Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1325 is another great opportunity? (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Night Back'! And rewards for ‘jet5288’, 'Shadow Ghost’, 'Dome of Home Love’, 'Name Hard to Rise’, ‘Tomorrow Moon’, ‘Pokémon’, ‘Scientific Lori Control’, ‘Peak Eternal X’, ‘Second-Kill Potatoes’, ‘Mountain River Mu Reddust Turns’, ‘What If You Want to Win’, ‘Sky & White’, ‘Windless Sky’, ‘Violet Dream’, ‘Ink Feather', ‘Closed Festival Moon’, ‘o0 Tear Wounds 0o’, ‘Q Yongjiang Clothes Q’!

Thus, the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, which had to be interrupted by the attack of the Demon King, reopened the following day, making the entire outer door area of the boundary wall as lively as the previous days.

However, if you have someone in mind, you can definitely find them.

Both communities have been mentioned during the lively Fire Dragon Birth Festival.

One is Salamandra.

Originally, as the organizer of the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, "Salamandra" had been the subject of popular discourse before the Demon King, but more were negative rumors.

The reason, naturally, is the fact that Sandra, as the new chief and one of the rulers of the North Side, is only eleven.

The fear of whether or not such a young class ruler can protect the safety of the inhabitants has always been a mustard in the minds of all of us here.

Today, this mustard has finally been wiped out for the most part.

Having witnessed Sandra's activism in the Game of Gifts hosted by the Demon King, it cannot be said that no one is questioning Sandra's abilities anymore, but negative rumours have indeed diminished, and many have begun to develop confidence in Sandra's abilities.

As a result, Sandra's reputation spread throughout the courtyard in just two or three days, impressing a lot of people.

It is also said that some previously uncooperative class rulers in the northern districts sent Sandra successor blessings, proving that Sandra was finally in their sights.

Of course, now that things have developed to the point where the East Side's class rulers are needed to co-host the festival, it is naturally impossible for those previously uncooperative North Side class rulers to attend the Fire Dragon Birth Festival in such circumstances to avoid being too ugly in front of the famous Sandra.

As for another community that has recently been frequently mentioned, it is naturally "NoName".

This Fire Dragon Birth Festival has finally earned the reputation of "NoName" as the main winner of the Lord of Demons' gift game.

It's not right to say "NoName".

Because "NoName" is called "NoName," which means anonymous, because there is no community name.

Without a name, it's hard to even think about being famous.

Thus, the community mentioned in the popularity was "an unnamed community in the outer gate of East Side 2105380 with the purpose of defeating the Demon King" to that extent.

Even so, the reputation of "NoName" did begin to spread.

After all, in the 2105380 outside door, there is only one "NoName" without a name.

Not to mention, everyone already knows that there are members of this unnamed community who can defeat the Demon King positively and the positively defeat the bearers of the deity, and even the Ark Court nobility.

That way, even if it's not famous, it won't work.

Black rabbits, Jen and Letticia are all very happy about this.

In return for being a god, the Five Digital Demon King earned the reputation he wanted, and even the long-distance birds were given a permanently driven steel doll made of divine precious iron, called Dean's new gift, which can be said to be a great harvest.

In this case, a traveler from "NoName" returned to the outer door of 2105380 on the first day after the Fire Dragon Birth Festival.

By the way, the Pokémon with the Pokémon of the Apocalypse have followed.

Because of the lack of a name, the long-flung bird gave the Pokémon a name, Mel.

Mel is also an elf with the properties of the earth, the goblin.

With this Pokémon with the bounty associated with the earth, along with Noah's props to restore the land's vitality, "NoName" should be able to restore a lot of the wasted land in the land in a short period of time, right?

In short, through this role, the development of NoName began to evaporate.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages.

“What... what? ”

In NoName's local conversation room, led by Noah, all the leading members looked stunned at the helpless Jen and Black Rabbit.

“Are we banned from the game? ”

Yes, it is.

No games allowed.

Just now, Black Rabbit and Jen brought such a truly unnegligible message.

“Correctly, it's forbidden to play some lower level games, isn't it?” Merciful laughter.

“According to this man, isn't it against the rules that even the Demon King can defeat a community to play the bottom seven digits of the game? ”

Everyone couldn't speak at once.

This is the downside of NoName's growing reputation.

As the battle against the Demon King ended with a great victory, "NoName" was disqualified from participating in the lower-level Gift Game.

After all, in the courtroom, the games of grace are held either out of the test of Shu Luo Shen Buddha and open to anyone, or in exchange for payment of participation fees and other conditions, participate in some community-sponsored games.

At the bottom of the seven-digit hierarchy, "NoName", which defeats the five-digit Demon King, has clearly surpassed this hierarchy.

In this way, knowing that there will be a tragic defeat, no community will naturally win the prize by letting members of NoName participate in their own games without any hesitation.

“What the hell is this?” Back to 16 nights of extremely dissatisfied shouting.

“Is there a cowardly organizer out there who needs to worry about winning a prize and refusing to let people participate? ”

“I'm impressed.” The long-flung birds are equally dissatisfied.

“But that's fine, and I don't have any interest in games like this run by cowardly hosts. ”

“Ibid.” Even though he had no expression on his face, Spring Yao nevertheless expressed outrage.

“These people can't do it without the literacy to be game organizers. ”

“That being said, other communities also need to live and converge with the knowledge that they must lose, which is plausible.” Laetitia was generous enough to say that.

“Anyway, Master Enoir and your strength will certainly welcome a bigger stage. I'm sure that in the near future, there will be a promising community sending us invitations to play? ”

“Yes!” a pair of long rabbits stood up, smiling and pulling out an invitation.

“In fact, the Southern District's 'Dragon Horn Vulture Lion' sent us an invitation shortly ago to attend the forthcoming harvest festival. ”

In a word, it caught the attention of everyone at the venue.

“The Dragon Horn Vulture Lion"? ”A light smile inevitably appeared on Laetitia's pretty face.

“It turns out, if you count them carefully, that their harvest festival day does come. ”

Noah couldn't help but be curious.

“What? Is the community known as the Dragonhorn Vulture Lion famous? ”

“Master, 'The Dragonhorn Vulture Lion' is not a community, but an alliance of six communities.” Laetitia explained.

“They are based on the Southern District's 7759175 outer gate, which is famous for its vast resources, particularly water resources, crops and livestock, and is one of the first of the four regions, and holds annual harvest festivals for games of gift with these vast resources as prizes. ”

“Crops and livestock?” Noah frowned.

“Doesn't that mean that this harvest is another great opportunity for us? ”

“Yes!” replied the black rabbit vibrantly.

“The harvest festival is almost half a month away, and when we restore the land, we can win a lot of crops and animal husbandry from this harvest festival! ”

Everyone's eyes lit up and they laughed.

True, it's perfect.

Noah also smiled without a trace.

“In that case, it won't take me long...”