Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1176: Kiss Me With Lord Noah? (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Closed Festival Moon’, 'Morning Wind ’, 'Windless Sky’, ‘A Quasi-Animated Mansion’, ‘The End of the World Song’ and ‘Watch You Update Silently'!

While Noah was operating in Kingdu, Nazaric's underground tomb was functioning as normal as ever.


In a conference room, Yarbert, the guardian's chief, sighed with a fearless attitude that he would not normally have at work.

When Yarbeid sighed, everyone in the room stopped talking and showed more or less boredom.

Apparently, Yarbeid's appearance is no longer a matter of two days a day.

“Yarbert, aren't you cheering up?” Dimiugos sighed sighing as he pushed the glasses stuck on his face.

“As Guardian Supervisor, we would not agree with that attitude when all Guardians meet. ”

If you look closely, all but the guardians of the fourth and eighth floors of the Nazaric catacombs are indeed gathered together.

This is a guardians' meeting that has been held almost every once in a while since the management and operation of the Nazaric catacombs began.

The aim is, naturally, to gather the views and results of the guardians of the floors on the management and operation of the Nazaric catacombs and to make better arrangements.

Normally, the Guardians, like today, come together every other time for a meeting, and when the results are discussed, Yarbed is responsible for bringing the results to Noah, reporting back to Noah, and then bringing back the instructions from Noah.

Now that Noah is not in the crypt of Nazaric, Yarbed, as the custodian general, has full authority over all matters of Nazaric, replacing Noah and managing the crypt of Nazaric.

In such a situation, the agent is so impeccable that no wonder the guardians have an opinion.

It's not just because Yarbert, as the Guardian Supervisor, shouldn't have taken this attitude out, or because, as Noah's agent, the person who got the job that all guardians dreamed of doing, worked with this attitude, which is disrespectful to Noah.

The Guardians would have been in trouble if it had not been for the reason that Yarbert was so clueless.

Of course, even if there is no disaster, there will certainly be if you are unhappy.

“As a supreme agent, you really shouldn't have that attitude.” Cosettes said with a low, calm voice.

“Shouldn't you be more honored to work for the supreme? ”

“Exactly.” Yaula said somewhat boringly.

“I should have let Dimiugos do it. ”

“Sis... Sis, you are being rude.” Marley pulled Yaula's clothes off weakly, then looked at Yarbert and revealed the delicate smile the boy shouldn't have.

“Also... cheer up. ”

“Deserve it.” Chateau was holding a nail knife, fixing her nails, and whispering.

“Who told her to seduce Lord Noah? It will be rejected. Isn't that certain? ”

That's right.

Yarbert was so depressed simply because the seduction plan of the previous period had declared a failure.

Being stabbed in the pain by Chateau like this, Yarbeid's beautiful face twisted into an ordinary lady to an extent that would never be possible.

Now Yarbeid looked at Chateau with a cold smile.

“I have at least a chance to seduce Lord Noah, much better than just sitting on one, two or three floors all day, not even seeing Lord Noah's face, not even trying to seduce him, only hiding in the room to solve vampires. ”

Now, it's Shatia's turn to get directly stabbed in the pain, the corner of her mouth punched, her face twisted.

The presence of two beautiful women of the highest rank, in either way, distorted that beautiful face into a range sufficient to frighten the average man, causing the cowardly Marais to shrink his head.

“Huh, don't be too proud.” Chhatiya looked at Yarbeid with a puffy face, and the smile on her face was as ugly as it was ugly.

“I just don't have a chance. Once I do, I will succeed. I will never scare away Lord Noah like you. ”

“--Who did you say scared Lord Noah away?!” Yarbert was excited.

“Lord Noah only felt that at this important moment when the Nazaric tomb was officially in operation, he could not focus on the personal affection of his children and could not bear to refuse me, so he chose to run away! ”

“Even if Lord Noah had mercy, it would not conceal your failure.” Château was quite stubborn and proud to say that it was enormously full, completely out of proportion to the age of his appearance.

“After this time, the benevolent Lord Noah can finally get away from his busy work, and I can kiss me without having to keep an eye on the first, second and third floors. ”

Saying such a sentence, Chateau did not know what she had fantasized about. A pretty face became red and her expression became extremely demonic.

That kind of thing can make any man who is physically and mentally healthy crazy and irrational.

However, what is said from such a demonic young girl is dull.

“I wonder if Lord Noah would love me as badly as he did in the throne hall that time.” Château looks very sad, as if she is enduring something.

“It would be good if Lord Noah could whip me as hard as he did then. ”

Watching Chateau reveal the depraved appearance of standard masochistic fanatics after they were ravaged, Yaula, Marais, Cosettes and Dimiugos could not speak for all four.

“Cut.” Yarbeid said.

“Fucking masochist! ”

“Huh?” Shatia looked stiff, restored herself and stared at Yarbed.

“Dirty slut! ”

“Who are you calling a dirty slut?!” Yarbert looked angrily at Chateau.

“I am prepared to dedicate my first time to Lord Noah, who keeps his body clean every day! ”

“Am I not?!” Chateau also looked at Yarbed with anger.

“For Lord Noah's sake, I take care of my skin every day and look forward to Lord Noah leaving a whip on it! ”

Suddenly, the young girl, who was extremely beautiful in both respects, started a controversy that made people feel like there was no lower limit.

If Noah was here and heard the conversation between Yarbed and Chateau, she might have been scared off and never dared to come back.

Yaula, Marais, Cosettes and Dimiugos looked at each other only once, all sighing helplessly.

The door was suddenly opened just when people felt it should be stopped.

Sebastian, dressed as a housekeeper, walked in from the outside and as soon as he came in, he spoke to the people on the premises.

“Dear Guardians, the village of Kahn is expecting an unexpected visitor. ”

In a word, it calmed down everyone in the room.

“Finally?” Dimiugos smiled.

“Lord Noah guessed it. ”

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble with the resurrection, Noah allowed Yaula and Mare to partially modify the memory of the inhabitants of the village of Kahn so that the resurrection could disappear into the light.

But besides the resurrection, there is another thing that there is no way to hide.

That's the disappearance of the Sunshine Scriptures.

“Sebastian.” Yarbeid was also positively colored and asked out loud.

“You're from the Sirian religion, right? ”

“I don't know, but there should be no mistake.” Sebastian answered truthfully.

“Now they are investigating not far from the village of Kahn, where Lord Noah and Lord Yarbed have settled the position of the" Sunshine Scriptures ". ”

“Thank you, Sebastian.” Yarbeid nodded and looked around at all the guardians at the site.

“Now that the people of the Sirian Church have appeared as Lord Noah expected, let us take them all down, as Lord Noah commanded, and see if they can be used as a means of intercession with the Church! ”

“Am I finally here?” Chateau smiled and stood up.

“Let me carry out Lord Noah's commands! ”

The Guardians nodded their heads.

By singling out the most powerful of the Guardians, Chateau can guarantee nothing.

It's just a shame that God doesn't do what he wants.