Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1366 Seeing More Possibilities (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Source Invincible’, ‘hdzrh’, ‘Yang Yanghao’, ‘2B Coming Soon’, ‘Pokémon’, ‘Magic Blood Meteor’, ‘Crazy Wolf Float’, ‘Peer Book Friend_Archer’, ‘Closed Festival Moon’, ‘One of the Quasi-Animate Mansion Mansions’, ‘Unknown ◎ Moya’, ‘Eight Clouds Ice’!

In fact, Pasteur would be a member of the League of Demon Kings, which is not surprising.

After all, the goal of the Alliance of Demon Kings is the sovereignty of the Sun.

As the representative of the 80 million dead from the laziness of the Sun, Pest, who has the authority to host the power to seal the Sun, cannot be uninvited by the Alliance of Demon Kings.

And if you think about it, you'll understand.

If it was Pasteur who won the Fire Dragon Birth Festival a month ago, then, according to the rules of the game, the daytime fork would have to be Pasteur's subordinate.

In that way, more than half of the fourteen Sun Sovereignty held by the Daytime Fork would fall into the hands of Pasteur and even into the hands of the Alliance of Demon Kings.

So it's no surprise that Pest became a chess piece for the League of Demon Kings.

Although Pasteur's attack ended a month ago with failure, Pasteur's presence was tempting for the Alliance of Demonic Kings, which embraced the sovereignty of the Sun.

“Though you have become a subordinate to others, it is ultimately only a bond of contract, and since it is a contract, there must be a way to dissolve it, even if it is made by the court itself. ”

Aurora said in a seductive tone.

“You don't want to be a runner for a 'No_Name' in the precinct, do you? Why don't you come back to us? Surely the people above won't mind finding a way to break the contract? ”

Rumor has it, Pasteur is silent.

Break the contract.

For Pasteur, that's actually a temptation.

Unlike Esther and Letticia, Pest was not willing to become Noah's subordinate, but was defeated in the game by Noah, who, out of the rules of the ark, was able to become the servant of the victor as King of Demons.

How could Pasteur have the willingness to become someone else's subordinate in such a situation?

Aurora's temptation would definitely have allowed Pest not to hesitate to respond if it had just been re-summoned by Noah to conclude a deed of affiliation with Noah.

Now, however, Pasteur has more to consider.

“Nah, Aurora.” Pasteur suddenly asked.

“In this simultaneous attack on three regions, East, South and North, which one were you responsible for? ”

Pasteur's sudden questioning made Aurora a surprise, even if she answered honestly.

“Glea and I were in charge of the attack on the South Side, and His Highness and Bell were supposed to go to the South Side, but we changed our plans and moved on to the North Side, where the narcissistic clown was in charge of the attack. ”

Glea is the black vulture beast, the real name of Gerard.

And the narcissistic clown, naturally, refers to Maxwell.

“South Side?” Pace nodded and then opened his face calmly.

“Then you don't know that the double-headed dragon army that you used to attack the East Side, before coming into contact with the fork, was actually blocked by my master on his own? ”

“What... what?” Aurora stunned for a moment, followed by a sip of cool air and a shock.

“Impossible! Except the White Night King! How could anyone in the East Side be able to block the three-headed dragon's split army alone?! There's a first generation of spiritual hierarchies! ”

"It's hard to believe, isn't it?” Pasteur shrugged and mocked himself.

“It was hard for me to believe at first, but that's the truth, otherwise why do you think His Highness was so constrained by the bell? It's because he has more power than we thought! ”

“This...” Aurora doesn't know what to say.

“You should have known.” Pasteur said.

“How can it be easy for someone who can defeat the most powerful pureblood species alone? ”

“But... but the dragon had no reason, and could only rely on wild action to unleash the true fighting power of one of the strongest races in the courtroom.” Aurora denied.

“A pureblooded dragon like that can be dealt with as long as we have the means to do it harm. ”

“As you said, it is necessary to have the means to cause harm.” Pestenschrunn's opening.

“But besides His Highness and the narcissistic clown, who among you can do it? ”

Aurora plugged.

Pasteur, on the other hand, lowered his head and his eyes began to flash.

“Besides, I feel like that's not his limit, he must have hidden more power, and that's what the contract in me tells me. ”

A subordinate contract would have been capable of some resistance when the ruler was stronger than the ruler, but the ruler would have been weakened by the contract.

With this in mind, Pest is able to implicitly feel the power gap between herself and her master through the covenant in her body.

It's a gap that Pasteur can't even touch, just as he can't see the end of the abyss.

Previously, Pasteur had yet to perceive such a gap.

But after really seeing the tip of the iceberg of Noah's power, Pasteur finally felt it.

Intuition tells Pasteur.

If you want to outdo Noah in power, that's almost impossible.

“Besides, subordination to a contract is inherently one of the rules of the box court, and that binding force, even those at the top of the box court that are more than three digits, cannot be defied?” Pasteur said with extreme calm.

“Can those above the Demon King's League really find a way to break this contract? Find a way to disobey the rules of the court? I don't think so. ”

Aurora Laden was silent.

After a while, Aurora sighed.

“So, with all these considerations, our negotiations broke down, right? ”

“Nor are these considerations alone.” Pasteur had a beautiful, evil smile on his face like a poisonous flower.

“More importantly, though reluctant to admit it, I saw more possibilities on that guy than I did on your side, even more than His Highness, in terms of choosing a future, don't you think I should choose who I am? ”

“Really?” Aurora smiled slightly, but that smile was a little cold.

“Do you think this is really a wise choice? ”

“Who knows?” Pasteur put it this way.

“Anyway, I'm now a subordinate of that guy, and that guy won't lose to His Highness, even if it's still far beyond His Highness, so which side would be more advantageous for me to choose, shouldn't it be hard to see? ”

“Is that so?” The smile on Aurora's face disappeared completely, and the harp in her hand sparkled with pungent light.

“In that case, let me make you regret it! ”

“Fine, just let me vent the grievances of being bullied for so long by my miserable master and colleagues!” Pasteur smiled and shook a violent black wind all over his body.

“I look forward to it! Aurora! ”

Another big war, one trigger.


The third battlefield also kicked off between the stars just as Letticia versus Upper Glaea and Pest versus Upper Aurora.

“Buzz ————! ”

Along with the tremors of space, a cold, bitter cold stream of snowstorms falling from the sky and a whistling sound of eardrums, like a waterfall, swept beneath the ground.

There, Noah looked up to the great cold streams that had descended from the sky, and her dark eyes sparkled with some spectacle.

“Cold air? That's more than that, isn't it? ”

Speaking such a sentence, Noah lifted her fists and pounded out heavily against the cold currents that covered the earth, without dragging a punch of water.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The collision of a huge cold stream with a tiny fist actually provoked a heavy burst, causing the entire space between the stars and oceans to be filled with instant cold currents, passing, all tied up with ice.

“Psst! ”

At this point, in the cold flow that was spreading towards the surrounding area, a broken voice sounded and let a shadow burst out of it, flashing in front of Noah for a moment.

The next moment, with a punch of horrible power, it pounded heavily on Noah's head.

When you do, it's a kill move.