Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1210: Waves Uneven, Waves Beginning Again (Moon Ticket)

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After Esther and Yarbert had a rough time, Noah had to say that her emotional remarks had changed a lot.

Though I still feel very guilty about what happened to Chateau, Konoah was not a muddy drag, but understood that nothing would change the status quo if he were to blame and feel guilty.

So, after Esther's fight with Yarbert, Noah also cleaned up a little and suppressed Shatia's guilt.

Anyway, let Chateau go back to the way it was.

Just wait till Chateau recovers and make up for Chateau.

That's how Noah managed to get out of the bedroom.

“What do you say? ”

In the office, Noah, sitting in a black leather chair, passed through the luxurious desk in front of herself and looked at Dimiugos in front of her.

“Did you find an ambush of the people of the Shrine around Chateau? ”

After Shatia was spiritually dominated, she was thrown directly in place and left alone in the form of no orders received.

The state of Chateau today is like a monster in the wild in a game.

Anyone approaching, it will attack.

As long as someone attacks, they will fight back.

And if you don't go to Lisciatia and bypass her directly, then Chatia, like the monsters in the wild in the game, stays in one place and doesn't react.

This state of affairs arises because Chateau did not receive orders from the rulers after being subjected to spiritual domination.

Earlier, Yarbed speculated that Chateau had not received the order because the final counterattack had defeated the ruler.

But it is also possible that the rulers deliberately refused to give Shatia orders to stay in the wild to draw Shatia's companions.

Additionally, the identity of world-class props that led to the spiritual domination of Chateau is unknown, and any random contact with Chateau is likely to trigger a chain reaction, or trigger conditions for world-class props in the middle, triggering the power of spiritual domination again.

For a variety of reasons, there is absolutely no advantage in contacting Chateau until the investigation is clear.

With this in mind, when Noah returned, he had placed Dimiugos in charge of investigating the surroundings of Chhatiya.

“Back to Lord Noah, we did find some anomalies.” Dimiugos bowed his head and remarked with congratulations.

“Though no ambush of the people of the State of Shrine was found around Shatia, we found that Shatia was being watched by intelligence magic. ”

“Really?” Noah whispered.

“It's normal too, and I'd be surprised if it wasn't for surveillance. ”

Whether you intentionally throw Chateau in the wild, or you can use it to ambush it, because Chateau's death strikes back and kills you, and you lose your means of dominating Chateau, it is impossible for anyone who throws Chateau in the wild in the State of Syria not to keep an eye on Chateau.

Even the "Sunshine Scriptures", who are supposed to be companions, are under the scrutiny of the State of Srin, not to mention the real enemy of Chateau?

“However, surveillance of the State of Srin should not have existed from the outset, right?” Noah knocked on the desk in front of him.

“I didn't feel watched in the past at Chateau. ”

“No, Lord Noah, we sent troops to investigate after we discovered Shatia's anomaly, and by then we had detected that a third party was using intelligence magic to monitor Shatia.” Dimiugos said.

“In order to avoid leakage of intelligence here, we have set up a fence around Chateau that can shield intelligence from magical detection. Please forgive our insistence. ”

“No, you did the right thing, no mistakes.” Noah shook her head.

“So, what else did you do? ”

“This is the only level at first, and now we are continuously setting up a barrier around Chateau that can block the delivery of magic in order to prevent the enemy from using it to sneak up on us as we deal with Chateau.” Dimiugos pushed his glasses.

“Also, although it has been confirmed that there is no ambush around Chateau, we have not yet confirmed that there is a magic trap around Chateau, and a team of probes is being organized to eliminate it. ”

“We are also prepared to set up measures against magic props around Chateau, taking into account the possibility that they may use the power of magic props.” Dimiugos said with extreme caution.

“For the moment, that's all I can think of. I wonder what Lord Noah thinks? ”

“Organize another team that can use the magic of detective intelligence.” Noah shrugged, adding.

“Though measures have been taken against outsiders, on Chateau, we also need to work hard to get people who can use intelligence magic of the detective kind to investigate the situation of Chateau. Otherwise, if we do anything about Chateau, it is likely that it will trigger the spiritual domination of world-class props. ”

“Understood." Dimiugos nodded solemnly.

The spiritual domination of Chateau itself is a very serious problem, whether or not there is an ambush of the State of Stanley around Chateau.

Even the undead were spiritually dominated by NPCs of level 100, so it is estimated that no one in Nazareth's underground tomb should be able to resist the same spiritual domination.

If the second person were to be subjected to mental domination, that would be a big problem.

After all, no one knows if world-class props that work on Chateau have the same effect on those who are too close.

Therefore, careful and careful detection is necessary.

“In addition, it is likely that the other side will receive information from Chateau about the Nazaric catacombs.” Noah glanced at Dimiugos.

“So put the entire Nazaric underground grave on alert. ”

“Yes." Dimiugos nodded submissively, saying that.

“By the way, Lord Noah, we set our eyes around Chateau as you ordered, and we noticed that the nearest Yeh Rantil seemed to be moving. ”

“Yeah Randall?” Noah frowned.

“What's going on? ”

“The battle between Chateau and the people of the Assyrian Church has attracted the attention of Yeh Rantil, I presume?” Dimiugos said.

“According to the reporter, Yeh Rantil has sent adventurers to crusade the mighty monster that appeared near the village of Kahn, most likely Chateau. ”

“Oh?” Noah looked at Dimiugos.

“How can you be sure that they are planning to fight against Chateau? ”

“There are two reasons.” Dimiugos Pippi replied with respect.

“One of the adventurers dispatched from the other side is a very large team. In the vicinity, it is impossible for anyone other than Chateau to crusade to this extent. One is that the other side's route is completely in the direction of the village of Kahn, and there can be no mistake. ”

“Team of adventurers?” Noah asked thoughtfully.

“On what scale? ”

“All have reached at least the silver level.” Dimiugos said.

“In terms of teams, there are 30 teams of silver adventurers, 10 teams of gold adventurers, 5 teams of platinum adventurers, 3 teams of secret silver adventurers, and the overall number is more than 200. ”

“This scale, indeed, is not used to fight against ordinary monsters.” Noah whispered.

“It's been a long wave. ”

After that, Noah stood up and glanced in the direction of the corner, helpless.

“Yarbert, when are you going to stay like that? ”

Shrink around the corner like a little kid, turn your back slightly to Yarbert over here, and a beautiful face is filled with cries.

Apparently, Yarbert still cares about Noah and Esther.

Noah sighed and walked towards the door.

“Yarbert, if you're going to go on like that, I'm not taking you out. ”

Rumor has it that Yar Bedford jumped up like that, fluttering a pair of wings behind him and catching up with Noah.

See, Dimiugos hastily followed.