Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1357 Unseal the Oldest Demon King (Request for Moon Ticket)

(Thank you so much for the 16,000 reward of 'Baby's so sweet'! 1888 reward for 'Night Back’, 'Book Friend 160116025940684’! And ‘knife prep’, 'home’, ‘berrycake’, '$dying’, ‘my name is Rhine’, ‘true ', ‘2B coming’, ‘problems that can be solved with money are not problems’, ‘watching you update silently’, ‘panda!’, 'Windchimes’, 'Grief unrelated to me’, 'Texas Old Monster’, ‘Destiny de Zero’ reward!

God, it's getting brighter.

The thick clouds scattered across the sky, not knowing when to begin, slowly dissipated and let the sunny sky return to this side of the earth.

The sun lit up quite a few devastated, ruined flame capitals everywhere, making the flame capitals shine as if they were covered in a golden veil.

And that scene, also reminiscent of the dawn after the storm, creates a sense of hope in the world.

If you look closely, over the distant sky, the ancient castle of vampires is still hanging there, unwavering.

As for the flaming capital, there was a giant lying everywhere, staining the ground with blood.

A head-winged dragon, a human-shaped dragon, and a lizard on the exterior of the Lizard Man are packing up the mess in all corners of the Flame Capital and carrying the wounded away with a stretcher, looking very busy.

His Royal Highness, who watched the scene in the Flaming Capital on a cliff, was covered with bandages, and his face was wrapped in nearly half. After a while, he gradually closed his golden eyes.

“Looks like that guy really beat down the most powerful dragon. ”

The dragon disappeared into the sky, just three hours ago.

Until then, His Majesty, who was badly injured, was rescued from Noah's hand by a bell and healed with the greatest gift of healing, which was the only way to recover.

Imagine how terrible Noah's fist was in a state of rage.

Especially after using the "Dragon Emperor" incarnation, he directly beat His Highness into a seriously injured state.

If the bell hadn't rescued His Highness from Noah's hand in time, only that Noah would have had to make another punch and His Highness would have died.

This makes His Highness feel a little sarcastic.

“Thought even if the superficial strength was less than the other party's, and the ace existed, it would be unwinnable and unbeatable. Unexpectedly, it didn't even have a chance to use the ace? ”

Maybe Noah would use the Phoenix's incarnation in a state of fury just because His Highness may still have an ace card comparable to "power"?

For, at a divine speed incomprehensible to human intelligence, before His Majesty uses the Ace, He will completely crush His Majesty.

In fact, God's speedy "power" did leave His Highness without the strength to fight, and he was seriously injured by Noah within two or three moves.

As a result, His Royal Highness did not even have the opportunity to use the ace card and failed.

“For the first time in my life, I've lost so badly, haven't I? ”

His Highness looked in the direction of the Flaming Capital, as if he could see a man of the same origins but with different destinies, muttering to himself.

“However, this tragedy will not last forever, I promise. ”

As the voice fell, behind His Highness, a wave of space began to expand.

In the fluctuations of space, several shadows emerged slowly.

There were three of them.

One is the fur of the whole body in a pitch-black colour, with a unicorn, a vulture on the upper body, a lion on the lower body, an illusory beast known as a lion vulture.

One is a witch dressed in a strange robe who only exposes the second half of her face and holds a harp in her hand.

Another is a man dressed like a clown in a contrasting red and blue coat.

Three shadows appeared behind His Highness, looking at His Highness covered in bandages and reacting differently.

The pitch-black vulture beast is a surprise.

The witch in the robe was shocked.

Men like clowns are eyebrows.

Three performances, fully expressing the impression of the three of them on His Highness.

The first is to question the reality of the scene in front of you.

The second is incredible.

And the third is just pure happiness, isn't it?

His Highness, as if he had not perceived the performance of the three, should perhaps say that he had guessed the performance of the three. He did not even return to his head, and he greeted him leisurely.

“Gerold, Aurora, Maxwell, are you back? ”

These three names correspond to vultures, witches and clowns.

“Your Highness?” The witch known as Aurora by Her Highness sounded hesitant.

“Your wounds...”

“Never mind.” His Highness waved a hand without bandages.

“It's just an unexpected, interesting and powerful adversary. ”

“Opponent?” The lion vulture, known by His Royal Highness as Ge Lao, made a powerful sound.

“Is there an existence here that His Majesty could call opponent? ”

“Perhaps they didn't treat me like an opponent at all.” His Royal Highness said this with a little sigh, a little bitter smile and a little indifference, even when he returned to that casual look, he turned his head.

“Now that you've come to me, does that prove the results of the attacks on the East and South Sides? ”

In a word, it made Gerard and Aurora's face frozen and unspeakable.

Seeing this scene, His Highness understood.

“So the attacks failed? ”

This time, all three regions, east, south and north, were responsible for the attack.

His Royal Highness and Bell were responsible for the attack on the northern sector.

Gerard and Aurora were responsible for the attack on the South Side.

The man known as Maxwell was responsible for the attack on Sector East.

Of course, in addition to the people here, there are other demon kings in each group who are at the forefront.

Now it seems that all those demon kings who are the vanguards have been solved.

“South End is fine. After all, that guy's community, the" No_Name "without the flag and name, went, and there were several talents in it, even if they were repelled, which is not surprising.” His Highness turned his attention to Maxwell.

“But in the East End, it's a little hard to say that the ultimate triumph of the human splinter army is attacking, but it also failed, right? ”

It was said that Maxwell, unlike the other two, had no respect whatsoever for His Highness.

“That is also impossible, Your Highness, the White Night King gave God back to Buddha's Gate, completely liberating the power of seal. The first generation of the three-headed dragon's split body was almost wiped out in an instant. The rest were just small characters. It was only a matter of time before it was wiped out, right? ”

“What?!” Ge Lao and Aurora have changed dramatically.

“The White Night King gave the gods back to Buddha?! ”

“So the White Night King has returned?” His Highness's face changed slightly, even with a slight grunt.

“In that case, there is really no way. ”

At this time, the image of the bell flashed around His Highness and appeared in front of everyone.

“Your Highness.” The bell glanced directly at His Highness with a heavy opening.

“The dragon has indeed been defeated. ”

The reason the bell is not near His Highness is to go to the Flame Capital to discover the news.

And as soon as he returned, the bell brought back such an unexpected message from His Highness.

“Did you defeat the strongest species?” His Highness closed his eyes.

“So what happened to that seal? ”

His Royal Highness's words have made the atmosphere of the entire space extremely heavy.

In such a case, the bell has a clear and indeterminate opening.

“Although it is only a preliminary inference, I believe that the seal has not been lifted, but" it "should have woken up. ”

This phrase makes the heavy atmosphere more intense.

“Really?” His Highness murmured.

“Are you finally awake? ”

“Now, what do we do?” The disingenuous smile on Maxwell's face disappeared equally slowly, but his attitude was extremely slight and casual compared to that of the rest.

“According to the original plan, we must wipe out all class rulers and their alternates, and then find a way to become full class rulers and gain the sovereignty of the Sun. Now, the plan has undoubtedly failed, and we must move on to the next stage, right? ”

“One of the vehicles for sealing" it "is the sovereignty of the Sun.” His Royal Highness opened his eyes and his eyes fluctuated unspeakably.

“So our plan for the next step has been decided. ”

His Royal Highness looked around at the crowd.

“Unseal the oldest demon king! ”