Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1385: Two Relatively Invincible Cosmic Views

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Head, gradually regained consciousness.

Open your eyes, Noah just stares at the strange ceiling, and what comes to mind is not his present situation, nor the god Pandora warned, but the battle against the dragon in the last world.

“I didn't expect that lizard to hold Another_Cosmology. ”

Not so familiar with Another_Cosmology.

But now Noah has another_Cosmology.

So, there's a little bit more to this knowledge.

Simply put, "Another_Cosmology", equivalent to a cosmic view, is the mystery of the gods themselves.

Alternatively, it could simply be said that the so-called "Another_Cosmology" is the world itself that builds the gods.

Take Nordic mythology as an example.

The gods of this myth, headed by the Lord Odin, are, in legend, living in the land of the Assad, a world called Asgard.

And one of the Nordic gods' "Another_Cosmology" is "Asgard."

And so on.

The "Olympus" of the Greek gods.

Buddha's Gate "Three Thousand Worlds".

Christian 'paradise'.

The "Heavenly Garden" of the Chinese gods.

Those are one of Another_Cosmology.

In addition, the center of each mythical cosmic view is "Another_Cosmology."

Like The Book of Heaven in the East and The Bible in the West, it's one of "Another_Cosmology."

It is precisely because the Son of Heaven, who holds "Another_Cosmology" at the heart of a myth, has the ability to be the center of the gods and has a cosmic view of itself.

This infinitely expands its own view of the universe, thus interfering with the outside world, even giving the object's view of the universe and world a destructive force, and even being able to surpass the three digits of the box courtroom.

It is conceivable how offensive their power is.

Azda Dhakaha uses Avista, another_Cosmology of fire worship.

That is the expression of the dualism of good and evil that Persian mythology admires.

By defining oneself as the rightmost wing of good and evil, that end of evil, imitate the object's view of the universe as a mirror dwelling on oneself as "Another_Cosmology".

The object imitated by "Asvita", its own performance will be added to the user in its entirety.

Physical abilities, ethnic identities and even the gifts themselves will all be gained by the users of Avista themselves until the imitated object is disengaged from combat and even crushed.

In addition, this "Another_Cosmology", which defines itself as the rightmost wing of good and evil, counteracts the power of the opponent by using the imitated view of the universe as a mirror.

Noah liberated the true name of Excalibur after countless doublings, the power of which was offset by the Triceps' Avista.

In other words, this "Another_Cosmology" not only mimics the power of the opponent and adds it to the user, but also counteracts the opponent's attack, which is a tremendous gift.

Az-Dakaha was able to defeat the Million Gods because of this "Another_Cosmology".

With this Another_Cosmology, no matter how many hostile gods arrive, the more powerful Az-Dakaha is.

Coupled with its own three-digit power, the two overlaps are simply indestructible.

So, Az-Dakaha, who holds this "Another_Cosmology," has the horror of "If you can't win one-on-one, the more pairs you get, the stronger you get."

This is invincible.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

Az-Dakaha's "Avista" has two cosmic views that cannot be imitated in any way.

One is the cosmic view of the same god who worships fire.

One is the human cosmology that is the subject of the final experiment.

There are only two cosmological views, and in any case, Avista cannot be imitated.

Fortunately, Noah's power combines the power of man's own with that of Welleslana, the god of fire worship.

It just so happens to have two cosmological views that Asveta can't emulate.

That's why Noah's powers weren't imitated.

Otherwise, even if Noah is stronger, it won't beat Az-Dakaha.

“By contrast, my" Another_Cosmology "has a lot of power, but it's quite a picky object to use. ”

--" False Star Too Old ".

This is another_Cosmology that Noah got from Garge.

That's the cosmic view of the Chinese mythology group.

The so-called "too old" refers to the Chinese mythological group of Tai Xing who is considered the "fierce star of disaster", the true face of which is the star of a fictional planet that supposedly lies above the inverse position of Jupiter and does not actually exist.

In Chinese mythology, Jupiter is widely believed in the name of the "age star" as the sacred star of the reference for the dividing method of celestial sky "equatorial twelve stars".

In addition, Jupiter was also used as the reference point for astrology by the "Palace of the Twelve Wonder Doors" as the body of Zeus, the supreme god of the Greek gods.

In Chinese mythology, too old is named after a three-sided six-armed figure or a dragon-like figure with a fish.

As a fictitious star too old, in the box courtyard, unlike other stars, there is no reality, so it is described in various forms.

Star Dragon King, who is too old to hide his true identity by changing his posture and name.

That's why "Another_Cosmology" appears in Az-Dakaha's seal.

And the ability of False Star Too Years is to seal the strongest race apart from pureblooded dragons into a fictional world.

If the natural gods and star spirits are rivaled, they can be victorious over all their poor powers.

Conversely, it can only halve the spiritual effect if it is fought against by beings other than the strongest race.

It is unfortunate that the three strongest races have escaped and become the ultimate trials of mankind.

That's why Noah didn't use Another_Cosmology in her battle with Triceps.

And if Az-Dakaha's "Another_Cosmology" had been known, Noah wouldn't have used a treasure with a Celtic mythical cosmic view.

That would change the outcome, wouldn't it?

“No, it won't change.” Noah shook his head in the dark.

“If the essence of Az-Dakaha as the ultimate experiment of mankind is not solved, then the result is the same. ”

After all, without solving this puzzle, the Triceps will be resurrected immediately even if they are killed.

As long as this puzzle is not solved, it is only a matter of time before defeat in the face of an adversary capable of infinite resurrection, capable of nothing like himself.

“What will be the essence? ”

Just as Noah fell into contemplation and couldn't pull herself out, the sound of the door being opened came into his ear.

Noah woke up and turned around and looked at the source.

Just outside the door, a girl with linen and long waist hair walked in slowly from the outside with a first aid kit.