Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1284: The Power No One Has Found?

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Still Shadow Light’, 'Quasi Anime Mansion One’, ‘Mu Yu ə’, ‘Closed Festival Moon’, ‘Long Live Oriental’, ‘Q Yongjiang Yiqiao Q', ‘Yang Yanhe’, ‘Wonderful Words’, ‘Thunder Rings’, ‘Windless Heaven’, ‘Watch You Update Silently’, ‘Silver Shine 7’, ‘Ranger Read Novel’!

In fact, the gift of a long-flung bird can give the object a simulated character. It is not just about the gift, but all people, things, things can be given.

Otherwise, there is no way for a long-flung bird to behave on its own orders by dwelling a simulated deity in things, below its own existence.

So, even if you don't prepare for the gift, the long-flung bird can fight by imparting the analogue character to the rest of the object.

Unfortunately, there will be many limitations.

For example, if the aforementioned grid is higher than the individual of the long-flung bird itself, the long-flung bird cannot be dominated.

Because, the way a long-flung bird is given a simulated divine character is language.

Sound gradually weakens as it is transmitted.

Based on the above principles, the granting of analog deities in language by long-flung birds will certainly be degraded before being communicated to the object.

Depending on the size of the object's grid, it may even be resisted.

With this in mind, the gift of a long-flung bird is less suitable for domination.

The same is true when confronted with Noah.

At that time, Noah, who had used the incarnation of the Priest, had no divine power, not even all magic.

As a result, in such a case, Noah uses a random strike of domination, and the long-flung birds need to maximize the emancipation of the analogue character imparted to the wind sand in order to offset it.

It is conceivable that the power of long-flung birds has indeed been degraded considerably by the process of "speaking" in giving the general object a simulated character.

But if the object of use is a gift, it's different.

After all, the gift itself possesses a lingue. After the enhancement of the analog deity, the power of the lingue is maximized, and the power is increased by more than a point and a half.

So, for a long-flung bird, the grantee who is able to fully exert his or her abilities will have to do so by grace.

Therefore, the path decided by the long-flung birds to "dominate the bounty of grace" is indeed the right one.

The problem is that the cost is not just half an hour.

Taking into account the pride of the long-flung bird, Noah did not insist on giving the long-flung bird a powerful gift.

Otherwise, all you have to do is provide one or two jewellery for the long-flung birds, plus the sister-in-law's analog divine personality enhancement. It is estimated that this girl can really fight the famous spirits or gods?

The long-flung birds themselves know that.

But excessive self-esteem still prevents this young lady from getting paid without any effort.

So, this is not going to happen for a while.

As such, a noisy and noisy day passed, allowing the "NoName" basis to once again usher in the night.

As a result of the resolution of the water supply, the large baths in the building are now liberated almost daily.

However, it is natural to distinguish between the time used by boys and girls.

Now, this is exactly the time that girls use the big baths.

Normally, at this time, Noah was hiding in an underground library reading books, drawing on the knowledge and intelligence of the entire world.

Unfortunately, in a month's time, Noah had cleared all the books in NoName's underground library.

In other words, Noah has finished all the books in the library.

Of course, it's with magic props to help.

In the FairyTail world, there are magic glasses that can take reading speed to the limit, allowing people to read a thick book in less than a few minutes.

The last time Noah returned to the FairyTail world, she was ready to wear these glasses, considering that she needed to regain intelligence every time she arrived in a whole new world and had plenty of opportunities to deal with books.

It was thanks to the help of these glasses that Noah was able to read all the books in the underground library in just one month, and she knew a lot about the world.

In this case, Noah did something and simply drove Letticia and Esther, who had been with her, out of the house.

As soon as he came out of the hall, Noah saw a slim figure, slightly dazed.

After a moment of hesitation, Noah deliberately slowed down and walked in the direction of the figure.


Late night winds with a hint of coolness.

Spring watched the night sky and later lowered his head and looked at the three-haired cat in his arms.

“Do you think I'm useless? ”

The gift of Spring Shining not only enables animals, but also phantom beasts, to communicate with animals.

As a result, Spring Yao is able to have a conversation with the cat in his hand.

And the cat that Chun Il Mo Yew brought from the original world, although it was just a normal three-haired cat, was an old cat born the same month as Chun Il Mo Yew.

That's why Spring Yao brought the cat with him to the box courtyard.

Each other is very important to Spring Bright and Triple Hairy Cat.

There is no way to speak frankly in front of our communal colleagues, and Spring Boy can speak frankly without hesitation about the trivial cat.

“Sixteen nights of extraordinary power, birds of flying have the ability to break the grid to simulate God, even Noah possesses almost endless divine hierarchy of gifted weapons, compared to them, I am really too weak. ”

To think of it, Chun Il Mo Yao couldn't help but grasp the round wooden carving in front of him.

The round wooden carving, in fact, is the gift of Spring Moe Yew.

The catalogue of life is the gift of the ability of animals and even phantom beasts.

This gift is very important to Spring Mo Yao.

Because it was a gift from Haruhi's father.

“My dad gave me a gift, which must be very unusual.” Spring Shimmer held the gift in front of her and whispered.

“I've always thought so, so I've always had a lot of confidence in joining this community, I'm sure I can play my part, but as a result, compared to Noah, 16 nights and flying birds, I'm a mattress...”

That sentence had just fallen, and one voice sounded behind Spring Moe Yew.

“If that's what you think, that's wrong. ”

The spring ministry burst into shock and quickly turned its head and looked behind its back.

There, Noah, who approached me, looked down at Spring Bright and said to Spring Bright.

“I didn't think you'd actually be alone here thinking. ”

“... I'm not thinking nonsense.” Haruhi Seiyao seemed embarrassed by Noah's discovery of the look of frustration, and spoke very strangely.

“In fact, now, among the main members of the Community, I am indeed at the bottom. ”

“As you said, that's now.” Noah said with extreme seriousness.

“Even if you are now a little behind, who knows what will happen next? ”

“… in our time, there is a saying called one step ahead, not one step ahead.” Haruhi said in a rare, less confident tone.

“Now that you're all one step ahead of me, it's not impossible to stay ahead of me. ”

“But that's just possible after all.” Noah sighed directly at Spring Moe Yew.

“If you're just talking about possibilities, then are you going to go straight beyond us and be in the lead, which is probably not the case? ”

Spring ministry was dumb when it dawned.

“Don't forget, Black Rabbit or Letticia, that's what I said.” Noah said to Spring Mo Yao.

“Reversing the gifts held by the three men of the sixteenth night, the longest bird and the Spring Moon Yao are all among the highest levels of grace among mankind. Since the sixteenth night and the bird can possess that degree of power, then again, as the highest level of grace among mankind, your" Bibliography of Life "must also have powers that no one else has discovered. ”

“Didn't anybody find the power?” Spring brightened the wooden carvings in front of him and fell into silence.

Nor did Noah disturb Spring Yao, so he watched the night sky quietly with this quiet young girl.

Night, in just one case, passed quietly.

Until long... long...