competition for rights between nations? ”

Noah beat the desktop with her fingers at a rhythm and squeezed her eyes.

“It seems that this matter is far from over. ”

At this point, a villager broke in with some panic and said out loud.

“Mayor! Looks like a lot of horseback soldiers are approaching from outside the village! ”

“What?!” The village chief lost his voice and shouted.

Was it just massacred by soldiers from one country, and now there's another?

The village chief and the villagers are already in a mess.

Noah was the only one who didn't expect to skip his mouth.

“It's not as simple as that. ”