Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1413: An Accidental Release

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Noah, Wyna and Yuri stayed in a hotel just as the rest of the parties took a full-body action because of the appearance of Qi Tian Dasheng.

It has been more than a dozen hours since Qi Tian Da Saint escaped from poverty.

Now, it's nighttime.

Only about thirty minutes after Gan Yuanma reported Qi Tian Dasheng's escape from poverty, the people of the Orthodox History Codification Commission came to the West Heavenly Palace, blockaded the scene and began operations.

Even the police were mobilized because the Commission for the Codification of Orthodox History belonged to an official organization.

As a result, a large number of police cars are now surrounded by the West Heavenly Palace. The entire area of the West Heavenly Palace is sealed off by a cordon. Like any crime scene, there are a large number of police officers in uniform stationed there. The defense cannot be too strict.

Of course, more rigorous, that's also for ordinary people.

For magicians and magicians who possess mysterious powers, breaking through such a scene is easy.

For this reason, almost half of these officers are magicians dressed in costumes.

In addition, there are a large number of covert personnel hiding around the perimeter, on guard, and a large influx of staff into the West Heavenly Palace for the treatment of those killed.

Is that supposed to be a misfortune?

Sun Wukong blew the West Heavenly Palace all over the place. It seems like it's really just a matter of ranking. He doesn't care about the survival of humans.

Because of this, the Qi Tian Da Sheng Nature will not be dedicated to replenishing the human knife. After blowing the people in the West Tian Palace together with the building, he retreated himself.

Given that Qi Tian Dasheng was only aimed at buildings and not at people in Xitian Palace, although some of the victims were seriously injured, none of them actually died and were rescued in time.

In other words, Qi Tian Da Sheng's farce is only aimed at a group of buildings.

Apart from causing extensive damage, there have been no deaths or injuries.

That is undoubtedly good news.

As a result, the rescue operation also encountered little difficulty, taking only about four or five hours, and all of the victims were rescued.

The Committee for the Codification of Orthodox History then began to relocate personnel to investigate the whereabouts of the Holy See.

I just don't know if it's luck or misfortune.

At present, no trace of the Great Holy Spirit has been found.

It also means that there are no other places besides the West Heavenly Palace that have been killed.

That's why it's called not knowing if it's luck or misfortune.

Anyway, the matter of finding someone was taken up by the Codification Commission for Orthodox History.

All Noah has to do is wait until the Codification Commission finds the whereabouts of Qi Tian Dasheng and takes the monkey out of his horse.

So Noah took two witches and stayed in a hotel arranged by the Winter Horse of Gandhi.

In the hotel, Noah thought about dealing with Sun Wukong while telling Yuri and Huina the details of Qi Tian Dasheng's escape from poverty.

After listening to the entire detailed process, the two witches were stunned.

“So the man who freed the Great Sage is the king?” Hui's face was stunned and admired.

“Besides, Wang was amazing when he accidentally released the Great Sage after a fight with his grandfather. ”

“Mr. Noah.” Yuri is a little angry.

“How could you be so impulsive? ”

“What do you mean impulse? Do you want me to suffer the provocation of those two obsolete gods?” Noah rebutted.

“I'm sorry, I can't do that. Those two guys are so upsetting, I didn't make up the knife directly at the end and send them to true Western euphoria, which has given them a lot of face. ”

“Well, Grandpa is really annoying sometimes. Although Huena doesn't have angry memories, they often have headaches because of Grandpa's nature.” Hui Na said in a somewhat outrageous way.

“Instead, Huina was impressed by the King's ability to break the curse of the Holy Prison into a sword. ”

“Why?” Noah asked strangely.

“Is that curse hard to solve? ”

“It's not hard to understand, it's super hard to understand.” Heiner explained.

“Wyna heard that three conditions must be met if the curse of Qi Tian Holy is to be lifted. ”

“The first condition is to make the dragon snake appear.” Huinah said so.

“Because the Great Saint is the God of Steel, the sword God born to conquer the dragon snake, the blood and divine power of the dragon snake can stimulate his power and remind him of the nature of the atrocity. ”

“The second condition is to have a knife with a weakened seal.” Wyna chattered.

“It is said that if you want to break the curse of the monkey goddess and borrow the power of the goddess, you have to let the woman who can weaken the seal to confess, and the woman's power alone is not enough, and you need to cooperate with the same sword that weakens the seal, the sword will be kept by the Jiufa Tsuka family. ”

“And the third condition is that the wizard with the power of evil hold the knife, use the power of spirit, and cut the seal open.” Wyna said to Noah.

“It is the ability to erase, or restore, mysteries such as spells, spells, magic and magic that should not exist in this world, but it has little effect on the power of God and the God-fearing, and can be offered to the princess of the Divine Monarch, who must possess this ability to use the sword, weaken the seal, and use the power of the Divine Monarch. ”

It is precisely because of such rare abilities that the Jiufa Tsukasa family has been unable to find a witch with such abilities for nearly a hundred years to serve the Holy Spirit of Heaven.

It is precisely because the conditions for unsealing the seal are so complicated, only when the dragon serpent appears, Qi Tian Dasheng can temporarily escape from sleep and come out to slaughter the dragon to exterminate the snake.

“However, according to Grandpa, even if the seal is lifted, after some time, the curse will be restored and Qi Tian Da Shen will be sealed back to Xitian Palace.” Wyna's efforts recall the information she received from Suzo's man.

“Such a curse, capable of imprisoning and manipulating even his gods to a certain degree, is said to have been consumed by unseen elders and took almost a lifetime to complete. ”

“Anyone wishing to lift this curse must follow the method of lifting it.” Wyna looked up to Noah with admiration.

“As a result, Wang broke the whole curse violently all at once. It was too powerful. ”

Noah couldn't help laughing.

Noah had no idea that the curse of imprisoning Qi Tian Holy was so complex and powerful.

The wisdom of the elders who gathered the unseen took the equivalent of a lifetime to complete the great spell.

No wonder they are incarcerated and given a certain degree of domination.

Unfortunately, even if the curse is stronger, after all, it is only the boundary and seal that make up the cage.

There is no reason why boundaries and seals cannot be broken in the face of the forces that can open the world and open the heavens and the earth.

Rather, it is precisely because the curse of imprisoning Qi Tian Da Sheng is a junction that the treasure called "Good Forward Sword (EA)" can be removed with one blow.

After all, Easy Sword is the treasure of the other side.

“It just didn't occur to me that even the sky clouds were destroyed.” Yuri looked at Huena, hesitated for a moment, then spoke softly.

“Wyna, this shouldn't affect you, should it? ”

“It's okay, it's okay.” Huinah waved at will.

“Although without the kamikaze, I will surely undermine some of my strength, but I can use the technique of" ask God to come "to use Grandpa's power, even if I can't fight God, I won't lose to anyone else. ”


Even without the clouds of the sky, with Wyna's "Please come to God" technique, we can still gain the same power as the divine ancestors and beasts.

This is the real violation of the witch's head.

Of course, as I said.

Again, that's no better than God and the God-killer.

At this point, a knock sounded up.

Noah, Yuri and Heiner looked at each other at the same time.

Only then did the Kampong Winter Horse open the door and walk in through the door.

And as soon as he came in, he said something like that.

“Wang, Qi Tian Da Sheng, I'm afraid you won't have to do it. ”

Such a phrase completely stuck Noah.