Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1164: Maintenance of the Nazaric Catacombs

(Thank you very much for the rewards of "Morning Wind ", "The Originator is Invincible", "Bayunmei", "Muyu ", "The End of the World Song", "Long Live the East", "Not Cold Wood"!

Noah greeted the village chief after he was separated from Ghajaf in the village of Kahn and, thanks to the village chief's fateful efforts, sent him directly back to the grave of Nazarek, using the ability of the "Ring of Anz ul Kyung".

The ability of the ring known as the Angus Ur Kyung Ring allows users to instantly move between rooms named after them in the Nazaric tomb, or even from the outside to the inside.

So, using the power of this ring, even 10 kilometers away, Noah can instantly return to the Nazaric crypt.

However, in the words of the Angus Ur Kyoun Ring, it is not possible to move instantly to the chambers of the Throne and the rooms of the members of the Angus Ur Kyoun Guild.

Including the room that Noah now lives in.

So instead of moving directly and instantly into her room, Noah chose to move to the conference room called the round table on the ninth floor of the basement before pushing the door open and walking in the direction of her room.

In addition to the battle maids used to defend the "Star Cluster" of the enemy, there are many other common maids, even male maids, in the Nazaric underground tomb.

The task of these people, naturally, is to clean and maintain the entire mass graves of Nazareth, where hygiene and management are needed, and so on.

After Noah came out of the round table, she also met a lot of maids and maids on her way back to her room, respectfully saluted.

Noah wanted to go to the bedroom for a little rest and wait for Yarbeid to get a tip from the Sunshine Scriptures.

Unfortunately, Noah didn't make it back to the master bedroom, and the door was knocked.

At the moment, Noah can only cheer up and look in the direction of the gate.

“Come on in. ”

When the voice dropped, two people came in from the outside.

That's a combination of a man and a woman.

And as soon as he came in, the man and the woman were in Noah's direction, bending over with great respect.

“Lord Noah, welcome back. ”

“Yarbert and Dimiugos?” Noah touched her nose.

“I just got back, did you guys find out? ”

“Is Lord Noah tired?” Yar Bederton put his eyes on Noah with concern and guilt.

“I'm sorry to bother Lord Noah at this time, but if Lord Noah is tired, please go back to his bedroom and rest, and we'll leave first. ”

Dimiugos nodded in favor, feeling nothing wrong with this, like nothing important about Noah.

Noah could only shake her head with a smile.

“I'm not too tired to squeeze out time, do you have something important to report? ”

Yarbert nodded his head at the same time as Dimiugos, letting Noah scratch his cheek.

“In that case, go to the office. ”

“Yes." Yarbert and Dimiugos did not hesitate to answer.

Then, led by Noah, three people in a row entered the luxury office.

Noah sat on a sophisticated black leather chair and looked at Yarbert and Dimiugos.

Yarbert and Dimiugos looked at each other first.

The spin, Dimiugos, is a step forward.

“Lord Noah.” Dimiugos took out a copy of the information.

“We have completed statistics on the management and operation of the Nazaric catacombs. ”

“Oh?” Noah was surprised.

“That was fast. ”

After that, Noah reached out and took the information that Dimiugos had sent directly to him and read it.

The identity of the Nazaric catacombs is the basis of a guild.

And since it is the guild's foundation, it requires a variety of managerial and operational maintenance.

Take the Nazaric tomb, for example, which is based not only on NPC, but also on many alien monsters.

In addition to the nine floors underground and the ten floors underground, each of the other eight floors has a large number of alien monsters directly at the disposal of the Guardians to defend against external enemies.

There are two types of monsters like this, not to mention race, that can be divided into two categories.

One is a monster that can be reborn automatically.

The general attributes and ranks of this monster are very common, and the fighting power is very common. Even if it is killed, it can be reborn automatically after a period of time, belonging to a small general of that standard.

One is a monster that cannot be reborn automatically.

The attributes and ranks of this monster are much higher than ordinary monsters, and the fighting power belongs to the middle-class, the elite of the entire Nazaric underground tomb.

However, once this monster is killed, it will have to pay a fee to be summoned.

Therefore, gold coins earned in this YGGDRASIL game, in addition to being used to purchase a variety of equipment, props and items, can also be used as maintenance costs for the Guild's premises.

For example, the summoning costs of those advanced, non-automatic regeneration monsters, the cost of engineered media for magic based on some settings in the ground, the cost of resurrection of dead NPCs, etc., are all consumed for a variety of purposes.

In such cases, gold coins are an indispensable and important resource for an guild.

Monetary issues are just one aspect of management and operations.

The rest of the variety of questions can be done through the system setup if you are in the game.

But if you're here, you need to do it yourself.

In this way, the question of money naturally comes first.

Shortly after reading through the information in hand, Noah was suddenly surprised.

“Is there any more prop making here? ”

“Yes." Dimiugos replied immediately, as if he had expected Noah to have such a question from the beginning.

“After counting, we found that there were many servants in Nazarikiri with associate positions, not only in life-type occupations such as cooking, but also in the production of props of all kinds, so long as they had enough money and materials to consume, they could produce a wide variety of props. ”

That's good news.

By the time we got to the world, all the props from YGGDRASIL were out of supply.

If there is a way to produce it yourself, that is absolutely good news.

“The problem is with the money and materials that need to be consumed.” Dimiugos said so.

“Materials, because the former supremes had a room reserved for the management and operation of the Nazareth underground tomb, which was equipped with a wide variety of materials, so there was no need for supplies for the time being, and the problem was money. ”

The cost of maintaining the management and operation of the Nazaric underground tomb is naturally the gold coin in YGGDRASIL.

And in this world, there are no gold coins in YGGDRASIL.

“We have determined that the gold coins in YGGDRASIL can continue to be used for local maintenance, but we are not sure that the general currency in circulation in the world can also be used in this regard.” Dimiugos reports truthfully.

“If money in this world works the same way as YGGDRASIL's gold coins, then we can get a source of maintenance costs from this world, and if not, the treasures stored in the treasure house are the only source, and unnecessary expenses must be reduced. ”

If the former is the case, then there will be a need to find a way to earn money from the world to sustain the entire Nazaric catacombs and even strengthen them continuously.

If it's the latter, it's a bit of a problem.

After all, the gold coins in YGGDRASIL are no longer available.

Noah learned the truth for a moment and reached out.

A golden ripple fluctuates out of space.

Noah, who poked her hand into the golden ripple, took out a huge sack and threw it on the table, making a "bang" noise.

Look closely, the sack is full of gold coins.

“These gold coins are not in the world, but they are not in the game. Take them and see if they can be used for the maintenance of the Nazaric tomb.” Noah said to Dimiugos.

“As for the money in the world, I'll find a way to get it. ”