Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1304: Kill Everyone Here? (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Unknown ◎ Moyan’, 'Claustrophobic Moon’, ‘Magic Blood Meteor’, 'No. 1527 Fallen’, ‘Long Live the Orient’, ‘Q Yongjiang Yijie Q', ‘Fantastic Word’, ‘DaringSAMA’, ‘Seven Sins Star Lazy’, ‘ Baby’, ‘Windless Heaven’, ‘Carudia’!


When the name of the little girl, who belonged to the speckled pattern, was raised from Noah's mouth, the girl's gaze at Noah changed completely.

In its eyes, all kinds of emotions begin to flash.

There's surprise.


There's a problem.


All sorts of emotions flashed in the eyes of a girl named Pest, making the girl completely forget how to react.

And Pasteur's performance was to give Noah the highest level of certainty.

“So, am I right again? ”

That's what finally got Pasteur to react.

He looked closely at Noah and Peste's eyes curled up gradually.


“Why would I know your name?” Noah looked at Pest and said so.

“'Cause we've got almost everything we need. ”

With that phrase, Noah took out the deed document that covered the wax with the clown with the flute pattern.


--Grace Game Name: ThePiedPiPerofHamelin

? Participants at a glance: 3999999 Community of all participants and organizers of the Outer Gate and 4000000 Outer Gate Boundary Wall Stage Area.

? Participants designate game leaders: operators of the sun, daytime forks of the stars.

? Sponsor Conditions of Victory: Obey and kill all entrants.

? Participant Victory Condition One: Defeat the Host's Game Leader.

? Participant Victory Condition Two: Break the false inheritance and build the true inheritance.

? Affidavit: Respect the above and host a gift game based on honor, flag, and host privileges.

———— "GrimmGimoireHameln" stamp.


Noah slowly opened his mouth with this dark deed document.

“The name of the grace game ThePiedPiPerofHamelin, or" Hamel's Piper, "I think by the time you see the name of the grace game, most of you will have understood that the famous fairy tale about Hamel's Piper, right? ”

Hamel's Piper.

That's one of the stories from the Green fairy tale.

Speaking of fairy tales, there is one thing that must be mentioned.

That's the prototype of the story.

In Green's fairy tale, several stories are based on real history.

Hamel's Piper is one of them.

Hamel, mentioned in this story, is the town where the story occurred.

There have been numerous cases of sudden disappearance of children in this town in history.

As a result of this case, there is even an inscription in the town of Hamel.

This inscription is the prototype of the Green fairy tale Hamel's Piper.

This is recorded in the inscriptions.

--- John and Paul Memorial Day, June 26, 1284, 130 children born in Hamel were lured by pimps dressed in various colors and eventually disappeared at the execution site near the hills -

This inscription describes the real events that took place in the town of Hamel and is also presented with a piece of painted glass.

And it was this inscription that led to the birth of Hamel's Piper, one of Green's fairy tales.

Just after the sixteenth century, the event was adapted into a fairy tale.

Among them, the flute was shaped as a rat trapper.

In fairy tales, there was a rat infestation in the town of Hamel, where Hamel villagers commissioned a rat trapper to remove rats from the town.

When they arrived in Hamel town, the rat trappers took out a magic flute and blew it. The rats who heard the flute were manipulated by the rat trappers, who were lured to drown in the Weishi River near the execution site near the hills.

However, when the commission was completed, the villagers of Hamel town broke their promises and left the rat trappers angrily without payment.

And on St. John and Paul's Day, June 26, when the villagers gathered in the church to commemorate John and Paul, the rat trapper reappeared and blew a flute.

This time, the rat trappers lured one hundred and thirty children with a flute and took one hundred and thirty children.

Since then, there has been no news from either the rat trapper who played the flute or the abducted child.

This is the story of Hamel's Piper and the adaptation of the disappearances that actually took place.

Most scholars believe that the story of the flute reflects a time in Hamel's history when a large number of children died.

There may be two causes of death for these children.

One is a natural disaster.

As a result of the storm, landslides in the hills, or the flooding of the Weishi River next to the hill execution site, led to the appearance of mudslides, killing 130 children.

One is black death.

In the 1340s, the 14th century, one of the worst plagues in human history spread in Europe.

“The name of the game of grace is ThePiedPiPerofHamelin, and one of the winning conditions of the contestants is Breaking the False Heritage and Building the True Heritage, and in this courtyard, which has all sorts of mythological legends as inheritance, one has to wonder if you are related to that fairy tale. ”

Noah looked straight at Pasteur, vibrant words to illustrate.

“Moreover, one of your companions is called Latten, and if you translate it in German, Ratten in German refers to the rat trapper, plus the other man's name is Wischer, reminiscent of the Wischer River, and you call the Tao soldier Shoutrome, or Storm in German, meaning storm, rat trapper, Wischer River, storm, all three keywords appeared in Hamel's Piper. ”

“As for you, the black wind you just used, it must be the black death virus, right?” Noah sneered.

“Black Death, translated into Latin as Pestis, means plague, so I guess your name is Pestis, isn't that weird? ”

Rumor has it that Pasteur is silent.

However, if you look closely, you can see it.

This young demon king is staring at Noah with interest.

“You're Noah, right?” Pasteur said to Noah with a slightly naive voice.

“Nah, Noah, would you like to join my community? ”

Noarton stuck around.

After revelating Peste's real name, Noah also envisioned Peste's reactions.

But Pasteur's sudden solicitation, Noah really didn't think of it.

But it's not the first time Noah's been approached by someone else, and that's not enough to upset things.

So Noah said.

“Give me a reason to join you. ”

“Reason?” Pasteur laughed.

That's not a young girl at all, and it makes people smile maliciously.

And then Pasteur said that.

“Well, what if I say, if you don't join us, I'll kill everyone in this door? ”

In a word, let the smile on Noah's face disappear a little bit to make people feel the calm of fear.

“You can try…”

In this moment, Pest felt it clearly.

From Noah, a palpitating breath flashed away.

The accident happened when Pest frowned because of it.

“Boom boom -! ”

With a loud bang, a huge lightning burst in a corner.

This lightning stopped everyone in the entire 4000000 outside door who was playing the Lord of Demons' gift game, looking up at the source of the lightning and thunder.

There, at the top of a spire, a black rabbit standing tall with a glittering ray of thunder.

“The request for judicial authority has been accepted. Next, the grace game ThePiedPiPerofHamelin has been temporarily interrupted. Both the contestants and the organizers have stopped engaging in hostilities and are prepared to negotiate quickly. Please prepare both parties to participate in the next deliberative resolution! ”