Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1256: Don't You Have a Tasty Face?

(Thank you very much for the 10,000 reward of 'One of the Quasi-Animated Mansions'! And rewards for 'Book Friend 141120095246547’, 'Book Friend 160210003359643’, 'Source Invincible’, ‘Ghost Dream’, 'Watch You Update With Silence’, ‘Silver Flash 7’, 'End of the World Song’, ‘Destiny de Zero’, ‘1 Turning Years Away’, ‘Windless Heaven’!

“Psst! ”

The faint crackling echoes gently in space, like ripples rippling across the water, causing a slight airflow.

Three shadows before and after, up and down, in a completely different form, fly past in the middle of the sky, as if they were meteors chasing each other, so fast that only one can barely see the degree to which a remnant flashed through space, quite appalling.

The figure in front of us can't see the full picture yet.

However, the shadow as a whole appeared to be slight, with a pair of black wings like shadows forming behind it, flying forward at extremely fast speeds.

The figure behind is Noah.

With a necklace with a magical effect called 'Flight', Noah's figure is also like a meteor, with a whirring wind in the slightest oscillation of the atmosphere, sweeping forward, without being distracted at all.

And there was a shadow underneath the two shadows that chased each other halfway through the air.

So, naturally, it's 16 nights back.

This human being, who has no way of flying, is flying at a real third cosmic speed, like a shell, on the ground.

There is no way for a building to stop a monster with a physical ability that even Noah thinks he can't compare to, but to become a pedal for each other.

Back at sixteen nights, at a terrible speed and in a flexible shape, he flew back and forth on the building of that building, hanging firmly on two shadows that flew like meteors in the middle of the sky, blasting forward.

I don't know how long it lasted.

At some point, the tiny shadows flying in the sky suddenly descended.

See, Noah's eyes flashed, without any hesitation of a lean over and down.

It just so happens that the shadow of the 16th night is like a loaded bullet, blasting.

As a result, three shadows landed on the ground at the same time.

“Boom --! ”

With a meteorite striking as loud as the ground, the whole ground was slightly trembling.

The three shadows chasing each other landed heavily on the ground almost at the same time, provoking intense sand and dust, causing the ground to break apart inches and spread like a spider web.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

A raging wind just passed and swept away the thick sand and dust that was spreading.

Noah stood in a straight line at a distance from the two men of the Reverse Sixteen Nights, looking forward.

There, a tiny figure turned his back on both of them and hung gently halfway in the air.

Three people, three positions, just form a big triangle.

From the perspective of Noah and the Reverse Sixteen Nights, it can be seen very clearly.

On the other hand, it was gently suspended in the middle of the sky, with a tiny figure behind it, as if it were black wings, with beautiful long hair at one end and waist.

The long hair that floats with the wind reflects a brilliant golden light in the sun.

Blonde hair is tied with a specially made ribbon.

He was wearing a red leather jacket that looked like a ring.

From this backdrop alone, then, the first impression is that there are two.

One: The other is a teenage girl.

Two: the other person looks quite young.

If it weren't for the fact that the previous chase had allowed Noah to see each other's ability to fly back 16 nights, no one would have believed in the first place that such a young girl would have been destroyed by one of the foremost communities in an outer door area.

“So, this is the end of hiding, right?” Back to sixteen nights with one hand in his pocket, a pair of hangers looking the same.

“Nah, buddy, are you sure this guy is the one who attacked that tiger community? ”

“Who knows?” Noah stalled the stall, and the light clouds of the wind contrasted sharply with the look of the Hangover in the 16th night.

“All I know is that the other person does have an intense, bloody smell, and it's all just not for long. ”

In other words, the suspect in front of this young girl is undoubtedly the greatest.

“What should we do?” Sixteen nights backwards, as if knowingly asked, cannot be laughed at forever.

“They seem to have saved the kids in our community, don't they? ”

“Even if I said no, you wouldn't think so, would you?” Noah whispered.

“So, for the sake of our comrades in the community, shouldn't 16-night classmates go up and talk to our benefactors? ”

“Hey, hey, hey, why are you hitting on me?” Reverse the sound of sixteen nights.

“I just wanted to have a friendly conversation with that Lori over there. ”

“Really?” Noah chuckled.

“What kind of communication is that? ”

“Well.” Back 16 nights, a provocative smile appeared.

“Anyway, that Lori doesn't look so simple, depending on the situation, think about whether to go up and beat each other up! ”

It was said that the little girl with the back of Noah and the back of the sixteenth night slowly raised her head and turned around.

The next moment, a frivolous expression totally out of proportion to the age of the appearance and a pair of glamorous red eyes that seemed to suck people in just as long as they looked at each other were imprinted in Noah's eye curtains for 16 nights backwards.

Looking at the young one, but beautiful enough to allow one to hold one's breath independently, the temperament exuded by the unusual young girl's face, Noah frowned at the same time as turning back sixteen nights.

“Whoa, whoa?” Back to sixteen nights there were some happy shouts.

“Don't you have a nice face? ”

“Delicious?” Noah is speechless.

“I said, 16 nights old, you don't want to eat people, do you? ”

“Who doesn't?” Sixteen nights backwards naturally said that.

“With such a delicious Lori face, would anyone like to try it? ”

“… no…" Noah was right.

“… With all due respect, I cannot agree…"

In the presence of an unidentified person, Noah and the Reverse Sixteen Nights interacted like nobody else.

But the extra attitude of the swimming blade also made the lovely little girl smile.

That smile is eye-catching enough.

In a spin, the little girl makes an old man's voice.

“Not only are you able to catch up with me downstream with all my strength, but you are also not afraid to face me knowing that I have the ability to destroy that inferior community of tigers. You seem to be quite capable of human beings. ”

With such a phrase, the smile on the little girl's face disappeared.

“If you could, you could have chosen a good community to join, why" NoName "? ”

Noah glanced back at each other for sixteen nights, then shrugged at the same time.

“Why? Is it so strange to add a NoName?” Noah said sarcastically.

“The so-called special is inherently linked to the special solitary, and since you don't think we're human beings in general, isn't it strange to make choices that humans in general wouldn't make? ”

“That's it, blonde Lori.” Back to the 16th night clapping, helpless noise.

“By the way, are you here because you despise" NoName "? Then why save the kids in NoName? ”

Instead of speaking, the little girl looked at Noah one after the other and turned back 16 nights and closed her eyes.

“Look around. ”

Noah and the Reverse Sixteen Nights slightly flashed and looked around.

Printed into Noah's eye curtain for the 16th night of reversal is a ruin.

It's like hundreds of years gone by, completely deserted, losing all the fracture walls of life.

The seemingly flat white-bottom roads were buried with sand and dust.

Wooden buildings in one building all collapse.

Trees on both sides of the pavement dried up white and were abandoned by the roadside.

Whatever you think, it's a deserted ruin.

“What's the matter?” Noah looked around and looked at the girl.

“What's so strange? ”

“You don't know where we are, do you?” The young girl silenced and said so in a self-derisive tone.

“Then let me tell you. ”

The girl looked straight at Noah.

“This is where NoName is based! ”