Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1249: Kindness? With the sun?

(Thank you very much 'Ye Fall with Windflower’, 'Watch You Update Silently’, 'Q Yongjiang Yiju Q’, ‘Ghost Dream’, ‘Lord Sage’, ‘$is dying &’, ‘No Words. Wordless’, ‘The End of the World’, ‘ZS347’, ‘miyi sayer’, 'One Ride When Thousand’, ‘1 Turning Years Away' reward!

The sudden movement surprised Noah, Reverse the Sixteen Nights, Far Far Away Birds and Chun Il Mo Yao.

Especially Noah and the Reverse Sixteen Nights, even more shocked, turned his head sharply and looked back.

There, the black rabbit that was suddenly hit was paralyzed on the ground, covering his head, while * *.

“Okay... it hurts...”

And in the arms of such a black rabbit, there is a little girl.

A young girl who doesn't even look like Esther, only about 10 years old, very young and petite, but has a very noticeable long snow-white hair, dressed in kimono.

A little girl like this was holding the black rabbit tightly, burying her whole pretty face in the great chest of the black rabbit, with an intoxicating look on her face.

“It turns out... it's a black rabbit... this touch... it's fantastic... fantastic...”

That look, it's like a moron.

Until then, the black rabbit felt the difference in her chest. She lowered her head and looked at the little girl who was walking back and forth in front of her chest like a lunatic.

“White... Lord Daytime Fork? Why are you here? ”

“Of course it's because I think the Black Rabbits are almost here!” The little girl named White Night Fork made a strange laugh, her face still rubbing in the arms of the black rabbit.

“So, I came to rub the delicious rabbit, and this touch is really embarrassing! ”

“Please... please let me go!” The black rabbit's pretty face suddenly turned red, dragged the shoulder of the fork of day and night and pushed it forcefully out.

But the little girl was just as touchy as Thunder continued to rub the black rabbit's great chest, and the intoxication on her face could be seen by anyone.

“What... what?” The birds have been a little lost for a long time.

“What's going on here? ”

Spring Yao similarly twisted his head and lifted the cat in his arms in front of him, asking.

“Are the people in the box court so strange? ”

“Meow ~ ~ ~" was given a lazy scream by Haruhibe to the three-haired cat in front of her.

“Really?” Haruhi nodded suddenly, enlightened as if he understood the lazy scream.

As for Noah and the Reverse Sixteen Nights, he stared dead into the arms of the Black Rabbit, blinking with deterrence in his eyes.

“Nah, dude.” Reverse the corner of the mouth for 16 nights and lift slightly.

“Did you just notice the closeness of that kimono Lori? ”

“No.” Noah closed her eyes.

“It's incredible, but I really didn't notice anything. ”

Yes, it is.

Didn't notice.

Until the fork crashed the black rabbit into the air, Noah, with her sensory ability to indoctrinate, did not notice a hint of the fork, let alone the proximity of the fork.

It's incredible.

You know, even though Noah is often approached by people around her without realizing it, it's because there's no hostility, malice or intent to kill, and the smell of people approaching her is very familiar.

In the face of strange breaths, even if the other party has no hostility, intent to kill or malice, it should not be without any perception.

After all, the black rabbit is right next to Noah, less than a metre from Noah.

As a result, Noah was unable to spot each other in this situation until the fork made a noise during the day and crashed the black rabbit into the air.

What does that mean?

It means that Noah would not have noticed anything until the Black Rabbit died if the act just taken by the White Night Fork was not a surrender, but an assassination.

Of course, when hostile, malicious, and murderous individuals approach, Noah's sensitivity to sensory abilities increases by several levels, which should not be the case.

But even so, that's amazing enough.

“This must be the second time I've been in a situation like this, except for the one by Orpheus?” Noah looked closely at the fork of the night, which was constantly rubbing in the arms of the black rabbit.

“What the hell is that girl? ”

That said, Noah had a different feeling about the girl named Fork of the Night.

That feeling, it's called kindness.

He caressed his chest and felt the emotion of kindness. Noah's eyes were a little flickering, followed by a smile.

“Surely it is the world of all kinds of Shura God Buddha...”


The scent of incense pervades the entire space.

In a standard sumo room, a daytime fork dressed in kimono sat down on the seat, holding a paper fan in his hand, with an open fan on one side and his gaze pointed across the street.

There, Noah, the Reverse Sixteen Nights, the Long Flying Bird, Spring Yao and the Black Rabbit sat down.

Black rabbits, long-flung birds, and spring flares are all standard seats.

Noah and the Reverse Sixteen Nights were sitting there at will, facing the eyes of the fork of day.

“Are you the new companions the Black Rabbit has found?” The young face of the night fork had a smile on it, not knowing whether it was a prank or not.

“Let me introduce myself, I'm a cadre of" ThousandEyes "founded on the 3345 outside door, a daytime fork, so don't look at me like that, I'm at least a big figure on the four digits? ”

“Four digits?” Back in the sixteenth night, the birds of the long distance and Spring Moon Yao all looked at the fork of day and night, and a few symbols of the struggling spirit appeared in their eyes.

Noah looked proudly at the fork of the night, and there was some grunting in her heart.

(Four digits? Can someone I don't know about be just a four-digit figure?

Although the Black Rabbit said that the four digits were already the rank of the generally famous Shura God Buddha, Konoah would have had a higher speculation about the rank of the fork.

In other words, Noah does not believe that the ordinary Shura Buddha can come near him without realizing it.

Or is God much stronger in this world than I've ever known before?

It's not impossible either.

But what makes Noah more concerned is why she has an unusual sense of intimacy with the fork.


At this time, the daytime fork also focused on Noah, looking at Noah, twisting her head, a little confused.

“Boy, do you seem special over there? ”

In a nutshell, the attention of the crowd was directed to Noah.

Noah looked at the fork of the night with a slight hesitation and asked.

“Why do you say that? ”

“If I knew, I wouldn't be talking to you with such uncertainty.” The daytime fork says in an old tone.

“But you're right. You have to say what I'm saying. Is that what it feels like? ”

Feel that?

Does the fork of day and night, like Noah, have an unusual intimacy?

“Nah, kid.” The daytime fork himself seemed to care a little, waving at Noah.

“Come here, let me take a good look. ”

“Uh..." Noah scratched her cheek, then helplessly stalled, got up, went up, and sat down in front of the fork of the night.

“Hmm..." At night fork pause with a thoughtful look, first measured Noah, then reached out and pressed Noah's chest.

At this moment, the vision, it happened.

“Buzz ————! ”

With Noah at its centre, a glimmer of bright light rises like a flame from Noah.

“ ———— ”

Blackrabbit, 16 nights backwards, the long-flung bird and Spring Festival burst into shock. Raise your hands and stand in front of yourself.

Let's not say it's the rest of us, it's Noah who's all startled.

Because, at this very moment, in Noah's mind, it represents the power of the Decalogue, with its contours connected to a stone plate of ten patterns, one of which suddenly flashed an unprecedented strong light.

That pattern depicts a magnificent white horse.

Heran is the incarnation of the White Horse.

One hand pressed the fork of night on Noah, ignoring the flaming light, raised his head and looked up at Noah.

There are all kinds of emotions in those eyes.




--I don't understand.

All kinds of emotions, eventually, are melted into intense curiosity, allowing the opening of the night fork word for word.

“You carry the sun on you? ”