Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1271 Star Spirit! Demon Star Sovereignty of Immortal!

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Alsared’, 'Passover’, 'Bent Book Friend’, ‘Xuanchi the Magnificent’, ‘Meteor Spirit’, ‘Floating Water’, ‘Peer Book Friend_Archer’!

“No, Mr. Noah! Stop him! ”

Nearly as the black rabbit shouted out this sentence, the snake-haired witch's skull-like ornament ripped from Luos' neck revealed a dazzling glow.

“Psst! ”

In the oscillating sound of the atmosphere, the sparkling light that blooms throughout the space is the color of red blood.

The bright red light blossomed on the gift raised by Luosna and shook a wave of light in a way reminiscent of starlight, flashing as it swept in all directions like a tide.

With such an eye-catching light, Luos proclaimed aloud.

“Get out of here! Alger! ”

In this moment, the light in Luos's hands swept into the sky, like a pillar of light, into the sky and out of the cloud.

“Buzz ————! ”

In the next moment, the whole sky trembled suddenly, as if it had reflected back the previous light, causing the bright red columns of light to shake the space, descend from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, hit the ground.

“Boom --! ”

As if something heavy had fallen and fallen on the ground, the whole space was suddenly shaken up, a tremor that allowed the bright red light to cover the entire field for a short moment.

“ ———— ”

Everyone present, including Noah, raised their hands in reflexes and blocked themselves.

I don't know how long it's been since the bitter light slowly subsided.

However, everyone present was slightly trembling inside.

Because, with an incredible sense of oppression, it's all over the field.

In other words, such a sound echoes across the heavens and the earth.

“Pfft. Pfft. ---! ”

It's like a sharp scream, like a baby cry, a shriek that humans can't understand at all.

Along with the sound of such a pointy song, a figure was printed into the curtains of everyone at the venue.

That's a woman.

No, no, no.

More precisely, it should be female-like organisms.

Wear ring and capture belt.

His head was covered with snake-like python hair.

The skin all over the body looks like it's been absorbed into moisture, and it's purple brown.

There are no pupils in a pair of eyes, only a reddish, hairy color.

Such a female creature, like an animal, lifted its face like a ghost on the ground slowly, raised its upper body and screamed extremely harshly.

“Pfft. Pfft. ---! ”

The screaming sound of the human ear, completely incomprehensible, became a shockwave-like sound wave that shook around.

Noah, standing not far in front of that unidentified creature, directly withstood this windy sound wave, dancing in her robe without a slight change of colour, staring at the woman screaming like a mad beast, muttering.

“So this is the gift of guarding Perseus for a long time instead of his head and his shield? ”

It's not just Noah.

In the distance, watching Luos summon an unidentified woman to a daytime fork is as loud as reversing sixteen nights.

“That idiot actually used that in a place like this.” The face of the fork has become extremely ugly.

“If you leave that thing open here, is this door all stoned up? ”

“Rock?” Back to sixteen nights similarly mumbled.

“So that's the star that Perseus runs, right? ”

Looking at the fork of the day and the reverse of the sixteenth night, he said something he could not understand, and the bird asked for a long time.

“What are you talking about? Petrified, stars? What's that supposed to mean? ”

“Don't you get it? Sister?” Back 16 nights staring at the horrible woman screaming to make a sound wave, whispered.

“Well, you should know, in legend, that Perseus, who was given the mission of exorcising the snake-haired shemale Medusa, holds a weapon, right? ”

“I know," replied Haruhi.

“The hero Perseus, who was given the mission to exorcise Medusa, was given four different weapons: a helmet, boots, a shield and a sickle. ”

“Yes, helmets are invisible Hades' helmets, boots are flying Hermes' boots, shields are Athena's shields, and sickles are the sickle swords in that guy's hand.” Reverse sixteen nights to explain.

“With these weapons, Perseus cut off the head of Snake Demon Medusa and was able to do more with the petrified power of the" head ". ”

“And since Perseus was invited to the box courtroom and created the community, these weapons, the gift, should all be inherited by the incompetent master?” Sixteen nights back I squeezed my eyes.

“However, in mythology, Perseus completed his work, ascending to the sky and turning it into a constellation, before dedicating the head of the snake-haired witch to Athena, which later had a shield embedded in the head of the witch. ”

“Alas?” the long-flung bird said with some uncertainty.

“In other words, does the outburst inherit only three kinds of gifts:" helmet "," boots "and" sickle "? ”

The answer to this question is not the reverse of sixteen nights, but the black rabbit.

“No, that's not true.” The black rabbit secretly grabbed the sweaty hand and whispered.

“Despite the loss of the" Head "and the" Shield ", Perseus, who was elevated to the Anglican, received a new blend of the" Head "and the" Shield ". ”

“In Anglofa, there is a star that has been known since ancient times as the Demon Star.” Back to sixteen nights, he said.

“The star, in the position of the snake-haired witch's head in Perseus' hand in the Anglican, is called Alger. ”

“Alger?” The Spring Festival burst into shock.

“Isn't that the name Luos just shouted? ”

“Exactly!” The daytime fork looked at the horrible woman in the scream.

“So instead of" skull "and" shield, "Perseus" gets the sovereign power of a star capable of petrifying, acting as a "skull," as the "shield" of the Community, to be used by "Perseus"! ”

In the courtyards of many Shura Buddhas, not only does the land have ownership, but even every star in the sky has its own ownership, the so-called sovereignty.

Among them, the Sun, which represents the most divine Buddha and mythology, created twenty-four solar sovereignty by dividing the two celestial bodies, the "Equator Twelve Palace" and the "Equator Twelve Chen", on the trajectory of the Sun.

And as long as they possess the sovereignty of the stars and constellations, the sovereign can summon the stars and gods representing the stars to serve at his command.

Instead of "skull" and "shield," the community known as "Perseus" acquires the sovereignty of Alger, the demonic star in the head of the snake-haired shemale on the Anglofa.

The woman Luos summoned was one of the most powerful races in the courtyard, Alger, the star of the demon star on the Imperial Constellation.

“Pfft. Pfft. ---! ”

Just as it was meant to be a testament to people's thoughts, the star Alger made a sharp scream and his whole body swelled a little.

“Pfft! ”

The belt strapped to Alger was directly broken.

“Psst! Psst! Psst! ”

As if causing a chain reaction, several belt joints were broken.

Alger's whole body swelled up in this place, becoming as huge as a black bear.

“Go on!” Luos enraged to order.

“Kill that boy! Alger! ”

Alger raised his head suddenly and looked at Noah, with a pair of bright red eyes flashing red.

“Boo-hoo! ”

In a loud thump, the star named Alger burst into the direction of Noah like an arrow off a string, wrapped around a strip of leather with one hand bandaged into a claw.

The next moment, a giant claw like a bear's palm rubbed the air, with a sharp cracking sound, flashing down instantly, striking a blow to space in the direction of Noah.

“Boom --! ”

The sound waves that shook heavenly prices were accompanied by shocks that shook the ground for them, and the whole storm burst out.