Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1324: Never Abandon the Qualifications of the Demon King (Request for Moon Tickets)

Moon ticket! Also ask friends for support!

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of Ice Moon Shadow! And rewards for 'One Ride When Thousand’, 'I'm Not Home’, 'Rabbit Arthur’, ‘Sound Moon Ink’, ‘Twilight', ‘GS Super Wet’, 'Star Maple Star', ‘Dead Sorrow’, ‘Malicious Insertion’, ‘Giant of Light’, ‘Nagi00’, ‘May Sleep Forever’, ‘Sheltin123’, ‘Where's the Dream’, ‘Bookfriend 150504195445772’, ‘Ultimate Clouds’, ‘Summer of the Maze’!

“This time, it really bothers you. ”

In the living room of ThousandEyes, the daytime fork scratched its cheeks with some shame, thanking the members of "NoName" sitting around.

“In the end, despite what I said before, I didn't do anything to help. As a hierarchical ruler, I did something wrong. ”

The members of NoName in the room smiled at each other when they heard a slightly unwieldy and frank tone of the fork.

If you look closely, it's not just Noah, the Reverse Sixteen Nights, the Long Flying Bird, Haruhi Momoya, the Black Rabbit and Jen, it's even Laetitia and Esther dressed as maids.

With the exception of Esther, who was silently eating snacks, everyone else focused on the fork of day and night.

Among them, reversing sixteen nights, there are some rhetorical remarks.

“That's not negligence, Daytime Fork, obviously before the game starts, the brother reminded you that if they knew you were here, they'd be prepared to deal with you, wouldn't they? ”

“Mmm... I can't argue with you..." The fork is like eating durian at night. It's boring on my face, but at the same time it's a bit general.

“But since the Black Dead Demon King is the representative of 80 million dead spirits, there is no way. ”

In the fourteenth century, the black-death disease, which took an entire 80 million lives over hundreds of years, erupted to that extent because the sun had entered a very small period of activity, leading to a cold invasion of the entire world and into a small ice age.

In other words, the cause of the black death epidemic is the sun.

Therefore, Pest said he had to avenge the lazy sun on behalf of 80 million grievances.

This is not just a verbal statement, but a practical realization for the rules of the game.

That is, as the star of the Sun, the daytime fork that controls the Sun is sealed at the very beginning of the game for that reason.

Thanks to the achievements of 80 million people who lost their lives in the dark of death and illness, Pasteur, who received Ringo, turned the right to revenge on the Sun into a rule of the game, reproducing the chronicle of the weakening of the Sun's power during the small ice age, which led to the sealing of the night fork.

With this in mind, the fork can't blame Pasteur.

Though not directly, the daytime fork was indirectly responsible for the tragedy of Pasteur and 80 million lives lost in the dark.

When I thought of it, I sighed slightly at the fork during the night, and then pulled myself together and smiled at Noah.

“Anyway, please rest assured that your" NoName "took the greatest credit for the cracking of this game, and that the ownership of the Demon King belongs to you according to the original agreement. ”

People laughed relievedly when they heard about it.

Only Noah, confirmed to the fork.

“In other words, according to the rules of the box court, can Peste still be recalled? ”

“The demon king was originally a dead spirit, but was summoned to the ark courtyard by Hamel's book of magic as a medium from the late days of the prevalence of black death.” The fork gives a positive answer.

“Therefore, according to the rules of the Ark Court, the defeated Demon King must belong to you, relying on the power of the Ark Court to summon her back is not difficult. ”

Noah smiled when she heard about it.

“In that case, I spent a lot of time collecting these things to be useful. ”

After that, Noah waved, the watery golden ripples fluctuated from the corner of the living room, allowing a piece of painted glass to rise from it, overlapping one piece, and appearing in the room in succession.

“This is...” The fork made some surprising noises.

“Hamel's magic book? ”

“Exactly.” Noah nodded and said to the fork.

“I hope that you will use Hamel's book of magic as a medium to summon Pasteur back. ”

“Oh, using Hamel's magic book as a medium?” The daytime fork closed his eyes and looked at Noah with a smile.

“Looks like you can't resign yourself to that Demon King. ”

Noah shrugged, not refuting, and defaulted.

After all, Noah's collection of Hamel's monastic books was indeed a great qualification for Pasteur.

As a representative of the amazing achievement of "80 Million Deaths," Pasteur is absolutely qualified to be a god.

However, in addition to the most powerful species of natural gods, other races need to have a certain faith in order to become gods, in addition to having received human merit.

Faith is fundamental to becoming a god.

Without faith, no matter how much merit you collect, you cannot be a god.

There are, of course, many forms of faith.

There are also a few examples of being feared for terror and thus become gods.

However, the age of the prevalence of black death was in the 14th century.

By then, the concentration of faith had become a little thin.

Combined with the fact that the sun is entering a minimal period of activity, no one would consider the spread of black death to be a result of mythical legends, such as rumours and claims of a religious nature as "black death is the punishment of mankind in heaven".

This has led to the complete loss of the link between terror and religion caused by the Black Death Disease and the inability to become a belief.

Therefore, even if he possessed the qualities to become a god, Pest could not be promoted to a god.

With this in mind, the Demon King who summoned Pasteur would use the speckled Death in Hamel's Book of Magic as a medium to enable Pasteur to be summoned as a god.

If you lose the medium that can provide Peste with a proper divine position, then even if you summon Peste back, Peste will no longer be a god.

In this way, the power of the Demon King is likely to decrease dramatically, from the top of the five digits to the bottom of the five digits, or even to the extent of the six digits.

That would be a shame.

Noah beckons with the power of Pest as the Five Digital Demon King.

Naturally, you don't want to see Pest's power drastically diminished.

That's why Noah collected Hamel's magic books.

“I hope ThousandEyes will be able to remodel Hamel's book of magic a little bit and re-use it as a summoning medium for The Dark Dead Demon King.” Noah said to the fork at night like this.

“After all, we cannot summon demons from more than 200 books like that Demon King, and we cannot use Hamel's Book of Demons, and we can pay extra if you are willing to assist us in transforming Hamel's Book of Demons into a medium of summons for Pest. ”

With this phrase, Noah looked at Jen.

“Chief, is that okay? ”

“When... of course there's no problem!” Renton reacted and nodded.

“If ThousandEyes is willing to transform Hamel's book of magic, we can pay extra. ”

“Yes!” The black rabbit nodded.

“Being able to have a five-digit spiritual presence is naturally something you can't ask for! ”

“That's what happened.” Back to the 16th night, the long-flung bird spoke at the same time as the Spring Moon Yao line of three problem children.

“So do it for us! ”

“… I say…" Laetitia said inexorably.

“Gentlemen, this is not the tone of asking for help. ”

“Forget it, this game is totally useless as a class ruler, and I'm also annoyed, since that's the case, at least give you the right reward as a great minister, otherwise being a class ruler would really be a disqualification.” The daytime fork smiled and waved the paper fan in his hand.

“Rest assured, I accept your entrustment as a separate reward for you, and you will not receive another reward, just wait for a five-digit god to join you! ”

Rumor has it that everyone laughs with satisfaction.